View Full Version : Speaking of excessive entitlements, watch this vid and throw up in your mouth.

08-12-10, 18:30
I dont know where to begin.

This is video of total bedlam at a rally for section 8 and public housing applications in Atlanta. I seriously wanted to puke.

How anyone, ANYONE, can allow themselves to be slaves to gov't deciding where and how you live because they cant get off their ass and make their own fate. That makes me sicker than hell.

A husband and wife working at Walmart for $10 an hour is $41,000 a year, which is perfectly capable of providing a respectable lifestyle if you live within your means.

As I've said, I am a moderate, not a strict conservative, but this I am 100% against. None of those people looked especially old or disabled (possibly mentally challenged by choice)

Someone called me a racist for saying this on another forum, but if they were handing out job applications, would as many people have showed up? Would those that did show up be as adamant and persistent? Probably not.

Housing crisis reaches full boil in East Point; 62 injured
By Craig Schneider and Tammy Joyner
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Story and pics: http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/housing-crisis-reaches-full-589653.html

Video: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh8V4waIItn2Vvr75v

08-12-10, 18:43
Im a speachless...

I did notice a lot of those people are eligible for the military :p

08-12-10, 18:59
My comments would result in the ban hammer so I'll leave this here.:lazy2:

08-12-10, 19:30
East Point is a real sh*thole too. That anyone would want to live there, let alone fight over it, just shows the type of people that were there. You couldn't pay me to live there.

08-12-10, 19:39
My comments would result in the ban hammer so I'll leave this here.:lazy2:

i'd written a post that expressed my feelings, then deleted it for fear of bamnation.


my mother and i had a conversation related to this topic not too long ago, which was sort of weird, since my mother isn't the most sociological of people. she said she went into a bodega in SE Portland at about 11 in the morning while there on business, saw a couple in there... very ghettofied individuals, the woman was buying a heaping pile of candy and potato chips, some of which she'd already started eating even before getting to the register, which she paid for with food stamps, and the man was buying two 40s of malt liquor, which he paid for with change.

her realization was that this class if individual has no chance at anything remotely resembling "success." they're both products of the same thing they are, and will produce more of the same (probably already have). they have zero productive ambition, because nothing has ever been expected of them, never will be, and all of their basic needs are paid for by us. their only goals are to A) eat some junk food, and B) get drunk. until the end of their days.

what are we going to do, gentlemen? this shit can't go on like this- we're going to end up dragged into dark ages

08-12-10, 19:39
Where's Waldo?

08-12-10, 20:21
A husband and wife working at Walmart for $10 an hour is $41,000 a year, which is perfectly capable of providing a respectable lifestyle if you live within your means.

Absolutely true. IF you don't have kids.

Now I happen to be one of those screwy people who believes you shouldn't have children until you can bear the financial responsibility, but it doesn't change the fact that a great many have foolishly cast that concern by the wayside and subsequently struggle to support their children. My guess is most of the people here have basically financially overcomitted themselves via their kids and are looking for a "way out".

It's, therefore, a complicated issue. On the one hand I'm not big on rewarding recklessness (this just in: unprotected sex yields chillens, film at 11), but on the other hand I don't necessarily favor having children suffer because their parents were morons.

Be great if there was some way to protect the kids while making the parents suck it...

08-12-10, 20:31
Look at the amount of litter on the ground. I'm sure the public housing will be open for about five years before being condemned.

08-12-10, 20:36
It's, therefore, a complicated issue. On the one hand I'm not big on rewarding recklessness (this just in: unprotected sex yields chillens, film at 11), but on the other hand I don't necessarily favor having children suffer because their parents were morons.

The problem is that stupid irresponsible parents for the most part have stupid irresponsible children (who grow up to be stupid irresponsible parents and so on). With government programs encouraging this and removing consequences of this stupid behavior after a few hundred years you end up with a world like the movie Idiocracy.

