View Full Version : Army cracks down on SF's relaxed grooming standards

08-10-10, 21:34
Airsofter hearts can be heard breaking all over the internet.

SF is apparently going to be reigned in a bit when it comes to their relaxed grooming standards. Beards going bye bye. Ball caps with "Pork Eating Crusader" patches gone too.

Since we can't post articles anymore (Big WTF there), clink the link to read the rest.

U.S. Special Forces ordered to shave off beards, some against command because it helps relations


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/08/08/2010-08-08_decision_hanging_on_a_whisker.html#ixzz0wGDsgZ82

08-10-10, 22:57
So they want "professional-looking" soldiers in the field. Well guess what? Professional look is not universal. In some locales a sports shirt and khaki pants may be considered to be professional while on Wall Street anything lest than a finely tailored suit would be deemed to be unprofessional. Likewise with the troops. If the "business environment" they are working in demands a certain look from the clients due to "marketing" pressures then you meet the demands of the client. Or to put it another way "when in Rome.."

Sounds like this is a case of someone getting a bug up their ass. Sure shave it stateside or in garrison, but otherwise, let the beards grow

08-10-10, 23:44
Sounds like a classic case of the higher ups not having a clue about the realities on the ground.

08-11-10, 00:06
The whole thing is total bullshit. I guess the higher ups don't get that whole "unconventional" thing.

08-11-10, 00:16
If a beard helps to win hearts & minds (and respect) as well as causes the badguys to be slower on "US soldier" target acquisition you would think... well you would think:confused:

08-11-10, 00:21
I'm not a military man by any means, but one thing I was for a good chunk of time was a History major, and took a lot of classes on Ancient Rome.

One thing that the Roman Army did while out on campaign was exactly what these SF men did, look at the culture and tried to find out what would help them, and then follow it.

08-11-10, 00:28
If a beard helps to win hearts & minds (and respect) as well as causes the badguys to be slower on "US soldier" target acquisition you would think... well you would think:confused:

I can almost gaurantee there was no thinking involved in this one. It most likely came about because of some knee jerk reaction some higher up had because he got his panties in a twist over something.

08-11-10, 02:08
"Professional looking", that says it all. It's about image, not about performance.


"Straighten those shoulders! How long have you been in the army?"

08-11-10, 05:43
Curious contradiction happening in this thread. If the beards are to fit in and play nice with the natives, then what are the "pork eating crusader" patches for? :p

Also, for those in the know, will this really get enforced? Thinking in terms of my own career in construction, the corporate parent company has policies, the local office has policies, but what goes on at the jobsite away from the suits is something different altogether. ;) It's all about getting the job done at that point and good middle-managers (those that go between the office and the jobsite) understand that it's results that matter, not whether or not the project manager's hardhat has the latest corporate logo on it.

08-11-10, 08:44
Big Army is doing a lot of stupid things these days to just reign folks in/downsize wherever possible.


08-11-10, 09:31
This is no surprise guys, come on! Haven't you heard? SF guys aren't even allowed to elbow a target or draw any blood what-so-ever unless fully authorized. Hell, they now have to bring in their targets through a Four Seasons before lightly being interrogated.

They aught to now fit the part by looking like a clean cut sharp soldier, don't ya think?

08-11-10, 10:06
Limitations on relaxed grooming is nothing new. Just because you have a long tab and are in a combat zone has never given you the ability to just go native (atleast not in this war). There is a memo generated by thr Group Commander (authorizing individuals by name) to use relaxed grooming standards.

By definition, relaxed grooming is a business style hair cut (not long unkept hair) with longer then regulation facial hair. The facial hair cannot inhibit the use of PPE (pro mask). This ends up being a longer mustach.

The whole gone native look is a special authorization to fit into the local population. And yes the look drives the higher ups crazy. My CSM actually carried a copy of the (by name) memo around and made sure only the personnel with authorization had the longer hair.

Yes, the rest of us got away with longer than regulation hair but facial hair was regulated strictly.

I really miss the good life in SOF.

08-11-10, 11:11
Nothing new here. This kind of crap goes in cycles depending on who is in charge and the type of unit you're in.

I also heard that at the start of the GWOT, they outright forbade anyone (regardless of how elite their unit was) to wear visible tattoos of the Crusader cross. I heard a story of one such Operator who tattooed just that on the inside of his wrist so that whenever he grabbed an insurgent, the cross ended up right in his face. :sarcastic:

Since according to this regime we are currently involved in an "Overseas Contingency Operations" (anyone know exactly wtf that means?); they are forcing the military to go back into garrison mode. This can only get worse at the end of the month (when we pull out of Iraq).

It'll loosen up again once someone manages to fly another plane into another building (or something like that). JM2CW.

08-11-10, 13:17
This sounds retarded (apologies if this offends) and completely baseless and could be detrimental to their missions and relationship building in the future... I guess hiding in plane sight isn't needed anymore.:rolleyes:

I am reading the book Kill Bin Laden by Dalton Fury (ghost name) and it sure sounds based upon his account that their appearance and ability to blend in was pretty ****ing important...

08-11-10, 23:17
The team I was with was ordered by the team sgt. to get into compliance with the modified grooming standards that were put out.

That came from higher and they basically did it. I also didn't see any of the "infidel" or "pork eating crusader" patches floating around except on some of their personnel stuff. When they were conducting training it was professional.

Curious contradiction happening in this thread. If the beards are to fit in and play nice with the natives, then what are the "pork eating crusader" patches for? :p

Also, for those in the know, will this really get enforced? Thinking in terms of my own career in construction, the corporate parent company has policies, the local office has policies, but what goes on at the jobsite away from the suits is something different altogether. ;) It's all about getting the job done at that point and good middle-managers (those that go between the office and the jobsite) understand that it's results that matter, not whether or not the project manager's hardhat has the latest corporate logo on it.

08-11-10, 23:20
Tom sent me an autographed copy. It sits up high on the book shelf along with a few other notables. Check out "Roughneck 9-1" from Frank Antenori. He just so happens to be a current Arizona State Representative.

This sounds retarded (apologies if this offends) and completely baseless and could be detrimental to their missions and relationship building in the future... I guess hiding in plane sight isn't needed anymore.:rolleyes:

I am reading the book Kill Bin Laden by Dalton Fury (ghost name) and it sure sounds based upon his account that their appearance and ability to blend in was pretty ****ing important...

Alex V
08-12-10, 11:40


Really sounds silly to me. I understand looking propper in your dress uniform at a formal event, but if you are in the field, dealing with locals who are used to seeing men with beards...

Seems like a lot of things done are only hurting our efforts in the region...