View Full Version : The Colony.

07-28-10, 00:58
New season is now on the Discovery channel. After watching the first episode I can definitely say that I could not do the show. The role players (bad guys) really would have gotten hurt after the crap they pulled, I think it could have even gotten to the point of getting removed from the show. They are better human beings than me.

07-28-10, 01:05
Between this show and "Scare Tactics" I am surprised somebody hasn't been killed yet.

With "The Colony" I always wonder how they make it real enough to induce the stress needed in the participants without getting somebody seriously hurt, with "Scare Tactics" people literally don't know they are on a show, so I suppose major research is done on the marks to try to head off tragedy.


07-28-10, 01:14
Do the participants know it's fake? If so the whole thing is just another gay reality show. Which is what I assumed and why I haven't watched it. If they think it's real, and they stay on the set, that seems like some seriously gullible people.

As for scare tactics, I used to love that show. And every now and then somebody would actually throw down. They did as much prevention as possible, for instance in the hitchhiker episode they made sure the guy being set up didn't have the knife he usually carried. But he did punch the serial killer actor in the face a few times before they were able to let him know it was a set up.

07-28-10, 01:49
It is a reality based post SHTF survival scenario show. The actors are dumped in a location and are put to the task of surviving. They use scripted bad guys, but the fight had some BG's dropping elbows and throws to the ground. It's the best show of its king on TV, but that isn't saying much.

07-28-10, 07:26
It caught my attention when watching the preview, we watched, not sure what to think at this point. I mean they know it's a fake situation so I'm still not sure what their mindset is.

07-28-10, 07:29
it was all right, similar to the previous season. Sad there's always some hippy member of the team that wants to give away scarce supplies because "we shouldnt be cruel because with if being cruel comes back to bite us" Yea giving stuff away basically advertised to the rest of the world you have stuff, and they are gonna come for it :rolleyes:

people know the disaster isnt real but they dont know the events the producers will throw in there. Having scarce supplies staged event or not still sucks, so I think the people in the show will still be stressed.

Alex V
07-28-10, 08:29
I saw bits and pieces of the first season, and when this season came up my GF was very interested. Before the new episodes came on, we started watching the first episode of the last season OnDemand... about 10 min into it we turned it off.

Its a good idea. But the people know the scenario is staged, so they must know the bad guys are actors. I am sure no one will "fight to the death" for food or any other resource, things that would happen should this diasaster really be true. Its a cool idea for a show, but you just can't make a survival show like this when people know its all pretend. Sure they will fight to make sure the fake bad guys don't take their water, but they have no weapons which would be hard to believe in real life, and I don't see one of the survivors taking a 2x4 to the head of an actor to save his food.

It just creams BS and was really hard to watch.

07-28-10, 08:34
having everything to be genuinely real isnt practical for a tv show. No idea why people expect it to be genuine, otherwise you have people literally killing each other on a tv show.

Alex V
07-28-10, 08:47
having everything to be genuinely real isnt practical for a tv show. No idea why people expect it to be genuine, otherwise you have people literally killing each other on a tv show.

Yes, I agree, but the entertainment value falls short with this specific premis. Not all, just this one, maybe just for me as well.

Like Special Ops Mission, I know they are using Simunition, but the idea still works because he has to evade capture of being "killed"

Here, they have to survive a disaster that never happend, with enmies that are not real. Just looses its entertainment for me.

Im not a big fan of reality TV to begin with, but I really wanted to like this show. Having recently read "One Second After" and having LOVED IT, I was hoping to love the show. Didn't happen.

07-28-10, 09:48
So how many rocket sciences being led by a loud mouth handy man are they using this time?

It is like survivor......... sounds real good then they screw it over.

07-28-10, 10:19
they have a "model" as one of the participants too. What a useful occupation for a survival scenario. I think the occupations in the previous season were better, had a doctor and a trauma nurse. But this season there seems to be less participants. I still plan to watch the series.

07-28-10, 14:01
having everything to be genuinely real isnt practical for a tv show. No idea why people expect it to be genuine, otherwise you have people literally killing each other on a tv show.

Now THAT is reality TV I'd watch every week.


07-28-10, 15:17
Its tel-e-vis-ion

07-28-10, 19:54
I was asking myself "where are all the guns?" The "raiders" didn't even have any. Then I remembered that its set in NOLA. The mayor hasn't returned them all yet. :D

07-28-10, 23:11
I watched the last season. After the participants have been in the show for a while they said it feels real to them. They actually built a flame thrower to defend their building from raiders. I'm looking forward to this season.

07-28-10, 23:41
REALITY? My A$$!!!! It's always about the almighty Fing $$$$$!!! Get real, or loose the remote!!!! Better yet, turn OFF THE TV.

Do sheople really believe "Reality" TV? REALLY? For those who "Believe", I have a toll bridge to Hawaii I'd love to sell.

07-28-10, 23:45
REALITY? My A$$!!!! It's always about the almighty Fing $$$$$!!! Get real, or loose the remote!!!! Better yet, turn OFF THE TV.

Do sheople really believe "Reality" TV? REALLY? For those who "Believe", I have a toll bridge to Hawaii I'd love to sell.

Ease up Gramps. When you're single and trying to save a few pennies you tend to turn to the boob tube for entertainment.

07-28-10, 23:54
Ease up Gramps. When you're single and trying to save a few pennies you tend to turn to the boob tube for entertainment.