08-12-10, 20:39
Absolutely true. IF you don't have kids.

Now I happen to be one of those screwy people who believes you shouldn't have children until you can bear the financial responsibility, but it doesn't change the fact that a great many have foolishly cast that concern by the wayside and subsequently struggle to support their children. My guess is most of the people here have basically financially overcomitted themselves via their kids and are looking for a "way out".

It's, therefore, a complicated issue. On the one hand I'm not big on rewarding recklessness (this just in: unprotected sex yields chillens, film at 11), but on the other hand I don't necessarily favor having children suffer because their parents were morons.

Be great if there was some way to protect the kids while making the parents suck it...

Exactly you shouldn't have kids until you can afford to feed and clothe them. Even one is reasonable.

08-12-10, 21:36
Seeing this spectacle makes me wonder what's going to happen when the gravy train comes to a halt & the gubmint cheese stops rollin in......:fie:

08-12-10, 21:40
Seeing this spectacle makes me wonder what's going to happen when the gravy train comes to a halt & the gubmint cheese stops rollin in......:fie:

Scary thought...even scarier that it's very likely to happen during our lifetimes.

08-12-10, 21:44
Why work when you can sit on your azz and get free housing,electrical,and food.

Only in America:rolleyes:

08-12-10, 21:47
Well, many European nations HAD lavish welfare states, but have cut back on entitlement spending because it was, well, the sane thing to do and there were few alternatives.

I have a feeling the folks running things would defund the military before cutting a cent in welfare spending...:mad:

Why work when you can sit on your azz and get free housing,electrical,and food.

Only in America:rolleyes:

08-12-10, 22:00
your right, i did vomit in my mouth...while i sit here and thumb through the medical bills relating to my newborn. In 3 years it will be difficult to tell ATL from Freetown, AFR

08-12-10, 22:06
Well, many European nations HAD lavish welfare states, but have cut back on entitlement spending because it was, well, the sane thing to do and there were few alternatives.

I have a feeling the folks running things would defund the military before cutting a cent in welfare spending...:mad:

Has anyone else seen this graphic?


This is from 2007 so it does not include TARP, Stimulus bill, Obamacare or any other recent boondoggles.

08-12-10, 22:09
interesting graphic, shows what we already know to be true:

1. Social Security is a "luxury" we can no longer afford.
2. Compound interest is a vicious bitch.

08-12-10, 22:10
There have been points in American history where the culture was such that taking a handout was shameful. I wonder if those days ever existed.......

Everyone should ask themselves......."Am I a producer, or am I a parasite?" Do you pay more in taxes, than you take away from the tax payer? I know I certainly pay more in taxes. :mad:

08-12-10, 22:10
Im a speachless...

I did notice a lot of those people are eligible for the military :p

we'll pass... we have enough people who only want the paycheck and dont belong here

08-12-10, 22:42
Why work when you can sit on your azz and get free housing,electrical,and food.

Only in America:rolleyes:

and dont forget the flat screen and some 24 inch rims for their ride !!!!!

sadly this seems to be the types makes me puke !!!

08-12-10, 22:45
cut it all now I mean everything !!
freeze almost all spending for crap like this and other welfare programs etc..
let neighbors help each other etc.. let the churches help each other etc..

its kinda like a infected wound and hoping it gets better !!!
cut the toe off now before we have to loose our leg !

08-12-10, 22:50
Cut the entitlements.

Work or starve.

08-12-10, 23:01
Seeing this spectacle makes me wonder what's going to happen when the gravy train comes to a halt & the gubmint cheese stops rollin in......:fie:

I do wonder what will happen when we hit bottom, and we are literally forced to cut or end entitlements or literally go broke.

There will riots in the damn streets. It will anarchy and neo-paleolithic.

And do they even have government cheese anymore? There will be a whole generation of kids that wont even know what that really means :p

08-12-10, 23:06
Im a speachless...

