View Full Version : youtube video: idiots in Boston

08-08-10, 20:58

I'm very interested in what a driver can do if his vehicle is trapped and the driver side window gets busted by a violent attacker. In a situation like that, is lethal force justified?

Opportunity: The driver is exposed and strapped in the vehicle with the vehicle unable to move.

Jeopardy: The attacker has verbally threatened the victim and demonstrated by the destruction of property (ie: window).

Ability: While there is no weapon to be seen, there is a disparity of force with many "standbys" against one driver.

Mind you, that's not EXACTELY wat happens in the video, but it is a "what if" type of situation that can happen, judging by that video itself.

08-08-10, 21:05
Press the accelerator ;) Lots of stupidity happening there.

This is more like what you're writing about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye-UTgJU3Cg&feature=related

08-08-10, 21:09
Here's a thread about exactly what you're asking: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=47545

08-08-10, 21:13
Notice that stuff like this seem to only occur in jurisdictions that have tight Gun Control laws?

08-08-10, 23:21
me it would have been THUMP THUMP as I hit the accelerator and hope he drags for a while under the car :)

08-08-10, 23:40
That hurts just watching, damn the dings go right through my spine.

08-08-10, 23:44
In the first scenario the guy could, and should drive past/through 'em, not because I feel he necessarily has a "legal obligation" to do so, but because it's the choice that's most likely to get him out alive (which, if you'll recall, is the only way to "win" a violent confrontation). The business of him stopping and coming after them with the bat was just full retard.

The second situation linked by Irishluck does better highlight the classic nightmare scenario of being unable to escape. As far as that goes, if some dude is threatening me and attacking my vehicle and I can't escape, he's going to get shot - no question about it. I really don't see a difference between some guy sledgehammering all around my car with me inside it and having some guy shoot all around with a gun but not hit me - I don't have to wait until he actually shoots me to shoot back.

08-09-10, 00:07
Press the accelerator ;) Lots of stupidity happening there.

This is more like what you're writing about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye-UTgJU3Cg&feature=related

Parking the car on his face would have been perfectly justified in that situation. Preferable to shooting because of the innocent bystanders in other vehicles.

08-09-10, 00:10
Preferable to shooting because of the innocent bystanders in other vehicles.

Can't resist... don't you mean by-sitters? (rimshot) :haha:

I admit it, I'm a total dork :P

08-09-10, 00:14
freaken aluminum. if he'd had a flame-tempered luiseville, them bitches would'na got back up.

08-09-10, 00:15
Here's a thread about exactly what you're asking: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=47545

you ever find out if NV's got a good samaritan clause?

08-09-10, 00:25
freaken aluminum. if he'd had a flame-tempered luiseville, them bitches would'na got back up.

although stupid, i'm glad dude got outta the car and beat a little ass. well deserved IMO. they were all a little less rowdy after taking a few taps with a bat :D

unfortunately it sounds like they got his window there at the end.

08-09-10, 01:00
freaken aluminum. if he'd had a flame-tempered luiseville, them bitches would'na got back up.

I keep a mean umbrella http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d90/Macx919/unbagged.jpg
, I walk to work. . . . rarely drive unless there is a kid in the car . . . I can't play around. Yup aluminum, hollowed and lead filled on the striking end. It resides in a black bag that makes it look just like an umbrella. A purpose made tool (16" billy in a black bag) can be better than something pressed into duty (a baseball bat of any kind) If for no other reason than surprise. Mostly I keep it for the "aggressive panhandler" types that like to accost folks while they are buckling their toddler into a carseat. Firearms do most defensive tasks, but I can see how my umbrella coulda come into play in that first scenario too. Looking at that film it looks like the bat wielder wasn't playing for keeps . . . I woulda expected at least one of them to stay down.

08-09-10, 01:12
big difference between hollow aluminum and lead-filled aluminum. if he'd gotten a good whack across the dome with your "umbrella," things might have been different.

i've been whacked with aluminum bats.. not in street fights, but we used to beat the smack out of each other with whatever was handy when we were kids, and i've been hit through the course of playing baseball.. it smarts, but there's not much energy transfer. just a smack and a sharp sting that welts a little and goes away in a day or two.

a full swing from a full grown man is obviously gonna do a lot more damage, but i can still see it being pretty ineffective without good whack-placement.

08-09-10, 02:01

I'm very interested in what a driver can do if his vehicle is trapped and the driver side window gets busted by a violent attacker. In a situation like that, is lethal force justified?

Opportunity: The driver is exposed and strapped in the vehicle with the vehicle unable to move.

Jeopardy: The attacker has verbally threatened the victim and demonstrated by the destruction of property (ie: window).

Ability: While there is no weapon to be seen, there is a disparity of force with many "standbys" against one driver.

Mind you, that's not EXACTELY wat happens in the video, but it is a "what if" type of situation that can happen, judging by that video itself.

If it happens in MA, your pretty much screwed no matter what you do.

And for the record, I grew up and lived in MA for about 22yrs.

