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View Full Version : Reporter Tries to Make You Feel Bad for AZ Law - Doesn't Work

07-25-10, 18:00

Aw, shucks, those poor illegal immigrants have to leave AZ!

Wait a minute, I don't care. I hope VA gets the same law!


07-25-10, 21:49
Gente de todo el mundo son bienvenidos, sólo requieren que se siga la ley al cruzar la frontera para establecer su residencia. El no hacerlo es un delito

07-25-10, 22:00

Aw, shucks, those poor illegal immigrants have to leave AZ!

Wait a minute, I don't care. I hope VA gets the same law!



07-26-10, 05:45
Maryland isn't exactly tough on undocumented workers...


07-26-10, 06:29
Interesting little story. A few days ago we took off for a little drive up to the four corners area. On the way up we saw at least 2 families that appeared to be Hispanic with their vehicles totally loaded down (to include the trailer) which was overloaded headed out of state.

It made me think about an article that I read as well as a recent news story on the local TV station that stated alot of Hispanics are fleeing the state before the law takes effect. Don't know if this truly was the case, but it does show that there are some people leaving.

It also shows that the problem is going to migrate to other places and not go away unitl the federal government truly addresses the issue.

07-26-10, 09:37

07-26-10, 12:13
Maryland isn't exactly tough on undocumented workers...


Oh I know...You'll never find me defending this state here.....

Alex V
07-26-10, 12:14
"Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving," said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania. "We have no alternative. They have us cornered."

Um... how about not comming into the country illegaly, or since you are already here, going the f*ck back to Mexico!

So they are going to go to NM and TX. Hopefully those states pass the same law, they will just go elsewere... how about go back to where you came from and try to come to the US leggaly?

My family had to wait years to get permission to come to the US from the USSR... so can they.

07-26-10, 13:29
Yay...looking forward to even MORE of them in Vegas :mad:


07-26-10, 15:32

Nicely said Curly Bill :)

07-26-10, 15:34
Yay...looking forward to even MORE of them in Vegas :mad:


We need to set up an NV/AZ border guard crossing.

07-27-10, 12:22
Text of article:

Migrants sell up, flee Arizona ahead of crackdown

By Tim Gaynor Tim Gaynor – Mon Jul 26, 3:30 pm ET

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Nicaraguan mother Lorena Aguilar hawks a television set and a few clothes on the baking sidewalk outside her west Phoenix apartment block.

A few paces up the street, her undocumented Mexican neighbor Wendi Villasenor touts a kitchen table, some chairs and a few dishes as her family scrambles to get out of Arizona ahead of a looming crackdown on illegal immigrants.

"Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving," said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania. "We have no alternative. They have us cornered."

The two women are among scores of illegal immigrant families across Phoenix hauling the contents of their homes into the yard this weekend as they rush to sell up and get out before the state law takes effect on Thursday.

The law, the toughest imposed by any U.S. state to curb illegal immigration, seeks to drive more than 400,000 undocumented day laborers, landscapers, house cleaners, chambermaids and other workers out of Arizona, which borders Mexico.

It makes being an illegal immigrant a state crime and requires state and local police, during lawful contact, to investigate the status of anyone they reasonably suspect of being an illegal immigrant.

The U.S. government estimates 100,000 unauthorized migrants left Arizona after the state passed an employer sanctions law three years ago requiring companies to verify workers' status using a federal computer system. There are no figures for the number who have left since the new law passed in April.

Some are heading back to Mexico or to neighboring states. Others are staying put and taking their chances.

In a sign of a gathering exodus, Mexican businesses from grocers and butcher shops to diners and beauty salons have shut their doors in recent weeks as their owners and clients leave.

On Saturday and Sunday, Reuters counted dozens of impromptu yard sales in Latino neighborhoods in central and west Phoenix/

"They wanted to drive Hispanics out of Arizona and they have succeeded even before the law even comes into effect," said Aguilar, 28, a mother of three young children who was also offering a few cherished pictures and a stereo at one of five sales on the same block.

She said she had taken in just $20 as "everyone is selling and nobody wants to buy."


Arizona straddles the principal highway for human and drug smugglers heading into the United States from Mexico.

The state's Republican governor, Jan Brewer, signed the law in April in a bid to curb violence and cut crime stemming from illegal immigration.

Polls show the measure is backed by a solid majority of Americans and by 65 percent of Arizona voters in this election year for some state governors, all of the U.S. House of Representatives and about a third of the 100-seat Senate.

Opponents say the law is unconstitutional and a recipe for racial profiling. It is being challenged in seven lawsuits, including one filed by President Barack Obama's administration, which wants a preliminary injunction to block the law.

A federal judge heard arguments from the lawyers for the Justice Department and Arizona on Thursday and could rule at any time.

The fight over the Arizona law has complicated the White House's effort to break the deadlock with Republicans in Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration law, an already difficult task before November's elections.

