View Full Version : Lost my English Springer yesterday....

07-24-10, 14:24
After two years of fighting seizures, my 9yr old Springer (Molly) left us.

She started having massive seizures at 5AM yesterday. We held here still till they ended and then gave her some medication that usually stops them. It worked for awhile, but not fully and she struggled for hours on end to get through them. Finally at about 3:00 my wife went to the vet to get some different meds to better help her. She was alone if the house till about 4:15 when I came in to check on here. The minute I walked in the house I felt something wasn't right. I guestimate that she passed away about 45 minutes prior to me having come in.

I fell to my knees and rubbed her body and called her name. I apologized to her for not being there in her final hour and told her that she was a good dog and that I loved her. I thanked her for being so protective of her family and that I had the opportunity to spend 9 wonderful years with her. I prayed to GOD that he would accept her into HEAVEN and would let her run in fields of gold.

I went and got my male Springer so he could see her and know that she had passed. He sniffed at her for a minute and then laid down next to her. Later that night (after we had moved her), I found him laying in the spot where she died.


Rest In Peace my sweet Molly.


07-24-10, 14:27
Damn. Sorry to hear that Grant. Bailey is going to be lost.

07-24-10, 14:29
Dude, I just lost my boy King the German Shepherd in December. Burying him in a blizzard was one of the roughest things I've done.

I know it sounds callous but if there's room in your household for another dog, get one and do it soon. I adopted a Belgian Malinois that needed a home off of Craigslist and am very happy though I still miss my boy King.

07-24-10, 14:35
I'm sorry for your loss. She looks like an awful sweet girl.

07-24-10, 14:37
I read this over my dog's grave:

Epitaph to a Dog

Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.

Robb Jensen
07-24-10, 14:50
Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

07-24-10, 14:50
I have lost two dogs in the past couple years (one was 16 and the other 14), so I know the pain. A good dog truly is a gift from God. I am really sorry for your loss.

Jay Cunningham
07-24-10, 14:53
Very sorry to hear about your dog, Grant.

Best wishes.

07-24-10, 14:54
Grant, our sympathies... we're dog people, too (Greyhounds) and have lost too many.

07-24-10, 14:56
My last dog died out of the blue a few years ago. Really strange, went to sleep and when I woke up I found out the dog had died a few minutes before that. Didn't feel as sad as I just felt empty, still feel a bit empty to this day.

07-24-10, 15:13
She was a family member. I am sorry to hear of her passing. Few things in this world, are as pure and as true as the love a dog gives to her family.

Prayers sent for her and your family. I know the boys must miss her a great deal as well. :(

07-24-10, 15:28
My condolences to you and your family. She sure was a beautiful girl.

Kentucky Cop
07-24-10, 15:43
Hang in there Grant! You have a rough week ahead of you......

Thinking about you.


07-24-10, 16:04
Hang in there Grant! You have a rough week ahead of you......

Thinking about you.


I don't know. This is the first dog I have ever had die and man is it rough.

Thanks to all for the kind words.


07-24-10, 16:14
prayers to your family :)

its rough for sure I have had pets most my life but the joy and love they bring in those years they are with us is amazing

07-24-10, 16:17
There is a dog out there that needs a home and that wants to be part of your family, guaranteed.

07-24-10, 16:21
It sucks. I know from experience. My Rocky is getting up there in years...losing him will suck worse than the other dogs lost in the past.

In the end all you can do is what you do with people...love them while they are here, do the best you can for them when they're leaving this plane of existence, and be glad you got to spend the time you did with them.

I also heartily recommend getting another dog ASAP. A puppy is the best way to handle the loss of a cherrished dog. They never replace the beloved pet...but they help.

07-24-10, 16:36
So sorry for your loss Grant.

I have a website dedicated to my dog that died and still have not been able to scatter his ashes. In my first round of divorce negotiations I put in the documents that I got Dax's ashes and all of his gear... love dogs... I always have pity for people who don't understand the joy of having a relationship with a good dog... especially a good bird dog or cattle dog.


07-24-10, 17:02
Grant, sorry to hear about the loss of your four-legged friend.

07-24-10, 17:07
Sorry about your loss Grant. Its hard but you'll get through it.

I lost my little buddy (a terrier/dachshund mix) last December and it was rough for awhile. I still have his collar on my ruck sack. I'm finally at the point where I'm ready to get another dog.

Heavy Metal
07-24-10, 17:22
I am really sorry for your family's loss Grant.

Pets have a way of becoming as much a part of the family as any person and their loss can be just as profound.

Was this the one that loved those Crimson Trace demonstrators you have?

07-24-10, 17:43
Sorry for your loss. My dog Ziggy died in the winter of 2005. I still miss him. :(

Mr. Smith
07-24-10, 18:05
God love you and yours brother.

