View Full Version : 60 year old man joins the United States Army. Hoo-ah!

07-30-10, 00:34
When you wake up in the morning tomorrow, think about everything you arent doing with your life, because if this isn't inspiring, I don't know what is.



He's finally in the Army – at age 60


When I heard about a 60-year-old guy joining the Army, I was curious. When I heard it wasn't Gordon Dillow , I thought it might be interesting.
It was some months back at a party that I became acquainted with Dore Gilbert . Re acquainted, I should say, because I met him 20 years ago when I was covering south county and he was on the Saddleback Unified School District board and had just bought a hot red Dodge pick-up I so coveted.

Turns out, Gilbert is still on the school board, as he has been since 1981. If there is a longer-serving person in the same elected office in O.C., I don't know about it. But this apparently isn't enough public service for Gilbert.
Gilbert, a physician , had long wanted to join the Army Medical Corps. In 1984, he was "24 hours from signing up" but just couldn't pull the trigger. He had three young children and a fledgling dermatology practice, and so he backed out.
His kids are grown now, and when the youngest, Kevin , joined the Marines, it renewed his interest. But getting into the Army, even the Reserves, isn't easy when you're pushing 60. (While for most Army jobs, 42 is the maximum enlistment age, for doctors, it is 60.) It took Gilbert a year and a half to get in.
"It's not a glamorous lifestyle by any means," Gilbert said this week as we had lunch in his Fashion Island office. "But there is a camaraderie. That's the draw – and the sense of doing something important, helping young men and women who are the best of the best."
He started the application process in February of 2009. A month later, the Army flew him to San Antonio for a physical. In May, an Army board approved his application and assigned him the rank of lieutenant colonel because of his years of practice, his teaching at UCI, his publications, etc. He thought he was on his way. Then things stalled.
Because he was being assigned a relatively high rank for an incoming officer, he had to be approved by a second Army board. Months went by. Gilbert wasn't going to just wait around. He started boot camp on his own.
He knew he would have to be able to do 27 sit-ups in two minutes, 18 push-ups in two minutes, and run two miles in 19 minutes and 54 seconds.
"The first time I tried to do sit-ups, I did 15 and hurt my back."
He contacted the R.O.T.C. unit at Cal State Fullerton. With a little intervention by his recruiter, the head of the program, Lt. Col. Jonathan Nepute , gave Gilbert permission to train with the cadets.
He did five-mile "humps" (walk-runs) through Tonner Canyon with full pack. He learned day and night land navigation and combat water-survival. He repelled off a five-story building and even took weapons training with the M-4 carbine. On his own, he brushed up on nuclear and biological warfare. And he worked out.
"I've done everything I can to learn what I will have to know when I go to basic."
He's up to 65 sit-ups and 80 push-ups, and can run two miles in 16 minutes. His weight dropped from 205 pounds to 170 (cholesterol from 225 to 130).
"A lot of pulled muscles, a lot of cramps. I'm in good physical shape but every joint in my body is killing me."
Winter, spring. Still no word from the Army. In April, he offered to take a reduction in rank, which would preempt the need for the special board ruling.
Monday, his recruiter called: "So, Lt. Col. Gilbert, how are you today?"
The Army had finally accepted him at the first rank it offered. Last week, he was sworn in. His commitment is three years. He'll drill one weekend a month and two full weeks each year. He can be deployed four months a year.
"I'm going to request to go to Afghanistan as soon as it is possible." Plenty of work there for a dermatologist.
"Soldiers are always getting skin diseases, especially on their feet. There are a lot of local diseases we aren't used to seeing here." Having a dermatologist in theater can mean the difference between having to send a solider to Germany for treatment versus having him back in the field in just days.
But the rough-and-tumble he experienced in R.O.T.C. rubbed off on him, too. He grins: "I want to go to jump school."
Mickadeit writes Mon.-Fri. Contact him at 714-796-4994 or fmickadeit@ocregister.com

07-30-10, 06:39
I always like the old guys they got the best storys. I served with a capt in Afghanistan who was in Nam in 66,67 with the Marines got out retired as a VET and got back in. He was one crazy old man SF got to the point they thought he was a bullet magnet cause every time they rolled with him they got hit.

