View Full Version : A few absolutely bizarre happenings in government

07-30-10, 00:15
First...this one will really piss you off.

The Amnesty Memo, or how Obama plans to grant amnesty without legislative process.




White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity


again...WHAT!?!?! This sh*t is criminal!

and for the final WTF of the day...

Iowa GOP Embraces Plan To Strip Obama's Citizenship For Accepting Nobel Prize


07-30-10, 01:02
You want to know something else? There is probably going to be a "lame duck" session of Congress after the November elections (but before January) to pass a bunch of shit...you know, when they have nothing to lose...

And the "birther" shit, like the 9/11 Troofer shit, needs to stop. It does nothing to stop Obama and only hurts those that espouse it.

07-30-10, 05:22
Iowa GOP Embraces Plan To Strip Obama's Citizenship For Accepting Nobel Prize


And the "birther" shit, like the 9/11 Troofer shit, needs to stop. It does nothing to stop Obama and only hurts those that espouse it.

This isn't really about the birthers. It has to do with an obscure plank in the platform that calls for the adoption of the "Original 13th Amendment" which had this statement in it;

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

Either they are symbolically protesting President Obama's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. Or, they may actually hope to strip him of his citizenship for accepting it. In a way, this is more pathetic than the birthers.

Either way, it is a stupid plank. The Iowa Republican Party is a joke. I am seriously thinking about registering as an Independent.

07-31-10, 18:23
If we followed the Original 13th Amendment we'd be devoid of most of Congress since they are members of the BAR (which is part of the Temple "Church" in The City (i.e., 1 sq mile Financial District in London, UK).

Hell, let's go with it!

07-31-10, 18:34
A prize, like the Nobel, is not the conferring of title. CINC has not been empowered by a foreign nation. He holds no title, rank, etc., he was not made a prince, duke, or knight and is not beholden to a foreign power or under their influence. The current CINC is not the first to receive the Nobel (Teddy Roosevelt), he won't be the last and his citizenship cannot be stripped for accepting it.

The change in language sought by the justice department is nothing more than the adaptation to new technology. This is very similar to information in other mediums that is obtained by administrative subpoena, and not by warrant. It is by no means "criminal".

I read the USCIS memo too, as someone familiar with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) I can tell you that that memo is not a plan for "amnesty". What pisses me off about "Immigration Reform" is that no matter what Congress does, and they need to do something, it won't be reform. Reform is a fundamental reworking of the INA, not the piecemeal tinkering that has been done to it since the act was written, leaving us with the mess we have now. Bored? Start reading 8CFR and see what I mean.