View Full Version : New baby and a free sitter!

07-24-10, 15:59
Had a daughter on the 14th (everybody's happy and healthy). Brought her home and Nacho, my Belgian Malinois of mine has appointed himself her guardian. If she moves, he's up. If she cries, he's alerting the parents and whining. He whines if she hiccoughs. He sleeps next to her crib, almost touching it. He won't let the cat or the other dog near the baby. He likes to rest his chin on the crib and watch her :D

Needless to say, I'm very pleased about this.






07-24-10, 17:09
Congratulations to you and Momma on your new daughter!

Great dog, great photos!


07-24-10, 17:12
Very nice. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new bundle of joy to your family!

07-24-10, 17:45
Congrats bro! :)

07-24-10, 17:47
Congrats! My dog does the same thing, it's awesome.

07-24-10, 19:37
congrats! my cat and 2.5 yr old are just now getting a long.

careful, those lil girls are great at stealing hearts :dirol:

07-24-10, 21:05
congrats on the new addition, and happy to hear everyone is doing well. Animals can be strange around infants/young ones, sometimes they ignore them, other times they adopt them; glad to hear Nacho is taking a personal interest. Sounds like a good combination:p

07-24-10, 21:14
Congrats LL! Daughters are awesome.

(and so are good dogs)

07-24-10, 21:35
Congrats on your new baby. I have a Malinois, he is my K9 partner.

Best dog you can get if you put some work in with them.

07-24-10, 21:44
Mine's working out great. They definitely need someone who's prepared to keep them working and someone who can handle an intelligent, highly driven, athletic dog. This is not a Lab that will sit around the house all day. I like him a lot but still miss my old GSD.

Mine wears out faster from ball work/play than actually exercising.

Not a bad Craigslist rescue dog, eh cop1211? :D

07-24-10, 21:44
congrats :) very cool how animals can act as a true family member :)

07-24-10, 21:55
Congratulations to you and wifey brother, i will have to meet the little one when i get back.
She looks beautiful!!!!!!

07-24-10, 21:59
Mine's working out great. They definitely need someone who's prepared to keep them working and someone who can handle an intelligent, highly driven, athletic dog. This is not a Lab that will sit around the house all day. I like him a lot but still miss my old GSD.

Mine wears out faster from ball work/play than actually exercising.

Not a bad Craigslist rescue dog, eh cop1211? :D

That is an awesome rescue dog. He looks very similiar to mine.

07-25-10, 00:13
She's a little cutie! :)

That is great, to have such a vigilant guardian. Congrats on the birth of such a wonderful little girl.

07-25-10, 00:15
Congratulations to you and wifey brother, i will have to meet the little one when i get back.
She looks beautiful!!!!!!

You do that. We'll put some chow on for ya.

07-25-10, 00:41
Congrats Lil, you are one lucky man!!!!!

07-25-10, 09:01
Congrats LL - the bond between father and daughter is something special!

Take a good look and study your right hand pinky very carefully. That is what that bundle of joy will use for the rest of her life to totally control your life :D

07-25-10, 09:09
You have a lovely baby girl...congrats bro! Your dog is awesome as well.:cool:

07-25-10, 09:19
Thanks, guys. Ya know, it's a bit more work but it's not hard to keep a positive attitude.

07-25-10, 09:56
Congratulations. She'll have a personal body guard every were she goes. One less thing to worry about. Good to here everyones healthy and that their weren't any complications.

07-25-10, 10:30
There's always Malinois defense mode :D


07-25-10, 10:43

Dogs are really great. My mom was telling me of my uncle's dog who acted much like yours is with your new daughter, the interesting thing was he started his guardianship when my aunt was pregnant.

It unnerved some people when she went to answer the door and he would walk out and sit himself squarely between her and whoever she was talking with.

Again my friend, congrats on the healthy addition to your family.


07-25-10, 10:58
congrats! when my son was born, i acted exactly like your dog. :)

07-25-10, 11:03
congrats! when my son was born, i acted exactly like your dog. :)

Yeah, I'm doing that as well :D

Dad's got a list of sex offenders nearby and the Belgian Malinois is being trained on their pictures :cool:

07-25-10, 12:05
Congrats on the new addition. :cool:

07-25-10, 12:08
There's always Malinois defense mode :D


Awesome video, bad ass dogs.

07-25-10, 12:21
Yeah, I'm doing that as well :D

Dad's got a list of sex offenders nearby and the Belgian Malinois is being trained on their pictures :cool:

I knew you'd already have a range card, with the distances lased to the foot.

That LAI training pays off. ;)

07-25-10, 21:58
I knew you'd already have a range card, with the distances lased to the foot.

That LAI training pays off. ;)

Yup :D Primaries and secondaries plotted for indirect :D

OK, guys can't help posting these two.



07-25-10, 22:25
Hehehe!! That's a keeper! Make sure you save that picture to show her, years from now.

Thanks for posting that, photos of kids and dogs always make me smile and chuckle.

07-26-10, 15:27
Yup :D Primaries and secondaries plotted for indirect :D

OK, guys can't help posting these two.



These are awesome. Beautiful girl (and good looking dog) you have there...congratulations.

07-26-10, 18:32
Yup :D Primaries and secondaries plotted for indirect :D

OK, guys can't help posting these two.


Wow, thats the cutest picture I've scene in ages. You are a blessed man.

Dirk Williams
07-27-10, 11:45
Love the pic's, brings back really really special moments in my life. Being a father is by far the best job Ive ever had. My youngest just space A'ed back to McCord AFB Saturday from Germany.

Shes 25 now, those picture make me realize that it was truly yesterday when she was that tiny and bringing so much joy into my life.

Congratulations to you and your wife.

D Williams

07-27-10, 16:20
That is awesome!!

Congratulations to you both!! :dance3:

07-27-10, 16:43
I will post the pic of my dog laying with my daughter when I get home, very similar, too funny. :D


07-27-10, 18:11
Congratulations Lebowski on the little one.. Seems you have a well tempered pup. Those are some nice shots of your kids.. ;)

07-27-10, 21:56
Congrats man.

Gutshot John
07-27-10, 22:06
Congratulations on your daughter it's amazing how the pack mindset perseveres.