View Full Version : Questionnaire I sent my boy at USMC boot camp

Bill Bryant
07-30-10, 12:08
30 July 2010

Please fill out this questionnaire and return it immediately:

1. I am

a. alive.
b. dead.
c. both.
d. other (please explain) ____________________________
2. My SDI is

a. nice.
b. mean.
c. a little girl.
d. twirling me on his little finger and about to throw me down range.
3. I wish I could

a. take a shower by myself.
b. sleep in.
c. have my cell phone.
d. have some of my mom’s breakfast.
4. The person I miss the most is

a. Mom.
b. Mom.
c. Mom.
d. Mom.
5. At graduation I want you to bring me

a. my cell phone.
b. my camera.
c. one of Dad’s smoothies.
d. my stuffed tiger.
6. Boot camp is

a. harder than I expected.
b. like a walk in the park when I’m on vacation.
c. bad, but not as bad a Spanish class with Mrs. *****.
d. fun, because there is no girl drama in the classrooms.
7. The amount of time I have to write letters is

a. two minutes a week.
b. hours and hours. I just spend most of it writing [girlfriend], not my mom.
c. zero. I have my SDI write my letters for me (part of a deal I made with him not to reveal to the platoon that I can kick his butt).
8. When boot camp is over, the first thing I want to do is

a. drill some more! I live for marching!
b. head for Canada and disappear into the wilderness with ****.
c. eat some of my dad’s ribs.
d. go to *****’s house and teach him how to get out of bed like a Marine.
9.The next time I get to make a phone call, I’m going to call

a. Dad.
b. Dad.
c. Dad.
d. Dad.
10. When a DI yells my name at the top of his lungs, I always

a. look him in the eye and say, “You talkin’ to me, dawg?”
b. pretend I have amnesia and don’t know who I am.
c. hide under my rack.
d. other (please explain) ______________________________________
11. During swim qualification I

a. properly executed a belly flop.
b. sneaked around under water and tickled people.
c. trained in full combat gear, which includes a rifle, helmet, flak jacket and pack.
d. had to be revived after drowning by a DI using mouth to mouth resuscitation.12. On the confidence course I

a. fell off the rope into the net.
b. fell off the rope into the water.
c. am still on the rope because my hand cramped and they can’t get me off.
d. made it to the bottom without a mishap.
13. The picture of my dad doing a serious chin up made me

a. laugh. “Chin-ups are for SEALS, Rangers, and other non-Marine wimps.”
b. scared. “Now he’ll want to start arm wrestling me again, and he’ll kick my butt.”
c. yawn. “He’s probably standing on a stool.”
d. other (please explain) _____________________________________________
14. During pugil stick exercises I

a. kicked my opponent’s butt.
b. got my butt kicked by my opponent.
c. got my butt kicked by my DI.
d. other (please explain) _______________________________________
15. During Upper Body Strike training I

a. came out bruised and battered.
b. left my opponents bruised and battered.
c. changed my name to Bruce Lee.
d. thought about how I’m going to kick ****’s butt with this stuff.16. The moment a DI walks on deck, everybody says

a. Howdy!
b. S’up, bro?
c. Run for your lives!
d. other (please explain) __________________________________________
17. When I have fire watch, it means I get to

a. build a bonfire and roast marshmallows.
b. make sure no one plays with matches.
c. play with matches.
d. guard the barracks with my bladder on fire wishing I could pee.
18. My leg cramps and pneumonia

a. were bad, but not as bad as the food.
b. are much better now. I think the worst is over.
c. were fun. Marines are a species of orc. We enjoy pain!
d. other (please explain)_________________________________________

07-30-10, 12:17
I actually think that he would like that letter.

I wish that I would have gotten that kind in bootcamp.

Bill Bryant
07-30-10, 13:10
I hope he can enjoy a little humor. First phase was a bear for him--chronic leg cramps, pneumonia. Maybe rifle quals will give him time to get to feeling better. Maybe not. I understand there are some pretty good humps at Pendleton.

Bill Bryant
07-30-10, 14:07
Anybody got some similar questions for Questionnaire II?

07-30-10, 14:18
6. Boot camp is
a. harder than I expected.
b. like a walk in the park when I’m on vacation.
c. bad, but not as bad a Spanish class with Mrs. *****.
d. fun, because there is no girl drama in the classrooms.

e. a little less like warrior training a little more like a strange dream about gym class.

"The 1st bite of normal food I will eat after is. . . ."

07-30-10, 23:53
I will never, ever, as long as I live forget how awesome that breakfast was after going up the Reaper and finishing the Crucible...

07-31-10, 07:02
14. During pugil stick exercises I

a. kicked my opponent’s butt.
b. got my butt kicked by my opponent.
c. got my butt kicked by my DI.
d. other (please explain) _______________________________________

Dad always tells me he loved those. He could kick everyone's ass because he was beating them with a stick......... the smile he gets is just priceless.