07-30-10, 07:11
This guys is my new hero!!

07-30-10, 07:46
good for him. Not enough people have the determination or will power to do what he did.... and he has 40 years on the people Im talking about.....

07-30-10, 08:01
Good for him. In my old guy idealistic, dream land I'd love to see a motorized combat brigade with everyone over 40. By the time we dismounted, we'd be pissed. They would not follow orders well and the bitchin and moaning would be epic. BUT, there would be carnage as a stint in Leaveworth would mean nothing. Unfortunately there would be a need for huge amounts of anti-inflammatory and geriatric type meds. There would also be a need for a BBQ platoon and a RUM/Beer daily ration. Sorry bout all that. This is why they don't want most of us:D

07-30-10, 08:15

Now if some of the younger kids would only take notice...

07-30-10, 08:41
I just turned 55. what's the chances that a guy like me, that isn't a doctor, can get accepted?

a little background, I wear two hearing aids and now have progressive lenses in my glasses. in 1976 I was rejected from OCS due to my hearing after scoring third highest in my region in the flight aptitude test. the Marines didn't want me flying their planes then but gladly offered me a spot as a ground combat officer. sadly, I was just ate up with the idea of flying and not the idea of being a grunt so I withdrew my application.

anyway, what would be the chances they would consider someone like me now?

07-30-10, 08:51
I thought the cut off was 40 +/- for new entries into the service....:confused:

That is awesome to see. True American patriot!

murphy j
07-30-10, 09:43
I thought the cut off was 40 +/- for new entries into the service....:confused:

That is awesome to see. True American patriot!

It is, but in the article VB posted it says that the cutoff for doctors is 60. New one on me, but good for the Army as the older doctors have a wealth of experience they can pass on to the younger doctors in the Army who are just paying off their school loans.

07-30-10, 10:54
Good for him. In my old guy idealistic, dream land I'd love to see a motorized combat brigade with everyone over 40. By the time we dismounted, we'd be pissed. They would not follow orders well and the bitchin and moaning would be epic. BUT, there would be carnage as a stint in Leaveworth would mean nothing. Unfortunately there would be a need for huge amounts of anti-inflammatory and geriatric type meds. There would also be a need for a BBQ platoon and a RUM/Beer daily ration. Sorry bout all that. This is why they don't want most of us:D

I am jealous!!
At 60 I wish I was in the shape this guy is in and that I could volunteer for service (obviously with the beer/BBQ included).

07-30-10, 12:20
Well lets see if I can get back in. I've got 10+ years in. I'm no Doc. Plus I'm not his age. I'll mention this too the recruiters when I see them next week.

07-30-10, 16:22
From what I have read, you can get over the age limit if you have prior military experience and they want you. I'm sure there are plenty of ground combat volunteers. I assume that, I would think that military men would want combat. I don't really know.

07-30-10, 17:17
They subtract the years you have from your age. Too get too the 42 age limit. But this guy as 0 Army experience. Plus he's 60. So how they heck does he get in. Last I knew the Army raised the age limit too 42 not 60.

07-30-10, 19:28
They subtract the years you have from your age. Too get too the 42 age limit. But this guy as 0 Army experience. Plus he's 60. So how they heck does he get in. Last I knew the Army raised the age limit too 42 not 60.

The age limit is different for doctors.

07-30-10, 19:29
Hopefully he can do his 20 and retire :)

07-30-10, 19:38
SHIT! 60!

07-30-10, 19:53
That rocks! Big time - wow. That should be inspiring to all.

07-30-10, 19:56
Inspiration to the ROTC cadets he worked out with and those he goes to Basic with -- don't want to get beat by an old man!

07-30-10, 21:23
They subtract the years you have from your age. Too get too the 42 age limit. But this guy as 0 Army experience. Plus he's 60. So how they heck does he get in. Last I knew the Army raised the age limit too 42 not 60.

