View Full Version : I am starting to think things are completely out of control.

07-27-10, 09:47
Chuck Norris
Obama's US Assassination Program?

Sound too conspiratorial to be true? Like the cover-up ops of spy novels? Well, it's reality. And it is possibly the most bizarre, inhumane and abusive way that the White House is expanding its power over the American people.

It's not an extremist belief or theory of the far right. It's a fact that has been confirmed by The New York Times, The Washington Post and MSNBC and even documented by the far-left online magazine Salon.com.

And it's the gravest nightmare of U.S. citizens and abandonment of our Constitution to date: a presidential assassination program in which U.S. citizens are in the literal scopes of the executive branch based upon nothing more than allegations of terrorism involvement as the branch defines it.

Of course, the CIA has executed covert assassinations of foreigners for decades. But tragically, Obama is expanding this program to include American, non-Islamic, stateside, homegrown terrorists.

It all started in January, when The Washington Post reported: "As part of the operations, Obama approved a Dec. 24 strike against a (Yemeni) compound where a U.S. citizen, Anwar al-Aulaqi, was thought to be meeting with other regional al-Qaeda leaders. Although he was not the focus of the strike and was not killed, he has since been added to a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing or capture."

"A shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing"?

That's right. No arrest. No Miranda rights. No due process. No trial. Just a bullet.

While the Obama administration continues its Bush-blaming for the economy, it is mega-morphing Bush policy in covert ops overseas, which was, according to the Post, "to kill U.S. citizens abroad if strong evidence existed that an American was involved in organizing or carrying out terrorist actions against the United States or U.S. interests."

Well, in recent weeks, the Obama administration has taken this overseas killing op to a new low: stateside assassinations.

A former director of national intelligence, Adm. Dennis Blair, confessed before Congress: "We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence community. If we think that direct action will involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that."

If you are wondering who the "we" are to whom Adm. Blair refers, they are Smith, Wesson and the White House.

Now we know what deputy national security adviser John Brennan meant when he admitted in May, "And under President Obama, we have built upon the work of the previous administration and have accelerated efforts in many areas." (Remember when Bush's eavesdropping on U.S. citizens seemed harsh?)

Brennan further explained then that the problem of homegrown terrorists ranks as a top priority because of the increasing number of U.S. individuals who have become "captivated by extremist ideology or causes." He went on to say, "There are ... dozens of U.S. persons who are in different parts of the world and ... are very concerning to us."

Do you think "different parts of the world" doesn't include their country of origin?

Conveniently, the Obama administration also is integrating a pervasive plan to ensure the termination of radicals as the feds deem them abroad and domestic, too, with the resurrection of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, introduced by Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif. Also known as H.R. 1955, it was passed in the House by the Democratic majority but was rejected by the Senate.

Everyone thought that legislation was dead until the Obama administration resurrected its tenets in its 52-page "National Security Strategy," released in May. So alarming is the feds' potential abuse of power that officials from London to the Kremlin are recognizing the threat to U.S. citizens.

The European Union Times reported, "Foreign Ministry reports circulating in the Kremlin today are warning that an already explosive situation in the United States is about to get a whole lot worse as a new law put forth by President Obama is said capable of seeing up to 500,000 American citizens jailed for the crime of opposing their government."

Woodrow Wilson, during his reign as president, incarcerated more than 2,000 U.S. citizens for speaking out against the government. And now for the first time since, a U.S. president is highlighting the threats of homegrown terror and literally hunting U.S. citizens as terrorists. One senior administration official said, "For the first time since 9/11, the (national security strategy) integrates homeland security and national security."

And what type of "integration" does that entail?

President Obama explained in an often overlooked statement within the "National Security Strategy": "We are now moving beyond traditional distinctions between homeland and national security. ... This includes a determination to prevent terrorist attacks against the American people by fully coordinating the actions that we take abroad with the actions and precautions that we take at home."

Could it be any clearer? Right out of the horse's mouth. Or do I need to spell out what "fully coordinating the actions that we take abroad with the actions and precautions that we take at home" means?

Remember the words "a shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing"?

That's right. No arrest. No Miranda rights. No due process. No trial. Just a bullet.

In Part 2 next week, I will give further evidence of "Obama's U.S. assassination program" and explain why I say the administration is going after non-Islamic stateside radicals. Check out other reasons I oppose the Obama administration in my new PSA ("patriot service announcement") at http://www.BlackBeltPatriotism.com.