I did notice a lot of those people are eligible for the military :p

Maybe so. But do you really want to see those weanies trained to use weapons or working on aircraft? :suicide2:

I can't believe how many are willing to live in a crappy neighborhood just so they can do it almost for free!! 30,000 is about 5.5% of Atlanta's population.

08-12-10, 23:43
There will riots in the damn streets. It will anarchy and neo-paleolithic.

Good. Let's get it done. The entitlements have nearly ruined the country and we need to get past this dumb idea.

08-13-10, 01:13
Cut the entitlements.

Work or starve.


08-13-10, 03:59
I'm some what for social programs that help those who can't help themselves.

But 99% of those people's job is working the system, if they put 5% of that energy into action they could get a job that paid the bill.

The biggest thing that pisses me off beyond any of this shit, is disabled children getting disability checks, why should some one with a disabled child get a monthly check for the child? Does a normal child bring in a positive income? Fine get the get some treatment if you truly can't afford it (medicade) but giving out checks to these parents is the worst thing you can do. It encourages the parents.

08-13-10, 06:31
Seeing this spectacle makes me wonder what's going to happen when the gravy train comes to a halt & the gubmint cheese stops rollin in......:fie:

Scary thought...even scarier that it's very likely to happen during our lifetimes.

Well, many European nations HAD lavish welfare states, but have cut back on entitlement spending because it was, well, the sane thing to do and there were few alternatives.

I have a feeling the folks running things would defund the military before cutting a cent in welfare spending...:mad:

It has already happend (not here yet), but notice what's happend in Greece over the last year?

we'll pass... we have enough people who only want the paycheck and dont belong here


Cut the entitlements.

Work or starve.


For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10

08-13-10, 06:56
The biggest thing that pisses me off beyond any of this shit, is disabled children getting disability checks, why should some one with a disabled child get a monthly check for the child? Does a normal child bring in a positive income? Fine get the get some treatment if you truly can't afford it (medicade) but giving out checks to these parents is the worst thing you can do. It encourages the parents.

I'm going to have to get in on this one. My fiancé has a son from a previous marriage who has autism and she gets a check for him, it's not much but it does help. She has been fired from 2 jobs now because of all the doctor visits she has to take him to. She is taking him for testing and evaluations all the damn time and employers don't really give two shits about peoples problems so they keep firing her. These doctors are specialists and they have 6 to 10 month waiting list so you get in when you can. They told her when he was first diagnosed that she would have a very hard time holding a job due to this. Sorry about the rant, I'm tired and going to bed now.

08-13-10, 07:17
the riots start when the govt checks bounce or dont buy anything (hyperinflation)

Alex V
08-13-10, 07:53
My comments would result in the ban hammer so I'll leave this here.:lazy2:

Same here

her realization was that this class if individual has no chance at anything remotely resembling "success." they're both products of the same thing they are, and will produce more of the same (probably already have). they have zero productive ambition, because nothing has ever been expected of them, never will be, and all of their basic needs are paid for by us. their only goals are to A) eat some junk food, and B) get drunk. until the end of their days.

Same realization was achieved here long ago. Not only did I live in Brooklyn NY as a child, but went to college in Newark NJ.

My father works as an inspector for the New York City Housing Authority. He sees this every day for over a decade and still can not believe his yes.

Very sad, but true

08-13-10, 11:01
I'm going to have to get in on this one. My fiancé has a son from a previous marriage who has autism and she gets a check for him, it's not much but it does help. She has been fired from 2 jobs now because of all the doctor visits she has to take him to. She is taking him for testing and evaluations all the damn time and employers don't really give two shits about peoples problems so they keep firing her. These doctors are specialists and they have 6 to 10 month waiting list so you get in when you can. They told her when he was first diagnosed that she would have a very hard time holding a job due to this. Sorry about the rant, I'm tired and going to bed now.

prayers for your new family !!!

