View Full Version : Paul Harvey on the Police

08-07-10, 10:03
I always enjoyed listening to him. Someone sent this to me and I had not heard this before and thought that some here might appreciate it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB9-NcunsKc

08-07-10, 14:40
good post everyone who does not respect the LEO should hear this !!!!!

my buddy who was a LEO when I was in the FD said it also

he used to say YOU FD GUYS SUCK (in a friend way with a smile) !!! cause you can go in a house drown it with water cut a hole in the wall and roof throw everything in the rooms out pick apart the walls and ceilings and the people thank you and thank you and offer you food and water etc..

yet I go to the door and just knock and I get the nasty
"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU WANT" most of the time

08-07-10, 20:54
good post everyone who does not respect the LEO should hear this !!!!!

my buddy who was a LEO when I was in the FD said it also

he used to say YOU FD GUYS SUCK (in a friend way with a smile) !!! cause you can go in a house drown it with water cut a hole in the wall and roof throw everything in the rooms out pick apart the walls and ceilings and the people thank you and thank you and offer you food and water etc..

yet I go to the door and just knock and I get the nasty
"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU WANT" most of the time
Funny, I just had someone tell me almost the exact same thing this week.

08-07-10, 23:46
Not related...and a borderline blatant hijack, but that video led me to the greatest thing I've ever seen. Policeman Vs. Kitty. Very patient and cool of him...although his situational awareness must have suffered greatly.

08-08-10, 01:53
Love this piece

08-08-10, 12:18
Excellent piece. RIP Paul Harvey.