While the law targets undocumented migrants, legal residents and their U.S.-born children are getting caught up in the rush to leave Arizona.

Mexican housewife Gabriela Jaquez, 37, said she is selling up and leaving for New Mexico with her husband, who is a legal resident, and two children born in Phoenix.

"Under the law, if you transport an illegal immigrant, you are committing a crime," she said as she sold children's clothes at a yard sale with three other families. "They could arrest him for driving me to the shops."

Lunaly Bustillos, a legal resident from Mexico, hoped to sell some clothes, dumbbells and an ornamental statue on Sunday before her family heads for Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Monday.

"It makes me sad and angry too because I feel I have the right to be here," said Bustillos, 17, who recently graduated from high school in Phoenix.

(Editing by John O'Callaghan)

07-27-10, 15:12
Lunaly Bustillos, a legal resident from Mexico, hoped to sell some clothes, dumbbells and an ornamental statue on Sunday before her family heads for Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Monday.

"It makes me sad and angry too because I feel I have the right to be here,"

This s**te passes for reporting? Really?

07-27-10, 15:18
I know many people that have struggled, saved, done the paperwork to come to the United States, LEGALLY. These folks are from Germany, South Africa, Ethiopia, Hungary and Laos.

They all came here the legal way, and all are upstanding citizens. It's simply infuriating that "some folks" get a free pass when it comes to being here in the United States ILLEGALLY, while others would be put back on a plane to Leipzig, Budapest or Pretoria is they were here illegally and were caught. :mad:

The double standards & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days is beyond belief.......

07-27-10, 15:27
I know many people that have struggled, saved, done the paperwork to come to the United States, LEGALLY. These folks are from Germany, South Africa, Ethiopia, Hungary and Laos.

They all came here the legal way, and all are upstanding citizens. It's simply infuriating that "some folks" get a free pass when it comes to being here in the United States ILLEGALLY, while others would be put back on a plane to Leipzig, Budapest or Pretoria is they were here illegally and were caught. :mad:

The double standards & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days is beyond belief.......

That's the real sin in all this. We don't have an immigration problem, we have an illegal Mexican problem. It needs to be called for what it is.

The border between the USA and Mexico needs to be locked down. All illegals need to be deported, and apply for citizenship the legal way. I dont give two shits if they have been here for 10 years and have 4 kids. Illegal activity should not be rewarded, neither should the fruit of illegal activity.

Why Mexicans get a double standard, I dont know. Hell, I had a math professor many years ago whose family was hacked up by machetes, African style. His entire family from great grandparents to siblings. He still had to wait and get here the legal way, and he had a lot to say about this whole amnesty for Mexicans concept.

07-27-10, 16:24
I know many people that have struggled, saved, done the paperwork to come to the United States, LEGALLY. These folks are from Germany, South Africa, Ethiopia, Hungary and Laos.

They all came here the legal way, and all are upstanding citizens. It's simply infuriating that "some folks" get a free pass when it comes to being here in the United States ILLEGALLY, while others would be put back on a plane to Leipzig, Budapest or Pretoria is they were here illegally and were caught. :mad:

The double standards & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days is beyond belief.......

Yup. It took my brother almost 10-years to finally obtain his Green Card. And he was here legally under a Working Visa. He was also working and paying taxes the whole time!!

07-28-10, 23:47
The bill will not take effect in its entirety due to Judge Bolton.

07-29-10, 01:16
We need to set up an NV/AZ border guard crossing.

It'd be easy to set up a roadblock at the dam. Oh wait, we already have one. So much for that idea.

07-29-10, 01:31
Well it's not just Mexicans. There are also plenty of hispanics from Central and South America illegally in the U.S as well.

That's the real sin in all this. We don't have an immigration problem, we have an illegal Mexican problem. It needs to be called for what it is.

The border between the USA and Mexico needs to be locked down. All illegals need to be deported, and apply for citizenship the legal way. I dont give two shits if they have been here for 10 years and have 4 kids. Illegal activity should not be rewarded, neither should the fruit of illegal activity.

Why Mexicans get a double standard, I dont know. Hell, I had a math professor many years ago whose family was hacked up by machetes, African style. His entire family from great grandparents to siblings. He still had to wait and get here the legal way, and he had a lot to say about this whole amnesty for Mexicans concept.

07-29-10, 01:38
Maybe someone should tell this dumbass reporter that "hawks" are a type of bird, and "hocks" or hocking is actually to be in debt or in a state of pawn (which is what he meant). A smart person would have just said "sells" her stuff since she isn't getting a damn pawn ticket.

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Nicaraguan mother Lorena Aguilar hawks a television set and a few clothes on the baking sidewalk outside her west Phoenix apartment block. A few paces up the street, her undocumented Mexican neighbor Wendi Villasenor touts a kitchen table, some chairs and a few dishes as her family scrambles to get out of Arizona ahead of a looming crackdown on illegal immigrants.

07-29-10, 04:32
"Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving," said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania.

PA doesn't want you.