I must say and this is not to be harsh ? I know some churches can really help out a lot ! I am not mormon but they are the best at helping each other the Church on Maui I used to go to helped out a lot of people ! not saying go to church to get help !!
or some of the special groups that help out

I do think if all these programs for the idiots were out their it would free up for your fiances son
get rid of the I got out of prison help me !
I just dont want to work help me
if all of the people would not suck off it their would be more to go around
a check that goes to autistic kids is something that should not be cut !!! what should be cut is hobag in the hood with 6 kids and foodstamps in her public housing cause daddy is in prison again cause he did not pay child support on his other 14 kids when he got pulled over for driving turns out he has suspended lic and a warrant for that burglary !!!
those are the people that should be cut out of the system FOR EVER !!!!!

not people like your fiance and child :)

if people have a good job a clean record show they are a good member and a circumstance out of their control its OK to get help but also groups can really help and the private sector does this the best still

08-13-10, 11:13
and dont forget the flat screen and some 24 inch rims for their ride !!!!!

sadly this seems to be the types makes me puke !!!

How much do you think the government spent passing out those $40 vouchers for HD television converters so everyone would still be able to watch tv after the mandatory federal conversion to a digital signal?

I submit that if you can't afford a $40 converter, you can't afford to be watching f'ing television.

08-13-10, 11:20
they gotta subsidize the convertors so they can continue to watch the blame bush and Yes we can propaganda. Otherwise they might find something productive to do

08-13-10, 11:38
Simply put entitlements/welfare are bankrupting us.

And yes to many of these people this is their "job". Its an entire industry to work the system, and get as many benefits as possible. They know the laws better than anyone, and use our (mandatory) generosity to subsidize their lifestyle. Its just a game for them.

08-13-10, 12:01
i encountered a woman the other day at work, le patrol, who has 6 kids. she was proud to tell me she gets individual checks for all of them, has 22'' rims on her car, lives in hud housing and one of the biggest hood-rats who cause trouble wherever she goes. this oxygen thief probably makes more money than i do!!! anyone who has worked the streets in a law capacity knows that this sort of mindset will never change, their kids will grow to be just like their parents. the circle of the ghetto will always exist. sad really, buy more ammo.

08-13-10, 13:17
This reminds me of a call I went on a few years ago.

The shift Corporal and I get dispatched to some Section 8 housing for a domestic dispute. We arrive and the "Mother" of the house, and I use the term loosely, is acting whacked out of her head. She's threating her family, and us, and so on. One of the family members claims they have commitment papers on her. We check it out, and lo and behold there are commitment papers on her. We take her into custody and begin transport. During the ride we have a conversation where this woman is completely calm and very collected. She goes on about how once or twice a year she acts all crazy and goes to the "nut house" (her words) for a couple weeks. Then she starts acting normal again, and they let her loose. She goes home and collects disability, welfare, whatever. She says she hasn't worked in years. She asks my Corporal how much he makes a year, and when he replies to her, she stone cold looks at the both of us and asks, "Which of all of us is crazy?"

They know the system, and how to "work" it. I can't recall going into many Section 8 projects, where a large percentage didn't have $15-20k of wheels and stereos in their cars, everyone had SEVERAL pairs of Nikes, Timberlands, etc, and big screen T.V.'s and video games. There may be roaches all over, but they had what they wanted, and we footed the bill...


08-13-10, 17:05
The problem is that stupid irresponsible parents for the most part have stupid irresponsible children (who grow up to be stupid irresponsible parents and so on). With government programs encouraging this and removing consequences of this stupid behavior after a few hundred years you end up with a world like the movie Idiocracy.

Hammer meet nail head. It's a vicious and very real cycle

Heartland Hawk
08-13-10, 19:48
Cut the entitlements.

Work or starve.


08-13-10, 20:07
I actuall worked security at an alternative school once. As a special guest they had one of our assistant chiefs come talk to the kids about responsibility. One of the future leaders of tommorrow actually got up and diagramed on a chalk board about how his mother taught him that if he worked at mcdonalds for $8 an hour, he could get on welfare and scam the system to have a good amount of income. Let's say the chiefs point was not coming through to this group. The problem, like y'all have said, is rooted very deep as these kids were in middle school. The presentation ended with them comparing gunshot wounds they received on the street.

08-13-10, 20:17
I actuall worked security at an alternative school once. As a special guest they had one of our assistant chiefs come talk to the kids about responsibility. One of the future leaders of tommorrow actually got up and diagramed on a chalk board about how his mother taught him that if he worked at mcdonalds for $8 an hour, he could get on welfare and scam the system to have a good amount of income. Let's say the chiefs point was not coming through to this group. The problem, like y'all have said, is rooted very deep as these kids were in middle school. The presentation ended with them comparing gunshot wounds they received on the street.

Politically speaking there are state and federal officials with an interest in keeping people poor, uninformed and on the dole.

Every single entitlement program on the books was thought up by a politician, and altruism is not the likely motivation.

08-13-10, 20:36
Hammer meet nail head. It's a vicious and very real cycle
It is also a cycle that produces more future voters than conservatives do.

08-13-10, 22:38
I'm going to have to get in on this one. My fiancé has a son from a previous marriage who has autism and she gets a check for him, it's not much but it does help. She has been fired from 2 jobs now because of all the doctor visits she has to take him to. She is taking him for testing and evaluations all the damn time and employers don't really give two shits about peoples problems so they keep firing her. These doctors are specialists and they have 6 to 10 month waiting list so you get in when you can. They told her when he was first diagnosed that she would have a very hard time holding a job due to this. Sorry about the rant, I'm tired and going to bed now.

Not trying to be harsh, and under stand it's not easy having a disabled child (Have friends who have such children, one has a violent mentally handicap teenager, talk about a lot of hardship)

But it still doesn't justify giving a child a monthly check for his/her disability. The child is just that a child and the care falls on the parental guardian unless he/she can no longer provide adequate care, than the state is responsible.

Also if she's fired unjustly she should talk to a lawyer for discrimination. But I don't see how that would work, if she's not being targeted solely because of her child's disability.

And before people use the argument of SS & Medicare being paid out to children, this is fine in the case of the parent being deceased or disabled, they paid into the system for this reason and it isn't welfare.

Medicaid, and Medicare are two different systems. And I'm fine with limited welfare, I'm not such an asshole I want to see a person die from hunger, but I also don't want to buy his jack & coke.

08-13-10, 22:47
I'm going to have to get in on this one. My fiancé has a son from a previous marriage who has autism and she gets a check for him, it's not much but it does help. She has been fired from 2 jobs now because of all the doctor visits she has to take him to. She is taking him for testing and evaluations all the damn time and employers don't really give two shits about peoples problems so they keep firing her. These doctors are specialists and they have 6 to 10 month waiting list so you get in when you can. They told her when he was first diagnosed that she would have a very hard time holding a job due to this. Sorry about the rant, I'm tired and going to bed now.

tell your gf to join the military

I have a soldier in my unit (US Army) and he has 3 autistic kids... and a wife with MS.... he just bought a new 3D TV and a XBox 360 and PS3 with those checks the state gives him for the kids... yet him and his wife looks for those handouts

and we let him keep his job while also allowing him to miss work and deployments.. so he can take the kids to appointments since his wife is worthless

08-14-10, 01:05
I do wonder what will happen when we hit bottom, and we are literally forced to cut or end entitlements or literally go broke.

There will riots in the damn streets. It will anarchy and neo-paleolithic.

And do they even have government cheese anymore? There will be a whole generation of kids that wont even know what that really means :p

I don't think they have government cheese anymore. The welfare people get name brand foods at the grocery store cause they are WIC and EBT approved.

How anyone, ANYONE, can allow themselves to be slaves to gov't deciding where and how you live because they cant get off their ass and make their own fate. That makes me sicker than hell.