07-27-10, 09:48
Error 404 Due Process Not Found

07-27-10, 09:51
For emphasis:

"A shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing"?


Well, in recent weeks, the Obama administration has taken this overseas killing op to a new low: stateside assassinations.

While I think that all 550,000 (or whatever the current number is) foreigners on the terrorist watch list should be disposed of by the appropriate DoD personnel, I wonder what value our Constitution has if the government can simply assassinate / execute U.S. citizens located within the U.S. Doesn't that make us quite similar to the evil East Germany of the cold war?

07-27-10, 10:34
While I think that all 550,000 (or whatever the current number is) foreigners on the terrorist watch list should be disposed of by the appropriate DoD personnel, I wonder what value our Constitution has if the government can simply assassinate / execute U.S. citizens located within the U.S. Doesn't that make us quite similar to the evil East Germany of the cold war?

Living in a DDR / USSR type of country is what the leftists want, apparently.

07-27-10, 10:38
I seem to remember that this has been done before by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. Or am I mistaken about this? :secret:

07-27-10, 12:26
Are the first two words on this topic really "Chuck Norris"?

Thanks for a valid source. Now I can post the paper I have detailing how to build cold fusion engines written by Van Damme!

07-27-10, 14:21
I don't even want to type something like that into Google to verify, how many lists will my ass get on using words like that lol.

07-27-10, 14:35
I don't even want to type something like that into Google to verify, how many lists will my ass get on using words like that lol.

I went to the publications he mentioned and searched there. the articles and columns are there.

07-27-10, 15:56
you are not alone in thinking things are so wacked and seem to be getting worse ?

I try to look at what many went through in WWII and what they must have thought etc.. and my only hope is they came out of it ? well some of them sadly did not ! and from that I realize that it can happen again !!!

and when people say OH we learned our lesson it will never happen today !! I laugh and think SURE we did and look at how many did not see 9/11 coming or think it would happen and then I say and look how many Americans forgot 9/11 already !!!

07-27-10, 17:36
you are not alone in thinking things are so wacked and seem to be getting worse ?
For you youngsters I will point out that as bad as thing seem currently the decade of the 60s was much, much worse, IMO.

For those that don't know or don't recall, in the turbulent 60s we had several major assassinations in the US:

-June 12, 1963 – Medgar Evers, an NAACP field secretary,
-November 22, 1963 – John F. Kennedy, President of USA,
-April 4, 1968 – Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, and
-June 5, 1968 – Robert F. Kennedy, United States Senator.

And numerous deadly student riots, black riots and prison riots. I can recall that I thought the world as I knew it was totally falling apart and that I probably wouldn't live to see 1970. And this was all at home right here in the US. Crazy times, indeed!

I am not saying it might not happen again, but compared to the 60s things seem comparatively peaceful to me here in the US now, not that I am happy with current affairs.

07-27-10, 23:35
This administration is literally at war with our country in many ways. It's implementing the foundation for what will eventually evolve into a communist dictatorship. Obama despises this nation and it's founding principals and is hell bent on dismantling it.

07-28-10, 00:11
Austin I hear ya
sounds like you are older than me ;) I am only 46

but I think in my eyes and knowing history the thing that is the problem is the gov is much larger in much more power and the public seems blind at least many of them ?

the press was not as corrupt and in for CHANGE as they are now
the gov did not run health care the car companies the banks and could not just step in and take over who ever they felt like we were not as in debt the list goes on and on

so while some bad stuff happened it was more fringe in the U.S. where now things are in place for it to go really south really quick

curious your thoughts :) as this is what I mean and yes times were wacked back then it was the start of things

but in the 60s groups like the weather underground were trying things blowing things up killing people etc..
now they are in power and realize they can do this from the white house and gov side which is whats scary the radicals are now in power !!!!!!

07-28-10, 03:00
This administration is literally at war with our country in many ways.

Are you talking about the Bush administration? Cause your quote is what I heard coming from the Left when he was in office. Verbatim.

Get over yourself guys. It's not "OBAMA" it's not "BUSH", this is contemporary American politics, it's been this way since Reagan.

07-28-10, 03:10
Get over yourself guys. It's not "OBAMA" it's not "BUSH", this is contemporary American politics, it's been this way since Reagan.

