View Full Version : I'm Announcing My Candidacy For President...

08-11-10, 21:11
Normally I'd never think I was qualified, but if Obama can do it so can anyone. Unlike all the other candidates, I will actually specify my platform.

1. Foreign policy - We will immediately suspend any and all aid to any country that hasn't shown up to help us in time of need over the last 20 years. So basically England and some of the UK can expect aid as needed. As we won't be sending any more checks to Israel, we will also no longer be in a position to tell them what to do. So all you guys who count on us to keep Israel cool might wanna just play nice. Don't say I didn't warn you.

2. Homeland security - All TSA employees will immediately be reassigned as ICE enforcement agents so they can apply their particular brand of zeal and crappy attitude to people who deserve such treatment. TSA will begin entirely new screening procedures under the direction of former El Al management. We will begin to screen out potential problems so regular airline passengers can fly unmolested or inconvenienced. Additional manpower to ICE will be provided by former employees of the ATF and IRS.

3. War & Peace - I will eliminate the Department of Defense and replace it with a War Department. You can't win a war by defending yourself. Since we will now have a War Department we will begin waging ACTUAL WAR on our enemies and those countries that host, fund or provide support to those enemies.

4. Immigration - The NEW ICE will be tasked with detecting, arresting and in some cases deporting ALL illegals in the country. The significant fines levied against businesses that hire illegals will largely fund this effort.

5. Energy & Oil - Every state except California will have a brand new nuclear power facility. CA will be encouraged to develop solar power plants.

6. Gun Control - The NFA '34 and the "sporter clause" of the GCA '68 will be scrapped. We will actually have a Class III collectors license (just like many uniformed people currently think exists) where we will license machine gun collectors and they will be free to buy anything they will without a per item fee.

7. Civil Rights - All race based laws will be completely eliminated. We are gonna give true equality a chance.

8. Jobs & The Economy - By arresting / deporting approx. 25 million illegals we will free up approx. 10 million jobs for Americans. The money saved in services used by illegals will boost many economies. We will rebuild American infrastructure. Labor unions will pay a "union tax" similar to income tax based upon revenue received from members.

9. Government reform - Government salaries will be capped at the current median income level. Benefits and bonuses will be equally similar. Local state representatives will no longer be "elected" but chosen in a manner similar to jury duty. Members of Congress shall be limited to two terms.

10. Social Security - This program will be phased out with the last persons paying in to be the last who receive benefits. After that, individuals will be strongly encouraged to pay that amount of their check into some kind of retirement program.

11. Welfare - Government works programs will be created to offer jobs to the unemployed. Financial assistance will be provided to qualifying individuals (such as former military) who are unable to work. Temporary assistance will be provided to those who are just getting started who are currently employed or going to school.

12. Education - Standard will be raised so that those students who simply "take up space and waste everyones time" can be removed from the public school system and teachers can then have smaller class sizes with students who are interested in learning. Non productive students will get one year at a "last chance" supervised learning environment.

08-11-10, 21:29
Great. Now all you need is millions of dollars.

08-11-10, 22:20
Maybe we can have a site sponsorship AND Steyr for POTUS sponsorship on M4C. Gotta start somewhere! SteyrAUG great post man. I like your ideas.

08-11-10, 22:33
Not sure how well #9 will work.

08-11-10, 22:43
9 is the only one i have a problem with- state Constitutions are as concrete as the federal Constitution. mess with that, and i'd encourage said state to secede.

other than that, i'll vote for you if that's your platform.

08-11-10, 22:58
You do realize a POTUS can do almost none of these things on their own, right?

That said, I'm a fan of some of this (and not so much a fan of others).

I'm particularly intruiged by what could happen if all race-based laws were abolished in today's culture.

08-11-10, 22:59
5. Energy & Oil - Every state except California will have a brand new nuclear power facility. CA will be encouraged to develop solar power plants.

I like this one, this one gives me work to do. Until then I will stick with the analysis work we get from the new Chinese plants going up...

Ironic, isnt it?

08-11-10, 23:00
You got my vote! Number 2 sold me :D

08-11-10, 23:01
Not sure how well #9 will work.

Executive order. If they can vote themselves a raise, I can EO a salary cap. By government, I meant elected government. Maybe I didn't make that clear.

08-11-10, 23:04
You do realize a POTUS can do almost none of these things on their own, right?

That said, I'm a fan of some of this (and not so much a fan of others).

I'm particularly intruiged by what could happen if all race-based laws were abolished in today's culture.

If a President can "encourage" Congress to bring him a bill that would amnesty 25 million criminals I think I can motivate Congress to start acting in the best interests of the country. Might have to take a few out back and talk to them.

08-11-10, 23:05
The unions will decide that you are the anti christ. Good luck my friend. The great thing about doing this here is that you can hire your own select security from the forums elite! You know, so you don't have an "accident."

