View Full Version : "Radioactive Boars Rampaging in Germany"

08-03-10, 16:50

It sounds like the plot of a B-movie, yet it’s bizarrely true: Radioactive boars are on the loose and thriving in Germany’s forests.

A succession of mild winters has left Germany scrambling to deal with a skyrocketing wild boar population. Tales of swarming beasts rampaging through city streets and attacking citizens occur with alarming regularity.

The problem has been aggravated by the lingering effects of the Chernobyl disaster from twenty-five years ago; a large portion of the wild animals are contaminated by radioactivity.

For the complete article see the link above

08-03-10, 18:29
From the article
In the last hunting season, 650,000 boar were shot versus 287,000 in the previous year. And due to atomic energy regulations, the government must buy contaminated animals from hunters who catch them.

Sounds like a mercenary hunter's dream!


08-04-10, 07:11
I know of 3 guys in my hometown that hunt wildschwein regularly. I can't email em to get their take, as they're in their 70's and don't have computers.;)

08-04-10, 07:18
hostile towards humans, high numbers, rampaging through the city, sounds like a perfect zombie eradication exercise. If you get bit will you get irradiated and mutate into a pig?

another article:

Radioactive Boar on the Rise in Germany

By Charles Hawley
Anyone have a Geiger counter?

Anyone have a Geiger counter?

As Germany's wild boar population has skyrocketed in recent years, so too has the number of animals contaminated by radioactivity left over from the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown. Government payments compensating hunters for lost income due to radioactive boar have quadrupled since 2007.

It's no secret that Germany has a wild boar problem. Stories of marauding pigs hit the headlines with startling regularity: Ten days ago, a wild boar attacked a wheelchair-bound man in a park in Berlin; in early July, a pack of almost two dozen of the animals repeatedly marched into the eastern German town of Eisenach, frightening residents and keeping police busy; and on Friday morning, a German highway was closed for hours after 10 wild boar broke through a fence and waltzed onto the road.

Even worse, though, almost a quarter century after the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine, a good chunk of Germany's wild boar population remains slightly radioactive -- and the phenomenon has been costing the German government an increasing amount of money in recent years.

According to the Environment Ministry in Berlin, almost €425,000 ($555,000) was paid out to hunters in 2009 in compensation for wild boar meat that was too contaminated by radiation to be sold for consumption. That total is more than four times higher than compensation payments made in 2007.

'Boar Boom'

The reason for the climbing payments, of course, has more to do with Germany's skyrocketing wild boar population than with an increase in radioactive contamination. "In the last couple of years, wild boar have rapidly multiplied," a spokesman from the Environment Ministry confirmed to SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Not only is there more corn being farmed, but warmer winters have also contributed to a boar boom."

Numbers from the German Hunting Federation confirm the population increase. In the 2008/2009 season, a record number of boar were shot, almost 650,000 against just 287,000 a year previously.

Many of the boar that are killed land on the plates of diners across Germany, but it is forbidden to sell meat containing high levels of radioactive caesium-137 -- any animals showing contamination levels higher than 600 becquerel per kilogram must be disposed of. But in some areas of Germany, particularly in the south, wild boar routinely show much higher levels of contamination. According to the Environment Ministry, the average contamination for boar shot in Bayerischer Wald, a forested region on the Bavarian border with the Czech Republic, was 7,000 becquerel per kilogram. Other regions in southern Germany aren't much better.

Germany's Atomic Energy Law, which regulates the use of nuclear energy in the country, mandates that the government in Berlin pay compensation to hunters who harvest contaminated animals.

Contaminated Wild Pig

Wild boar are particularly susceptible to radioactive contamination due to their predilection for chomping on mushrooms and truffles, which are particularly efficient at absorbing radioactivity. Indeed, whereas radioactivity in some vegetation is expected to continue declining, the contamination of some types of mushrooms and truffles will likely remain the same, and may even rise slightly -- even a quarter century after the Chernobyl accident.

"In the regions where it is particularly problematic, all boar that are shot are checked for radiation," reports Andreas Leppmann, from the German Hunting Federation. There are 70 measuring stations in Bavaria alone.

In addition, for the last year and a half, Bavarian hunters have been testing ways to reduce the amount of caesium-137 absorbed by wild boar. A chemical mixture known as Giese salt, when ingested, has been shown to accelerate the excretion of the radioactive substance. Giese salt, also known as AFCF, is a caesium binder and has been used successfully to reduce radiation in farm animals after Chernobyl. According to Joachim Reddemann, an expert on radioactivity in wild boar with the Bavarian Hunting Federation, a pilot program in Bavaria that started a year and a half ago has managed to significantly reduce the number of contaminated animals.

Government compensation payments to hunters remain a small part of the €238 million recompense the German government has shelled out for damages relating to Chernobyl since reactor IV exploded on April 26, 1986. Furthermore, there is some relief in sight. Even as wild boar continue to show a fondness for making the headlines, the recent hard winter has had its effect on population numbers. So far this year, Berlin has only had to pay out €130,000 for radioactive boar.

But radioactivity in wild boar isn't likely to disappear soon. "The problem has been at a high level for a long time," says Reddemann. "It will likely remain that way for at least the next 50 years."

Alex V
08-04-10, 08:43
Man... April 26 1986 was a bad day...

I still remember my parents and I having to drink Iodine in order to not have our thyroids absorb I-131

Now you are telling me Chernobyl is causing Wild Hogs to go nuts... Sheesh!

Soudns like good hunting tho!

08-04-10, 08:53
I imagine irradiated boar tastes just like chicken...

I wish we had this problem in Illinois, minus the radiation of course. It'd be a nice change of pace from shooting at the range.

Alex V
08-04-10, 08:56
I imagine irradiated boar tastes just like chicken...

I wish we had this problem in Illinois, minus the radiation of course. It'd be a nice change of pace from shooting at the range.

Maybe go to PA and find some 3-Mile Island Boars? lol

08-04-10, 10:54
Man... April 26 1986 was a bad day...

I still remember my parents and I having to drink Iodine in order to not have our thyroids absorb I-131

I was living in Germany at the time. All the Germans told us not to drink the milk. Luckily I was on the French border furthest away and don't think I had much exposure.

I guess the reindeer up in Lappland are radioactive too...

Alex V
08-04-10, 12:30
I was living in Germany at the time. All the Germans told us not to drink the milk. Luckily I was on the French border furthest away and don't think I had much exposure.

I guess the reindeer up in Lappland are radioactive too...

Should be easier to hunt now that they glow in the dark...;)

08-04-10, 14:20
Man... April 26 1986 was a bad day...
I still remember my parents and I having to drink Iodine in order to not have our thyroids absorb I-131 Now you are telling me Chernobyl is causing Wild Hogs to go nuts... Sheesh! Soudns like good hunting tho!

I was living in Germany at the time. All the Germans told us not to drink the milk. Luckily I was on the French border furthest away and don't think I had much exposure. I guess the reindeer up in Lappland are radioactive too...

I was living in Berlin at the time of the Chernobyl. Lots of food advisories, travel restrictions, and the like. Some folks went back to the states.

Wild boar in the Grunewald, or "grunie pigs" as called them, are mean and best avoided. Radioactive grunie pigs? :eek:

Army Chief
08-04-10, 17:21
Don't blame me.




08-04-10, 17:52
Too bad the hunting laws and concealed carry laws are so strict. A picnic in the park could turn into an invasion of the green glowing piggies and most are stuck with no viable means of defense.

AC - I'm assuming that picture is of yourself. Mind providing more details? Just curious about weight, what you shot it with and a "general location".

Army Chief
08-04-10, 18:18
AC - I'm assuming that picture is of yourself. Mind providing more details? Just curious about weight, what you shot it with and a "general location".

I believe this particular boar was shot on Valentine's Day 2009 on a friend's Revier in Hessen, in the high ground just north of Gelnhausen. Honestly, I can't recall the weight exactly, but 90 kilograms sticks in my mind, which is right about 200 pounds.

Dropped with one shot from a G.33/40 Mauser carbine (ex-SS Nord weapon) using Norma Vulkan in 8x57 JS (196 gr.). Per German custom, I actually took the smallest of a group of four, right at about 2200 at night. Range was 60 meters as best I could estimate.

These kinds of shots explain why the Germans place such emphasis on premium glass; I was using the S&B Zenith FlashDot in 1.5-6x42mm, and wouldn't even have seen these boar with what often passes for "good hunting glass" over here.