Yeah but you guys were hysterical, Obama really could be the devil.

07-28-10, 04:29
curious your thoughts
Without question the role of our government is changing and not in a good way, IMO. It is really just simple math. The have nots (don't work, don't pay FIT) have a higher birth rate (i.e., produce more potential voters) than the haves (do work, do pay FIT) do. What is happening is actually very logical even if disturbing.

But at least the current environment is not violent as it was in the 60s. And why no violent protests of our current prolonged war which has no real end in sight? Simple, we had the draft in the 60s. As a society today we are perfectly happy to send someone else's kids off to war so long as we don't have to send our own; although, many people are starting to get tired of having to pay for it.

07-28-10, 05:04

Your comment about math is very true. They breed like rats and their birthrate is far higher than the average birthrate of those who are responsible and productive citizens. The result will be sheer numbers.

I've said for years that if you're on welfare or any form of gov't support you should not be allowed to vote - you forfeit that right when you agree to accept handouts. Otherwise welfare is nothing more than buying votes from the leaches who will perpetually vote for the hand that feeds them.

07-28-10, 08:14
Otherwise welfare is nothing more than buying votes from the leaches who will perpetually vote for the hand that feeds them.

Karl Marx said something like that, although his take was that welfare was bribing the have nots to not rebel.

07-28-10, 08:35
Karl Marx said something like that, although his take was that welfare was bribing the have nots to not rebel.

"the best slaves are the ones who think they are free"

07-28-10, 09:43
Chuck Norris is hardly a reliable source. Obama is continuing many Bush programs that I disagree with and this is one of them.

07-28-10, 09:44
"the best slaves are the ones who think they are free"

Which was referring to capitalism not marxism.

07-28-10, 14:23
Yeah but you guys were hysterical, Obama really could be the devil.

Sometimes I wonder if people hear themselves when they speak...

Who is "you guys"? Cause this topic sure fits into hysterical.

07-29-10, 20:05
Chuck Norris is hardly a reliable source. Obama is continuing many Bush programs that I disagree with and this is one of them.

I wonder if Chuck has a round house kick drone targeting you now? :ph34r::ph34r:

07-29-10, 21:46
But at least the current environment is not violent as it was in the 60s. And why no violent protests of our current prolonged war which has no real end in sight?

their have been some bad riots with lots of damage ? not sure about deaths but tons of material damage more against the US or whatever in general anymore

as far as violent ?I think in general things are much much more violent today and ready to blow up like a pressure cooker ready to go off

from home invasions to the shootings where people go in and shoot up everyone to the gang violence etc..
seems sickos molesting children is up ? woman molesting school children and going free for the most part ?

my fear is what the gov and elite gov types are putting in place to control the people !!

07-30-10, 05:05
Sometimes I wonder if people hear themselves when they speak...

Little dense to not catch the sarcasm I think, just sayin'.


07-30-10, 07:44
the riots start when the govt checks bounce or dont buy anything because of inflation.

07-30-10, 08:17
Wonder how many opposition party (and tea party) members could potentially be on the "hit list".

07-30-10, 08:29
All I can say is GOOD!!.

07-30-10, 08:45
their have been some bad riots with lots of damage ? not sure about deaths but tons of material damage more against the US or whatever in general anymore
I don't know what you are referring to.

as far as violent ?I think in general things are much much more violent today and ready to blow up like a pressure cooker ready to go off

from home invasions to the shootings where people go in and shoot up everyone to the gang violence etc..
seems sickos molesting children is up ? woman molesting school children and going free for the most part ?
What you are describing is different than what I referred to. You are describing crimes against individuals. I referred to deadly riots against institutions and assassinations of major political figures.

07-30-10, 14:23
Austin :) just so ya know not picking on ya just enjoy a perspective of age like myself at 47 compared to others ? not sure your age but enjoy the conversation :)

the assassinations I agree with

the crimes against individuals vs institutions I guess I see but I think that violence in general of the group mentality is up ?
we could be on the same book not the same page :)

I do think their might have been more riots in the US in the 60s ? as their were so many but to me they seem to be more focused and less all over the place ? if that makes sense

to the OP topic of things out of control
I do think being out of control the focus is lost and it is now a blow up for whatever reason and riot ?

look at sports games ? seems many times now their are riots after large sport games now with cars and business vandalized ? that never used to happen

LA riots are a good example of modern out of control against the system ?
it killed more people and caused more damage than the Detroit riots of the 60s ?

