View Full Version : And this is coming from the Brits?

08-14-10, 14:28
What happened to the Euro love affair with Obama?


08-14-10, 14:34
Looks like they're waking up.....

08-14-10, 14:45
From his extraordinarily uninspiring Afghanistan speech at West Point to his flat State of the Union address, President Obama has failed to touch the heart of America. Even Jimmy Carter was more moving.

When they start giving Carter higher praise you know you are in trouble

08-14-10, 14:50
Excellent article.

To be fair, any President that's serving during a mess like we're in now is going to have low numbers.

The fact that he hasn't been able to get us out of the mess and is contributing to it sure as shit doesn't help.

How's that hope working for you?

08-14-10, 15:02
Things OBVIOUSLY aren't going well with the USA but the Crowned Heads of EUrope will NEVER see eye-to-eye with us. Our FORM OF GOVERNMENt is diametrically opposed with theirs. We represent a shining example of how antiquated their FORM OF GOVERNMENT is.

08-14-10, 15:22
When they start giving Carter higher praise you know you are in trouble

No kidding! In hindsight Jimmy Carter was a super-patriot and John Wayne in comparison to the Obamination.

08-14-10, 15:46
Excellent article.

To be fair, any President that's serving during a mess like we're in now is going to have low numbers.

The fact that he hasn't been able to get us out of the mess and is contributing to it sure as shit doesn't help.

How's that hope working for you?

About as well as the change.

08-14-10, 15:58
I would have never guessed that "Jimmy Carter" and "Patriot" could be used in the same sentence.

08-14-10, 16:13
I would have never guessed that "Jimmy Carter" and "Patriot" could be used in the same sentence.

LMAO... You can thank Obama for Jimmy's apparent elevation to Patriot status, hehe

08-14-10, 16:30

08-14-10, 17:34
Excellent article.

To be fair, any President that's serving during a mess like we're in now is going to have low numbers.

Perhaps, but there was nothing in the article relating to this. Everything indicated was of his own doing, except for the debt which he did inherit some of.

08-14-10, 18:50
When they start giving Carter higher praise you know you are in trouble

No shit! At the beginning of his presidency, I thought he and Carter were one in the same....both equally weak and out of touch in both foreign and domestic affairs. The edge going to Carter, being a former Navel Officer.

08-14-10, 18:58
being a former Navel Officer.

I'd be a lousy president too if my only military experience involved a navel:sarcastic:

08-14-10, 19:09
One sign that BHO is in big trouble is that twenty months in his presidency, he's still blaming GWB and the R's for everything that's bad in this country.

08-14-10, 19:44
One day, Barack Hussein Obama will be revered as the Greatest President this nation has ever known and you've had the pleasure to serve.
Matter of fact, they are already starting to "right" the Revised edition of US History to be used in the public schools. US history will now start on Jan 20, 2009 when we were delivered from the chaos and turmoil that existed prior to the coronation. Before that date, only evil roamed the land, taking what it wanted from the poor, lost peasants, who, while trying to provide for their families were being cheated by big business, big pharmaceuticals, big oil, and W (no, not Wal-Mart).
Mark my words, this will come to be.

Now, before you flame me for being anti-BHO, I haven't liked either parties Presidential nominees since Reagan, and I even had some reservations with him.

08-14-10, 22:31
It's a Tory paper, kind of like the Fox News of the UK. The Guardian is the Labour, or socialist lite paper.

Tory = conservatory (conservative)

Oddly enough, the loyalists during the American revolution were called Tory.


Bubba FAL
08-16-10, 22:00
It's not just the Brits. I got some surprising questions from Germans during a recent trip there. Questions like "Why is your gov't still spending so much money?" and "Doesn't it bother you that your country has so much debt?"

The economic situations in Greece and Spain seems to have awakened some common sense in Europe. Seems folks in the productive countries don't like their tax money going to bail out welfare states.