View Full Version : Custom Concealable Armor Carriers?

08-13-10, 13:48
I remember a while back, Eagle Industries was making concealable armor carriers that were cut to the customer's existing armor dimensions. These were intended to be worn concealed under a uniform. It seems that with Eagle's other priorities, this has been discontinued.
At present, I have an old vest that I'd like to keep around, but the carrier is fading fast. I'd like to find a similar product to replace the carrier, and be durable. Concealability isn't an issue, but it would be nice.
Anyone currently doing this?

08-13-10, 14:31
Try Beez combat systems. They do carriers cut to your armor specs. I have one of their early non molle carriers for one of my work vests and it's pretty stout.


08-13-10, 15:43
Looks about right for what I'm thinking.
Tell me: can you also wear it under your regular duty uniform? Not a deal breaker, but would be a nice bonus.

08-13-10, 17:57
You probably could but I've never actually tried. I usually wear mine over a shirt as a raid type set up. The shoulder straps may be a little thick depending on how your uniform is cut/tailored. I'm sure that if you gave them a call and told them your specific needs they could get you squared away.