View Full Version : Stolen nfl Valor

08-13-10, 08:30
No wonder people have such animosity for politicians.

Politician in Redskins country lied about playing for Cowboys

By Chris Chase

Michael Vaughn is a member of the Maryland House of Delegates and represents Prince George's County 24th district, an area which includes FedEx Field, the home of the Washington Redskins. Despite living in deep in the heart of Redskins country, Vaughn boasted on his website that he played for the Dallas Cowboys for three years.

Big mistake.

A recent investigation by Dave McKenna of the Washington City Paper uncovered the fact that Vaughn never set foot on any field wearing that famous Cowboys star. Through a spokeswoman, the Cowboys said there is no record of Vaughn ever playing for them or any other NFL team.

Bigger mistake.

Since McKenna's report went out last week, Vaughn has gone step-by-step through the political crisis playbook. His first step was to deny, deny, deny. The delegate insisted to McKenna that he was signed as a free agent in 1980, despite evidence to the contrary. A single, ambiguous newspaper clipping was his only proof.

Next up was the tried and true method of distraction with inconsequential facts. Vaughn said he was a member of the NFL Players Alumni Association, a group whose eligibility requirements seem to be only that you have a working credit card. If you'd like, you can join too for $150.

Then Vaughn tried to blame the issue on someone else (the webmaster who made his site), pulled the offending sentence (he says he removed it immediately; McKenna claims he waited six days), released a damage control statement blasting the City Paper's report (it was "unresearched (sic) and inaccurate"), basically blamed the media for all of society's ills ("this incident demonstrates the growing problem that we have in the 24/7 media culture") and, finally, vowed to "explore" how the error was made in the first place.




08-13-10, 09:12
And the people who voted him in probably thinks that he is being picked on only because he is black.

Welcome to the Sheeple State of Maryland. They have the best politicians that money can buy!!

08-13-10, 09:47
Stolen valor?

08-13-10, 10:12
Then there's the animosity one feels for those that mistakenly equate professional athletes to those in the service of a nation.... What oath does any professional athlete swear, except to themselves and their agent? What valor is there in chasing a piece of pigskin across a tailored lawn?

Might want to ask to get the title of the thread changed, and then realize that posing as an NFL thug is in no way even in the same grid square as posing as an American warfighter.