08-11-10, 23:05
Wow! Freaking Chinese building Nuke plants and destroying this planet. Thank goodness we have seen the light and our government shuns these radioactive death traps.:rolleyes:

I like this one, this one gives me work to do. Until then I will stick with the analysis work we get from the new Chinese plants going up...

Ironic, isnt it?

08-11-10, 23:11
The unions will decide that you are the anti christ. Good luck my friend. The great thing about doing this here is that you can hire your own select security from the forums elite! You know, so you don't have an "accident."

The unions would be correct, to them I would be the anti Christ. As they are this countries anti Christ, I consider it only fair.

08-11-10, 23:22
You do realize a POTUS can do almost none of these things on their own, right?


Doesn't seem to stop them trying does it?

IMO, you left out one important change. Allow Congress to meet every other year and only for one three month session. Get the work done in that time frame. Only exception to that would be a declaration of war. Otherwise the congressmen would have to reside in the districts they represent during the 21 month recess, and learn how to make a living in said districts, under the laws they have passed.

Add this, and I'll gladly send money to your election campaign. Hell, you've got to be an improvement over the last few we've had.

08-11-10, 23:31
Can you produce a birth certificate?????

Obama was not born in the USA and is ineligible to hold the office. Funny how the communist left/press ignore this little fact.

08-12-10, 00:10
Can you produce a birth certificate?????

Actually yes.

08-12-10, 00:18
IMO, you left out one important change. Allow Congress to meet every other year and only for one three month session. Get the work done in that time frame. Only exception to that would be a declaration of war. Otherwise the congressmen would have to reside in the districts they represent during the 21 month recess, and learn how to make a living in said districts, under the laws they have passed.

Add this, and I'll gladly send money to your election campaign. Hell, you've got to be an improvement over the last few we've had.



08-12-10, 00:26
Actually this platform was milder than I thought it would be before I started reading it.

08-12-10, 04:07
Come on, you're all intelligent guys. You should know that all this makes way to much sense to be applicable in the real world. :)

If Nancy Pelosi or the likes ever read this their heads might just literally explode...

Alex V
08-12-10, 08:05
If Nancy Pelosi or the likes ever read this their heads might just literally explode...

Then they should start reading IMMEDIATELY!!!

So far I like what I am reading. But before I pledge my vote to you, whats is your stance on female public nudity? :laugh:

08-12-10, 09:02
you have my vote lol

08-12-10, 10:51
I don't quite understand #6. If you are getting rid of the NFA34, why have a class III collectors license? And I assume you are getting rid of the 86 manufacturing ban since I assume it relies on the NFA

08-12-10, 11:02
I don't quite understand #6. If you are getting rid of the NFA34, why have a class III collectors license? And I assume you are getting rid of the 86 manufacturing ban since I assume it relies on the NFA

I'm not Mr. AUG, but I think his line of thinking is similar to mine...

While the rights to bear arms should NEVER be infringed, I do believe that those who want to purchase full-autos should be subject to more scrutiny. I know, it's a slippery slope and I think it'd be better to have no restrictions regarding them than to set precedence by making laws; that's just my thoughts on it.

08-12-10, 11:11
I'm not Mr. AUG, but I think his line of thinking is similar to mine...

While the rights to bear arms should NEVER be infringed, I do believe that those who want to purchase full-autos should be subject to more scrutiny. I know, it's a slippery slope and I think it'd be better to have no restrictions regarding them than to set precedence by making laws; that's just my thoughts on it.

That is not what he says. And why only a license for collectors? What if I am not a collector? Without the NFA I should be able to just buy one without the collectors license.

Still confused

08-12-10, 11:20
That is not what he says. And why only a license for collectors? What if I am not a collector? Without the NFA I should be able to just buy one without the collectors license.

Still confused

I'm assuming it's a catch-all? I dunno. Mr AUG? lol

08-12-10, 11:59
If Nancy Pelosi or the likes ever read this their heads might just literally explode...

I think her head already exploded a while back.. ;)

Good post Steyr, although completely impossible to do this as potus, most all makes sense, too much sense in fact. Have a question about #9, can you expound on this a bit? I also think 1 term is enough. It only takes about 5 minutes for a rep to get corrupted after he hits DC.

Local state representatives will no longer be "elected" but chosen in a manner similar to jury duty.

oops forgot.. you have my vote too..

08-12-10, 12:36
although completely impossible to do this as potus

I disagree - I think it's COMPLETELY do-able; you just need to find someone with the balls to follow it through. Unlike social and economic reform, where people must blindly trust and adopt an unproven way of life (at least in this country), we CAME FROM and KNOW that these policies work. I'd be willing to bet if someone proposed these, was genuine, and completely transparent, they might actually be passed.