As long as it's "Entertainment", well and good, but like my "Future Ex-wife, Survivor is REAL". Can't get her to see there is a little coaching going on and only show the viewer what we want to be shown. We each have our own "Entertainment" don't we, and its all good, IF we look at it that way.

07-28-10, 23:55
I watched the last season. After the participants have been in the show for a while they said it feels real to them. They actually built a flame thrower to defend their building from raiders. I'm looking forward to this season.

The reality is them and their stupid flame thrower would all be full of bullet holes from real raiders.

Actors say the same thing about every fantasy situation they've ever been in with a film or TV show. Just goes to show how detached from reality they really are.

07-29-10, 01:58
That is one of the problems I had with the first season also. No one has firearms. Since this is happening in the U.S and there are hundreds of millions of firearms in the U.S and they don't have any.

That situation in the 2nd season first episode would have ended in 30 seconds, once I broke out my AR and started popping the angry mob.

I was asking myself "where are all the guns?" The "raiders" didn't even have any. Then I remembered that its set in NOLA. The mayor hasn't returned them all yet. :D

07-29-10, 06:51
Actually, they are not getting paid & there's no price $.
I agree that it isn't quite as realistic w/o guns but do you really expect the producers to give them guns and kill each other?

07-29-10, 07:11
unpractical cat is unpractical

last season the only guns I saw was when the merchant showed up to barter supplies. They were trading some chickens and fruit for a generator so they can power one of their arc welders

Alex V
07-29-10, 08:02
That is one of the problems I had with the first season also. No one has firearms. Since this is happening in the U.S and there are hundreds of millions of firearms in the U.S and they don't have any.

That situation in the 2nd season first episode would have ended in 30 seconds, once I broke out my AR and started popping the angry mob.


No firearms but those retards feel that its "real to them" so they build a flame thrower? WTF is that! What, you can't hurt an actor pretending to take their supplies with a damn flame thrower?! I love that producer decision, no guns, but they can make flame throwers.

Like Iraqgunz said, this is the US. It's hard to suspend disbelief THAT MUCH to think that NO ONE has a firearm.

If you don't want guns and make it real, make the show take place in England or something.

Or have them use simunition lol

07-29-10, 08:08
last season had 10 people, better professions. Have 7 people now with model, carpenter, auto mechanic, contractor, geology professor, foreman, industrial artist. Sounds like having less people not some not as useful professions is going to make season 2 a bit more difficult.

07-29-10, 16:26
As long as it's "Entertainment", well and good, but like my "Future Ex-wife, Survivor is REAL". Can't get her to see there is a little coaching going on and only show the viewer what we want to be shown. We each have our own "Entertainment" don't we, and its all good, IF we look at it that way.

I was fortunate enough to live Survivor for real at Fort Clayton. I can differentiate between reality shows and real life, it's fun to watch the obvious train wrecks.

My idea of entertainment is blowing a thousand rounds down range in one session, but that would be counter productive to stashing.

07-29-10, 16:49
Yep, nearly one gun for every man, woman and child in the US - not to mention weapons held in National Guard Armories and military bases.

And, not one gun on the show? Next season should have a raggedy Remington 870 or Maverick shotgun and 9mm pistol. They could use Simunitions and rubber buckshot.

Oh, I think that would change the show's dynamics considerably...

07-29-10, 19:41
That is one of the problems I had with the first season also. No one has firearms. Since this is happening in the U.S and there are hundreds of millions of firearms in the U.S and they don't have any.

That situation in the 2nd season first episode would have ended in 30 seconds, once I broke out my AR and started popping the angry mob.

that was when i turned it off

07-29-10, 20:06
they have a "model" as one of the participants too. What a useful occupation for a survival scenario. I think the occupations in the previous season were better, had a doctor and a trauma nurse. But this season there seems to be less participants. I still plan to watch the series.

Well it does say re-build........ maybe she is the breeding mare for the new human race.

07-29-10, 20:44
Ever read the book "World War Z"?

A TEOTWAWKI story if there ever was one. When they went to rebuild the remaining US govt soon learned that most Americans had very little in the way of real skills.

07-31-10, 16:27
One thing they are using this season but not last is pepper spray which surprised me .It was funny to watch the Colony folks act like it was the Worst thing ever even pouring their Milk in the eyes :rolleyes: Not the way we did it in the Army :p.,My wife even Made the Comment"Hell if we had your M4 we would waste the Mob before they got 10 feet from us "I think I am training her right :D

08-01-10, 19:12
Ever read the book "World War Z"?

A TEOTWAWKI story if there ever was one. When they went to rebuild the remaining US govt soon learned that most Americans had very little in the way of real skills.

That's why my girlfriend can't stand me chimming in with smart ass comments when she watches these "reality" shows that have celebrities on them. I'll make the point to her that these wastes of oxygen wouldn't be able to survive one week in SHTF scenario. It makes me laugh when they flip out over losing their cell phone or whatever. Those people would be the first that I throw to the zombie hoard so that I could escape.

10-26-10, 20:04
Just watched it for the first time on Planet Green, I think it might be season one, has the blonde ER nurse on.

What a bunch of clowns. The "self-defense instructor" is an idiot.

It'd be a totally different dynamic with firearms.

10-26-10, 20:37
Do the participants know it's fake? If so the whole thing is just another gay reality show.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner!