View Full Version : Fallen Soldier and Friend

murphy j
08-07-10, 09:54
Sometime last night a friend and fellow Soldier was involved in a motorcyle accident. His name is SFC Turner Brown and he's not going to make it. I served with him in Iraq and he's Good People that always has your back no matter what. Please say a prayer to whatever deity you may believe in for him and his family. Godspeed Brother. :sad:

08-07-10, 10:12

08-07-10, 10:18
Prayers sent.

08-07-10, 14:58
Hang in there Brother ,He would Want to you to be Strong ..God Speed to Him .Prayers Inbound

08-07-10, 17:19
Prayers sent....

08-07-10, 19:48
Prayers for your buddy, his family and you his friend and fellow warrior.


08-07-10, 20:19
From the wedding reception I'm at i will toast my glass to this fallen hero. Prayers sent to his family and friends. RIP...

08-07-10, 20:41
That's at least 3 individuals that I know of who was killed in a motorcycle accident in the past week. :(

Prayers sent.

08-07-10, 21:10
God, may you grant this man rest and peace from this day forward. He's already served his time in hell. -Amen
Prayers also sent out to his family as well. Please stay strong brother.

murphy j
08-07-10, 21:43
Turner Brown was taken off life support late this morning and passed shortly thereafter. Those of us who knew and served with him have spent the day remembering him over a large number of cold ones. Thank you to all who have sent prayers and positive thoughts. As long as we remember him he'll live on. Charlie mike... Out.

08-07-10, 22:25
Sometime last night a friend and fellow Soldier was involved in a motorcyle accident. His name is SFC Turner Brown and he's not going to make it.

A prayer sent to your friend.

To anyone that rides (as I also did years ago), this is not the first serious thread here about such happenings. Always be ultra careful.

08-07-10, 23:56
Prayers sent for the fallen warrior. May his family and friends receive comfort and strength during this time of trial.

Murphy j, please accept my condolences on the loss of your friend. May fond memories of him bring a smile to your face, after the sorrow has departed.

08-08-10, 00:03
man, that sucks. as a motorcyclist myself, i dread hearing about these things.
murphy j, my sympathies for your loss and my condolences to his family.
RIP, warrior.

08-08-10, 16:21

Thank you SFC Brown for caring enough to serve.

murphy j
08-09-10, 00:09
Thank you again to all who have replied and/or sent prayers. I'll be spending tomorrow making sure my greens are right for the funeral on Tuesday. My Platoon Sergeant and his best friend of many years called me today and asked me to be part of the funeral detail. I'm honored and it's a privledge to say yes. After the funeral we'll all gather at the local VFW to say our farewells our own way and to pay tribute to him. Thank you all again.