08-12-10, 13:07
although completely impossible to do this as potus

I disagree - I think it's COMPLETELY do-able; you just need to find someone with the balls to follow it through. Unlike social and economic reform, where people must blindly trust and adopt an unproven way of life (at least in this country), we CAME FROM and KNOW that these policies work. I'd be willing to bet if someone proposed these, was genuine, and completely transparent, they might actually be passed.

I guess I'm a little more pessimistic with the close to tipping point from private to govt sectors. There would first have to be a huge turn over in the house and senate. I think there are more takers than payers to let that happen. You also have to consider the masses of useful idiots the left relies on and the undocumented dems they are counting on for their voting block. Sincerely though, I wish it could/would happen. I hope I'm completely wrong on this though and there would be sunny days ahead of us..

08-12-10, 13:24
I don't quite understand #6. If you are getting rid of the NFA34, why have a class III collectors license? And I assume you are getting rid of the 86 manufacturing ban since I assume it relies on the NFA

Just to keep the comprehensive background check. And once the individual is licensed, the registry will be open for pretty much anything.

08-12-10, 13:26
I think her head already exploded a while back.. ;)

Good post Steyr, although completely impossible to do this as potus, most all makes sense, too much sense in fact. Have a question about #9, can you expound on this a bit? I also think 1 term is enough. It only takes about 5 minutes for a rep to get corrupted after he hits DC.

Basically a pool of citizens would be called up like in jury duty. And from that pool the best candidates would become representatives. So we are basically taking about people who had regular lives and jobs, who serve a short term or two as a representative and then return to those lives.

08-12-10, 13:44
You do realize a POTUS can do almost none of these things on their own, right?

How do you figure? This administration and Congross have already proven they can do whatever they want regardless if it's legal, in the best interest of the US, or even popular with the American people. Nothing holds them back from getting what they want so I don't see an issue for SteyrAUG.

08-12-10, 13:44
i don't think that randomly choosing people that probably dont want to be a public servant to be in charge of making and enforcing laws is a good idea.

08-12-10, 13:53
When does this campaign officially commence? Or are you just floating this boat to watch it sail away?

Be accountable, damn it.

08-12-10, 13:56
Just to keep the comprehensive background check. And once the individual is licensed, the registry will be open for pretty much anything.

What registry? You did away with it when you got rid of the NFA34.

That is my confusion.

08-12-10, 13:59
How do you figure? This administration and Congross have already proven they can do whatever they want regardless if it's legal, in the best interest of the US, or even popular with the American people. Nothing holds them back from getting what they want so I don't see an issue for SteyrAUG.

The Obama administration issues moratorium in gulf.

Federal appeals court rejects the government’s moratorium, striking it down.

So The Obama administration does the only logical thing and completely ignores the court's decision and issues another moratorium.

You can do whatever the hell you want.

08-12-10, 14:18
This administration and Congross have already proven they can do whatever they want regardless if it's legal, in the best interest of the US, or even popular with the American people.

Precisely, it requires BOTH the executive and legislative branches to enact this level of change.

Obama wouldn't be able to get away with jack if the Congress wasn't rubber-stamping everything for him.

08-12-10, 23:15
What registry? You did away with it when you got rid of the NFA34.

That is my confusion.

OK, I didn't present it very well. I would scrap MOST of the 34 NFA. I may or may not retain the registry. If for no other reason than to be able to call Mexico a ****ing liar when they start telling us that "our machine guns" are ****ing up their country.

08-13-10, 11:34
7. Civil Rights - All race based laws will be completely eliminated. We are gonna give true equality a chance.

So does this mean that since Marijuana prohibition was a race base law when it was enacted, that it would then be abolished?

08-13-10, 11:57
So does this mean that since Marijuana prohibition was a race base law when it was enacted, that it would then be abolished?

Honestly, I haven't completely worked out a drug policy.

I don't really want currently prohibited narcotics for sale at 7-11 but the war on drugs really isn't working either.

08-13-10, 11:59
By the way, I have narrowed my list of possible running mates down to:

Erica Campbell
Sunny Leone
Aria Giovanni
G. Gordon Liddy

08-13-10, 13:11
By the way, I have narrowed my list of possible running mates down to:

Erica Campbell
Sunny Leone
Aria Giovanni
G. Gordon Liddy

I would so vote for you if Sunny Leone was your running mate :D

btw: I'm in agreement with you on the war on drugs. It just isn't working and it is costing us tax payers way too much money to fight. Me myself I tried Marijuana a few times in High School and hated it so I haven't touched it since. But in comparison to Alcohol, I think it should be regulated similarly to that. Maybe not sold at the corner gas station, but maybe at regulated dispensaries.

08-13-10, 20:49
you cant regulate peaceful activity. legalize or bust

Heartland Hawk
08-13-10, 21:32
I'd vote fore ya.

08-14-10, 10:43
While a great platform.......... they would kill you and blame it on some white guy.

08-14-10, 12:11
Can I be Sec. of State long enough to go to the UN and yell at everybody with a big ole hand cannon straped to my hip?