08-09-10, 09:25
Here's a thread about exactly what you're asking: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=47545

During a recent class I attended, the firearms instructor showed this particular video footage. Afterwards, he stated that this video was actually a set-up wherein several sociology/psychology students had paid the black guy in this video (allegedly a homeless drug addict) to attack vehicles so they could record the reactions of the victims and bystanders. According to this instructor (also a career LEO), the black guy subsequently was shot and killed during one of these staged assaults and the students went to prison on charges related to their complicity in the act.

While I have no confirmation of his version of these events, I also have no reason to doubt the veracity of his statement. Anybody have any additional information about this incident?

FWIW, the instructor also stated that an individual in this type of situation (i.e. assaulted in your vehicle by an individual brandishing a weapon capable of causing severe injury or death would be justified in using deadly force to remove the threat). And according to this officer, somebody did just that.

08-09-10, 10:11
Notice that stuff like this seem to only occur in jurisdictions that have tight Gun Control laws?

I though Las Vegas was a good place for gun lovers?

08-09-10, 11:26
you ever find out if NV's got a good samaritan clause?

NV does have a good samaritan clause, (Nev. Rev. Stat. 41.506 – 2000- Gen. Stat) states, “Any person who, in good faith, renders emergency medical care or assistance to an injured person at the scene of an accident or other emergency without the expectation of receiving or intending to receive compensation from such injured person for service ‘ shall not be liable in civil damages for any act or omission; not constituting gross negligence’ in the course of such or assistance.”.

08-09-10, 11:30
During a recent class I attended, the firearms instructor showed this particular video footage. Afterwards, he stated that this video was actually a set-up wherein several sociology/psychology students had paid the black guy in this video (allegedly a homeless drug addict) to attack vehicles so they could record the reactions of the victims and bystanders. According to this instructor (also a career LEO), the black guy subsequently was shot and killed during one of these staged assaults and the students went to prison on charges related to their complicity in the act.

That's the first time I've heard that story related to this video, I have no idea if this story is true or not.

08-09-10, 11:33
I though Las Vegas was a good place for gun lovers?

Yes and no. We have mandatory gun registration in Clark County for pistols. There's a lot more to it but this probably isn't the right thread to go into it.

08-09-10, 14:47
egos all around in that boston video, bunch of animals. Yes, even the guy that was free to get away that comes back for confrontation....he nearly got overwhelmed there at the end.

Dude walks up onto my hood I'm driving away, enjoy roadrash you idiot.

08-09-10, 14:51
That's the first time I've heard that story related to this video, I have no idea if this story is true or not.

I did a little digging around and it appears this particular video clip was shot in Las Vegas by a couple of guys that produced and sold the Bumfights video series. It was included in Bumfights 3: The Felony Footage released in 2004. No idea what happened to the black guy in the clip but the guys who made the films (Ryan E. McPherson, Zachary Bubeck, Michael J. Slyman, and Daniel Tanner) were eventually charged with several felonies, although they plea-bargained these charges down to criminal misdemeanors. Additionally, several of the homeless men featured in the films sued and were awarded an undisclosed settlement.

As with most urban legends, a blend of fact and fiction.

08-09-10, 19:05
NV does have a good samaritan clause, (Nev. Rev. Stat. 41.506 – 2000- Gen. Stat) states, “Any person who, in good faith, renders emergency medical care or assistance to an injured person at the scene of an accident or other emergency without the expectation of receiving or intending to receive compensation from such injured person for service ‘ shall not be liable in civil damages for any act or omission; not constituting gross negligence’ in the course of such or assistance.”.

ahh... different type of "good samaritan" clause. or maybe i'm jacked up- oregon has a clause just like the one above, but when gun people refer to the "good samaritan clause," we're talking about the statute that allows third party intervention with deadly force.

08-09-10, 19:09
ahh... different type of "good samaritan" clause. or maybe i'm jacked up- oregon has a clause just like the one above, but when gun people refer to the "good samaritan clause," we're talking about the statute that allows third party intervention with deadly force.

I haven't found one like that yet. It'd be nice to have that specifically spelled out.

08-09-10, 19:35
I haven't found one like that yet. It'd be nice to have that specifically spelled out.

Neveda Revised Statues in Google, then a quick scan for anything spelling out when homicide is justifiable. There are other circumstances spelled out in prior sections, but this is the one pertaining to people in your presence. BTW this is almost identical to the Revised Code of Washington section that is on the same subject (RCW 9A.16.050):

NRS 200.160 Additional cases of justifiable homicide. Homicide is also justifiable when committed:

1. In the lawful defense of the slayer, or his or her husband, wife, parent, child, brother or sister, or of any other person in his or her presence or company, when there is reasonable ground to apprehend a design on the part of the person slain to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury to the slayer or to any such person, and there is imminent danger of such design being accomplished; or

2. In the actual resistance of an attempt to commit a felony upon the slayer, in his or her presence, or upon or in a dwelling, or other place of abode in which the slayer is.

[1911 C&P § 133; A 1931, 160; 1931 NCL § 10080]—(NRS A 1993, 932)