View Full Version : "Our Divisive President" By PATRICK H. CADDELL AND DOUGLAS E. SCHOEN

07-28-10, 14:47

The authors are, btw, Democrats.

During the election campaign, Barack Obama sought to appeal to the best instincts of the electorate, to a post-partisan sentiment that he said would reinvigorate our democracy. He ran on a platform of reconciliation—of getting beyond "old labels" of right and left, red and blue states, and forging compromises based on shared values.

President Obama's Inaugural was a hopeful day, with an estimated 1.8 million people on the National Mall celebrating the election of America's first African-American president. The level of enthusiasm, the anticipation and the promise of something better could not have been more palpable.

And yet, it has not been realized. Not at all.

Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf.

07-28-10, 14:54
not gonna get that independent vote back by playing the race card.

07-28-10, 15:05
I guess I'm blinded, but what divisive items did GWB use, or do? Tax breaks?

07-28-10, 16:34
I guess I'm blinded, but what divisive items did GWB use, or do? Tax breaks?

Don't you remember? Bush made Hurricane Katrina wreck Chocolate Town because he does not like the people who live there. That is what Ray Nagin said, so I am sure it is true.

07-28-10, 21:34