Certain skills are more likely to get waivers, even without military experience.

Obviously being a doctor is something very desired by the Army for many reasons.

07-30-10, 22:29
Well my Primary is 54B. Must be not good enough.

07-31-10, 06:35
Good for him. In my old guy idealistic, dream land I'd love to see a motorized combat brigade with everyone over 40. By the time we dismounted, we'd be pissed. They would not follow orders well and the bitchin and moaning would be epic. BUT, there would be carnage as a stint in Leaveworth would mean nothing. Unfortunately there would be a need for huge amounts of anti-inflammatory and geriatric type meds. There would also be a need for a BBQ platoon and a RUM/Beer daily ration. Sorry bout all that. This is why they don't want most of us:D

I'd throw in with you in a New York Minute!!!

BTW, I would have NO problem letting a 60 year old doctor work on me ... I already owe more than I will ever be able to repay to a couple of 60+ year old doctors. I pray for them on a pretty regular basis.

07-31-10, 06:59
Well lets see if I can get back in. I've got 10+ years in. I'm no Doc. Plus I'm not his age. I'll mention this too the recruiters when I see them next week.

You have prior service you fall in a diffrent catagory getting back in is very possable

07-31-10, 16:15
I am Prior Service working like hell now to get back in Before DEC 26 My 42 Bday as Long as I ship before then I am GTG ,Got all the Paper work in the works going back down to MEPS next month (UGH I hate that place) But the Cut off Is 42 and thats the National Guard I am going into Not sure the Cut off on the Regular Army.I have to retrain as A MP No More 19Kilo for me:mad:

murphy j
07-31-10, 16:21
I am Prior Service working like hell now to get back in Before DEC 26 My 42 Bday as Long as I ship before then I am GTG ,Got all the Paper work in the works going back down to MEPS next month (UGH I hate that place) But the Cut off Is 42 and thats the National Guard I am going into Not sure the Cut off on the Regular Army.I have to retrain as A MP No More 19Kilo for me:mad:

Do it Brother. You'll be happy you did, even if you are gonna have to become a MudPuppy :D. Just out of curiosity, what years were you a 19K? I spent some time as a 19K too from 91 to 94.

07-31-10, 18:53
I am Prior Service working like hell now to get back in Before DEC 26 My 42 Bday as Long as I ship before then I am GTG ,Got all the Paper work in the works going back down to MEPS next month (UGH I hate that place) But the Cut off Is 42 and thats the National Guard I am going into Not sure the Cut off on the Regular Army.I have to retrain as A MP No More 19Kilo for me:mad:

LOL ya MEPS is a pain. How much time do you have In for prior service? Me they have too move the age limit before I can get back in.

07-31-10, 19:25
I was 19 KILO from 04 til 07 Alabama National Guard and was dis-charged after a Injury during training At Fort Knox.Just a basic stress fracture But GTG now, got the wavier in better shape now than I have ever been,I agree I will be happier .It Is something I wanted to stay for the full 20 yrs.Wife understands It was haunting me ,I loved it.I guess it gets in your Blood.Having to Re-class to Mud Puppy Sucks ass:D
But they Just Drop a bunch of new Up armored Hummers On My unit I have a feeling A-Stan is in the future for Us ,I missed going to Iraq ,with my Unit Because of the training Injury Buy a Month :mad:..

I did not go in until I was 35 wish I had done it sooner ,But hell this "OLD MAN" as they called me ran circles around some of the younger Guys.Good thing is they still Give me credit for My Prior Time and I will still go back in at the same pay grade E-3 :haha: But at least it ain't a E-1

murphy j
07-31-10, 19:40
I know the 'old man' feeling :). I had an 8yr break from 97-05 then joined the Oklahoma National Guard as an 11B. Fortunately for me I was already 11B qualified as that was one of my Active Duty MOS's. I started over as an E-1 and just made E-5 a couple of weeks ago. Good on you for going back in and I wish you the best of luck. Maybe you'll end up in Afghanistan the same time as me(next year).

07-31-10, 20:20
Very inspirational story.