View Full Version : US debt crisis

08-16-10, 20:56
I found this article informative. Here is an excerpt and a link.

Let’s get real. Here is what the government is likely to do. Once Washington realize that the dollar is at risk and that they can no longer finance their wars by borrowing abroad, the government will either levy a tax on private pensions on the grounds that the pensions have accumulated tax-deferred, or the government will require pension fund managers to purchase Treasury debt with our pensions. This will buy the government a bit more time while pension accounts are loaded up with worthless paper.

The last Bush budget deficit (2008) was in the $400-500 billion range, about the size of the Chinese, Japanese, and OPEC trade surpluses with the US. Traditionally, these trade surpluses have been recycled to the US and finance the federal budget deficit. In 2009 and 2010 the federal deficit jumped to $1,400 billion, a back-to-back trillion dollar increase. There are not sufficient trade surpluses to finance a deficit this large. From where comes the money?

The answer is from individuals fleeing the stock market into “safe” Treasury bonds and from the bankster bailout, not so much the TARP money as the Federal Reserve’s exchange of bank reserves for questionable financial paper such as subprime derivatives. The banks used their excess reserves to purchase Treasury debt.

These financing maneuvers are one-time tricks. Once people have fled stocks, that movement into Treasuries is over. The opposition to the bankster bailout likely precludes another. So where does the money come from the next time?


08-16-10, 20:58
people will flock to commodities to get real stuff. Watch them put a huge tax on gold and silver if they dont outlaw it. I dont see how anyone would be stupid enough to buy a T-bill

08-16-10, 21:31
So where does the money come from the next time?

The printing machines, of course.


08-16-10, 23:59
The printing machines, of course.


Whaddya think, that we'd cut spending?;)

08-17-10, 00:07
This article incorrectly assigns all the blame for FY09 on Obama. Don't forget there were several large emergency items passed right at the end of the last Bush term that are on him. Obama is responsible for about half the budget deficit increase in FY09 and ALL of FY10.

08-17-10, 00:49
But Bush will not be in the ballot in 2012.