They not only allow it, they are very proud of the fact that they have never been a contributor to society, and only a drain on it. They see it as getting what "the man" owes them. They have no manners, no pride in themselves, no honor, no ethic.

I couldn't work for a welfare agency. I'd be in jail. I have a hard enough time controlling my temper when I see these jackwagons in the store...

Every single entitlement program on the books was thought up by a politician, and altruism is not the likely motivation.

For the politicians, it's all about the votes. For the welfare recipients, it's all about the Franklins...a nice symbiotic relationship...and anyone that wants to stop this BS gets immediately labeled as a racist. Very convenient.

08-14-10, 10:09
Seeing this spectacle makes me wonder what's going to happen when the gravy train comes to a halt & the gubmint cheese stops rollin in......

Folks, the gubmint gravy train isn't EVER going to stop rolling, for one simple reason: "they" are outbreeding "us." How many times have you met or become aware of a "minority" male in his 20s who has never been married but has 5 or 6 kids by 4 or 5 different baby mamas? How many "minority" women have you met who are in their early 20s, have never been married, and have several chirren, all with a different baby daddy? When these chirren mature (or at least when they become sexually active), they do as their parents did. As this cycle continues, the proportion of "them" in the population will continue to increase, until "we" are no longer the majority.

When that happens, "they" will also become a majority in both Congress and the state legislatures ... which means that "they" will then BE the gubmint.

08-14-10, 11:02
cut it all now I mean everything !!
freeze almost all spending for crap like this and other welfare programs etc..
let neighbors help each other etc.. let the churches help each other etc..

its kinda like a infected wound and hoping it gets better !!!
cut the toe off now before we have to loose our leg !

Exactly, where's family and friends when you need them.

fwiw. My moms family rose up out this exact enviroment, specifically my gram, mother, aunt and uncle, after one generation we are all now contributers to society. Some families do need help. It's the multi generational leeches that are bankrupting us. There has to be some kind of limit.

08-14-10, 11:08
Folks, the gubmint gravy train isn't EVER going to stop rolling, for one simple reason: "they" are outbreeding "us." How many times have you met or become aware of a "minority" male in his 20s who has never been married but has 5 or 6 kids by 4 or 5 different baby mamas? How many "minority" women have you met who are in their early 20s, have never been married, and have several chirren, all with a different baby daddy? When these chirren mature (or at least when they become sexually active), they do as their parents did. As this cycle continues, the proportion of "them" in the population will continue to increase, until "we" are no longer the majority.

When that happens, "they" will also become a majority in both Congress and the state legislatures ... which means that "they" will then BE the gubmint.

That's the mindset. At the bus stop after work I overheard a couple of them talking. Word for word "we need to make babies as fast they be putting us in jail."

08-14-10, 12:10
Folks, the gubmint gravy train isn't EVER going to stop rolling, for one simple reason: "they" are outbreeding "us." How many times have you met or become aware of a "minority" male in his 20s who has never been married but has 5 or 6 kids by 4 or 5 different baby mamas? How many "minority" women have you met who are in their early 20s, have never been married, and have several chirren, all with a different baby daddy? When these chirren mature (or at least when they become sexually active), they do as their parents did. As this cycle continues, the proportion of "them" in the population will continue to increase, until "we" are no longer the majority.

When that happens, "they" will also become a majority in both Congress and the state legislatures ... which means that "they" will then BE the gubmint.

The problem is that the consumers will soon way outnumber us producers, and thus the government will start trying to squeeze blood from a turnip to keep the welfare train rolling. Soon, the producers won't have anything more to give and that's when the welfare train will come to a halt.

And then the rioting starts. And it will be like nothing ever seen before. Not isolated rioting, or small scale riots. No sir, it will be a whole nation ablaze.

And they have been savoring this event for a long time. Once the consumers become in charge, it'll be like Somalia or the Congo, just much larger.