G20 riots now are a common thing and seem to be getting worse and are planned long in adv

thing out of control around the world ? the french riots some 5 years ago ? the recent athens riots and more and more riots in Europe including 80s things like the brixton riots

against the war ? code pink has them look at that wack religious group that is disrupting funerals ? while these are smaller they are more frequent it seems and very vile in their mission

07-30-10, 15:16
Chuck Norris is hardly a reliable source.


It's an opinion piece.

07-30-10, 19:03
Austin :) just so ya know not picking on ya just enjoy a perspective of age like myself at 47 compared to others ? not sure your age but enjoy the conversation :)

the assassinations I agree with

the crimes against individuals vs institutions I guess I see but I think that violence in general of the group mentality is up ?
we could be on the same book not the same page :)

I do think their might have been more riots in the US in the 60s ? as their were so many but to me they seem to be more focused and less all over the place ? if that makes sense

to the OP topic of things out of control
I do think being out of control the focus is lost and it is now a blow up for whatever reason and riot ?

look at sports games ? seems many times now their are riots after large sport games now with cars and business vandalized ? that never used to happen

LA riots are a good example of modern out of control against the system ?
it killed more people and caused more damage than the Detroit riots of the 60s ?

G20 riots now are a common thing and seem to be getting worse and are planned long in adv

thing out of control around the world ? the french riots some 5 years ago ? the recent athens riots and more and more riots in Europe including 80s things like the brixton riots

against the war ? code pink has them look at that wack religious group that is disrupting funerals ? while these are smaller they are more frequent it seems and very vile in their mission
Wow, you moved it to a world scale when my comments were about the US. I will not comment beyond the US.

I was also talking about my experience with both the past and the present. It seems you have no direct experience with the decade I am referring to unless we count your toddler years (no disrespect intended).

Yes, the LA riots were bad but that was a single event, not a series of similar events.

Yes, crime against individuals seems greater today, but again that is not what I am referring to.

Since you added the G20 meetings I guess I should add the 1968 Democratic National Convention to mine. The Students For a Democratic Society and the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam were largely anti-war groups and only existed in that decade; although, a new group recently adopted the SDS name.

Crime against individuals aside, I still contend the 60s were much more violent in the US with civil unrest and major assassinations.

Here is a list of just the student (largely anti-war) and race-related riots in the US in the 60s:

1962 - Ole Miss segregation riot
1963 - Cambridge race riot, Maryland
1964 - New York City race riot
1964 - Rochester race riot, New York
1964 - Jersey City race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Paterson race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Elizabeth race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Chicago race riot
1964 - Philadelphia race riot
1965 - Watts race riot, Los Angeles
1966 - Easter Monday race riot, Glen Echo, Maryland
1966 - Fire Hydrant race riot, Chicago
1966 - Hough race riot, Cleveland
1966 - Hunter's Point race riot, San Francisco
1966 - Waukegan race riot, Illinois
1966 - Benton Harbor race riot, Michigan
1966 - Atlanta race riot,
1967 - Roxbury race riot, Massachusetts
1967 - Tampa race riot, Florida
1967 - Buffalo race riot, New York
1967 - Newark race riot, New Jersey
1967 - Plainfield race riot, New Jersey
1967 - Durham race riot, North Carolina
1967 - North Side Riot, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota
1967 - Memphis race riot, Tennessee
1967 - H. Rap Brown race riot, Cambridge, Maryland
1967 - 12th Street race riot, Detroit, Michigan
1967 - Milwaukee race riot, Wisconsin
1968 - Orangeburg race riot and Orangeburg Massacre, S. Carolina
1968 - Washington, D.C. race riot
1968 - Baltimore race riot, Maryland
1968 - West Side race riot, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - Wilmington race riot, Delaware
1968 - Kansas City race riot, Missouri, United States
1968 - Salisbury race riot, Maryland
1968 - Louisville race riot, Kentucky
1968 - Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio
1968 - Martin Luther King Jr. assassination riots: various
1968 - Democratic National Convention anti-war riot, Chicago
1969 - Stonewall gay liberation riot, New York City
1969 - York Race race riot, York, Pennsylvania
1969 - Zip to Zap student riot, Zap, North Dakota
1969 - Days of Rage student riot, Chicago, Illinois

The Kent State and Jackson State deadly student riots occurred in 1970 so they aren't on this list, but I tend to think of them as part of the 60s experience. Let's just call it the decade of 1962-1971 to be more precise.