Hope you are ok

Sorry for your loss

07-24-10, 18:21
Hey Grant,

Condolences - they are family. I still worry about my 15yr old sheltie and know it is just a matter of time, but she is the wife's and myself's first - right after we were married.

GotM4's story is the best. Prayers for the best.

07-24-10, 18:29
GotM4's story is the best.

+1 I pray pretty often that someday I will be reunited with my dogs on the other side. As Littlebowski pointed out in his Epitaph to a Dog, a good dog truly does have all the best virtues of Man without his vices.

07-24-10, 18:46

Sorry about your dog. I have an field bres ESS too. She is the best dog I've ever had. It will take a long time but soon you will remember the more of the good times than the tough times at the end.

When my Dad died there had been six or eight of us in his room for days. We all left and had dinner with my great Aunts. When we returned my Father had died, alone. I had a tough time with that. Following traing on death notinfication with a counselor I shared my story. She told me she thought my Dad held on until I arrived home from my honeymoon so he could say good bye. He was not able to talk when I visited him. He knew it was me. I held his had and was able to tell him I Loved Him. You did things right Molly knew she was loved.

Army Chief
07-24-10, 19:28
I suspect that a majority here has dealt with a similar loss in the past, and it is hard to overstate just how difficult and dark these hours of loss are. Even now, it is one of those things that draws immediate and very genuine empathy.

Perspective will be in short supply for quite some time -- as it probably should be -- but in the end, the pain of today will yield to fond memories of the many yesterdays when Molly was a member of the family. Sounds like you blessed to have her, and despite the loss, this is a time not only for sadness, but also for a healthy measure of gratefulness.

Few things in life bring as much effortless pleasure as a great dog, and there isn't a thing in the world wrong with shedding a few bittersweet tears, even as you remember her and, inevitably, find yourself smiling again.


07-24-10, 20:22
sorry grant...i just lost my 9yr old lab and was wreck for a few days.

some day i'll share the whole story as it's one for the books but still stings.

07-24-10, 20:41
Condolences from our family to yours Grant. It is so hard when we lose such great companions. All I can say that what has helped me/us in the past, is to remind myself what a great life we gave our pets and what wonderful memories they gave us, and after a few weeks really think about getting another great companion to give a great life to.

Someone once said "I can only hope to be half the man my dog thinks I am". I like that and it speaks volumes about man's best friend.

07-24-10, 20:59
look at the silver lining..............you feel this bad because you had such a good rapport with your friend. Though it hurts now..your life is better because he was in it. So give him a silent word of thanks, and remember to pass on what he gave you, to the next 4 legged friend that comes into your life.

07-24-10, 21:13
It is a deeply terrible feeling, I also know. Been there several times over.

But remember that you are fortunate in some ways, as you have a caring wife and family around you. To some they are everything, so when they go under those circumstances it's even worse.

Just trying to help you see a positive, buddy. It will get better.

07-24-10, 21:22
Im sorry for your loss Grant. Prayers to you and long life and health to your other pup!

Matthew 5:4

07-24-10, 21:59
Sorry for your loss Grant, It is strange how a man can love a dog and truly mourn it's loss as if it was his child. I guess their is a spiritual bond between men and their dogs.

07-24-10, 22:00
I am really sorry about your lost Grant, I can only imagine how you feel right now. stay strong, you will get thru it.

07-24-10, 23:19
Sorry to hear of your loss.

07-25-10, 00:01

My condolences to you bud. May your grief be expedited as quickly as possible and replaced with 9 years of wonderful memories. Please try not to beat yourself up for not being there at the end. She knew she was loved. THAT is what matters. From being on here it sounds like you have a great family. They will be there for you and thank God for that. I am sure you have some great friends who know you and respect you and they've got your back with prayers and support. Like me, there are many more on M4C that don't know you personally but respect you and will have you and your family in our prayers.


07-25-10, 00:09
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Having lost two dogs myself in my lifetime, I can relate. It is very hard. Stay strong.

Prayers sent for you and your family.

07-25-10, 11:05
sorry to hear about this, grant. my condolences.

07-25-10, 11:13
So very sorry to hear of your loss Grant, animal friends are the most devoted and true friends you'll ever have.

07-25-10, 16:25
So sorry to hear that. I dread the day when my angel in a dog suite leaves me. We have went many a mile together just as you Molly probably have. There is no replacing them, but I am sure you and your family gave Molly 9 wonderful years full of love. I know those 9 years will never be forgotten and will be treasured. Dogs are the best friends.

07-25-10, 16:30
Thanks for all the PM's E-mails and posts.

I am going to close this thread now as it is hard for me to keep seeing her picture.