In addition there were numerous deadly prison riots around the US. Who can forget Attica? Just one of many.

We just have different perspectives, probably due to age, but I have never experienced a more violent time in my life in the US as the decade of 1962-1971.

07-30-10, 19:09
Media hype to trigger anxiety in the viewership.

07-30-10, 20:36
none taken :)

i do wonder if its a matter of persspective and what has been lived through and what sticks out in ones mind ?

I guess my thought is based on things like this



the list is still huge for modern day ? and whille the 60s might have had more which is understandable as this is when it really broke out
it has not slowed down that much

and again ad to the fact out of control the gov has never had so much power as it does now ?

also with the past and present as people keep saying we are over all this race stuff ? yet those stats show we are not really that much better off than we were in the 60s according to the numbers that wiki shows ?

I guess my best analogy is space travel ? in the early years it was a huge thing when the shuttle first appeared it was huge again
but their are enough and its common place that many do not even know when or how often the shuttles go up anymore

I think the riots and problems are not reported to much and not a big deal anymore and just get glossed over ?

again not saying the 60s did have more ? I think they did but not that much and these days its worse in the sense their are more other things happening that go un reported

07-30-10, 22:09
it has not slowed down that much
Huh?? Look at your links again.

Actually the link you posted is much better than my list:

Remember, I said a more precise timeframe was the 10-year period of 1962-71. The vast majority of the list for the 70s are in 70 and 71and not that much after that.

Using that link, the 70s after 71 only had 14 listings. The 80s had had 13 listings, and the 90s only had 10.

1962-1971 had 88 listings of major civil unrest (code for riots). I think that pretty well speaks for itself even if you can't make the connection.

I can't believe you think the national media would not currently report an event of major civil unrest. And contrary to what you said, they did continue to report on shuttle launches and landings as I have watched many such events on TV news.

Just curious - why do you puncuate everything with question marks and even put them in the middle of sentences? Makes your stuff hard to read IMO.

07-30-10, 23:44
my english is not so good ? sorry

but the shuttle thing I meant that its common place ? its not big news anymore ? its burried usually


1955 - 1977
27 riots

modern 1980-now

the other list about 1/3 less about 90 to 60
again yes the early era had more but not by huge numbers

considering when the race thing became big ? thats not to many more if it was today their would be hundreds

some of the ones in the early years are small by todays standards and might not be considered a riot ?

some of the stuff about immigration in Phoenix would have been considered a riot in years past but now is not ?
bottles thrown people hospitalized people arrested yet it was just a gathering of people protesting peacefully against the racist immigration people is how its written and reported but not a riot yet riot police were called out ?

its also about the OP topic and covers more like the mass shootings that seem to be more common now than in the past ? other things relate to the OP topic than just racial riots of the 60s ? as they were focused heavily on the times

so if we take out all the riots and take out the 60-70s lump the types together pretty much all the early stuff was about racial black and whites

the ones from todays are from games to college gatherings to race and not just black and white like the majority back then to no real reason just to cause destruction to political

again I am not diminishing the past just saying back then it was more one thing almost all of them were racial black white equality kind of thing where today they are all over the board on the cause and some really dont have a cause like the G20 they just come out to do things
and yet things like the school shootings etc.. are also happening more

my kids are in school and her school has been on lockdown twice last year !!!! our school never had police and lockdowns and the stuff that goes on today never went on even when I was in school

all that to me points to the OP topic things are out of control and getting worse for how far we are supposed to have come yet we really did not come that far at all

07-30-10, 23:50
I can't believe you think the national media would not currently report an event of major civil unrest.

Our national media fail to report anything that hurts the big O.

07-31-10, 06:58
my english is not so good ?
Your reading comprehension and math skills are not so good either.
You can argue about my experience all you want but it is stil my experience. I'm out of here.

07-31-10, 15:14
Your reading comprehension and math skills are not so good either.
You can argue about my experience all you want but it is stil my experience. I'm out of here.

cant back up the facts or accept others opinions bash the person !!!!

only you were arguing your facts ? I was just stating what I have seen and experienced from my perspective ? sorry you felt attacked it wasnt ?

actually my math skills are off the charts :) comprehension just fine also my spoken is very good its my writing that sucks beyond belief :) but like I say at least I know where my faults are ! which is better than thinking you dont have any !

07-31-10, 15:53

Your comment about math is very true. They breed like rats and their birthrate is far higher than the average birthrate of those who are responsible and productive citizens. The result will be sheer numbers.

Sheer birthrate numbers alone among the poor are far from telling the whole story.

I grew up in a pretty bad area in NYC, lots of welfare, however many of my childhood friends grew up to be middle class to lower-middle class by way of the big utilities, MTA, LEO, military and state jobs. Very few remained poor and on welfare. However most are still committed left leaning democrats, even if they are currently normal regular tax payers. (I moved to the most conservative state, because I grew up to hate liberalism)

From their prospective, entitlements kept them from starving and paid for their education while they worked toward becoming a tax payer and consumer of higher living standard goods. Their income allows them to move into the suburbs, and districts that were in the past mostly white, conservative middle class. The diversity in the community as children will create moderate adults. This creates swing districts, which makes it harder on conservative politicians banking on "angry white males". Women are typically more moderate than men to begin with.

There is a big picture, and the conservative message is simply not resonating. It will resonate less when the white middle class built on manufacturing, union labor and pensions is gone completely and we are left with nothing but yuppie scum middle managers and "do you want fries with that"

We will for the first time be a center left nation in our lifetime, like it or not.

07-31-10, 16:04
1962 - Ole Miss segregation riot
1963 - Cambridge race riot, Maryland
1964 - New York City race riot
1964 - Rochester race riot, New York
1964 - Jersey City race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Paterson race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Elizabeth race riot, New Jersey
1964 - Chicago race riot
1964 - Philadelphia race riot
1965 - Watts race riot, Los Angeles
1966 - Easter Monday race riot, Glen Echo, Maryland
1966 - Fire Hydrant race riot, Chicago
1966 - Hough race riot, Cleveland
1966 - Hunter's Point race riot, San Francisco
1966 - Waukegan race riot, Illinois
1966 - Benton Harbor race riot, Michigan
1966 - Atlanta race riot,
1967 - Roxbury race riot, Massachusetts
1967 - Tampa race riot, Florida
1967 - Buffalo race riot, New York
1967 - Newark race riot, New Jersey
1967 - Plainfield race riot, New Jersey
1967 - Durham race riot, North Carolina
1967 - North Side Riot, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota
1967 - Memphis race riot, Tennessee
1967 - H. Rap Brown race riot, Cambridge, Maryland
1967 - 12th Street race riot, Detroit, Michigan
1967 - Milwaukee race riot, Wisconsin
1968 - Orangeburg race riot and Orangeburg Massacre, S. Carolina
1968 - Washington, D.C. race riot
1968 - Baltimore race riot, Maryland
1968 - West Side race riot, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - Wilmington race riot, Delaware
1968 - Kansas City race riot, Missouri, United States
1968 - Salisbury race riot, Maryland
1968 - Louisville race riot, Kentucky
1968 - Glenville Shootout, Cleveland, Ohio
1968 - Martin Luther King Jr. assassination riots: various
1968 - Democratic National Convention anti-war riot, Chicago
1969 - Stonewall gay liberation riot, New York City
1969 - York Race race riot, York, Pennsylvania
1969 - Zip to Zap student riot, Zap, North Dakota
1969 - Days of Rage student riot, Chicago, Illinois


You forgot one of the Most media used footage during that time I still see it on History channel every time the bring up civil rights
1963 Birmingham Alabama .

07-31-10, 22:30
You forgot one of the Most media used footage during that time I still see it on History channel every time the bring up civil rights
1963 Birmingham Alabama .

Wasn't that Birmingham thing where Obama said his parents first met, even though he was born 2 years before that?

And don't forget his dad serving in World War II even though he would have been 3 years old at the time.

07-31-10, 23:07
You forgot one of the Most media used footage during that time I still see it on History channel every time the bring up civil rights
1963 Birmingham Alabama .

The 60's in general were a far more tumultuous time compared to now.

The rise of the new left, the Vietnam war, numerous civil rights movements happening concurrently etc etc

We have very different problems now, much of which is rooted in government mismanagement, not a cultural awakening and revolution.