View Full Version : Appleseed being "looked at"

08-18-10, 12:32
So, I hear this on the XMradio today that the Anti-Defamation League is keeping an eye on groups like Appleseed to see if they're promoting revolutionistic tendencies. Here's a snippit, link below to the full article..

"At this moment, we do not believe that the Appleseed Project is an extremist organization," said Bill Nigut, the ADL's Southeast regional director. "We don't know where they're headed."

Read more: http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/08/18/appleseed-teaching-history-with-guns/#ixzz0wymAFyyT

This guy Nigut sounds like a real peach! If you read on, it talks about how they've (the ADL) documented people with anti-government views. Don't they have anything better to do with their lives?

08-18-10, 13:09
urban (or sub-urban) ization of the population. Guns are so alien to him that nobody could possibly want or use one for anything other than nefarious purposes.

I met a 10-year-old kid over the weekend that shoots and cleans his own quail, squirrels, and rabbits in his yard while his dad is on the road. He was at the range for the 4H shooting. With his .177 caliber air rifle. I wonder what the pansy in your article would think of that kid. I thought the kid was my new hero.

08-18-10, 13:51
urban (or sub-urban) ization of the population. Guns are so alien to him that nobody could possibly want or use one for anything other than nefarious purposes.

I met a 10-year-old kid over the weekend that shoots and cleans his own quail, squirrels, and rabbits in his yard while his dad is on the road. He was at the range for the 4H shooting. With his .177 caliber air rifle. I wonder what the pansy in your article would think of that kid. I thought the kid was my new hero.

Future anti-government militia member.

FWIW I was put up for expulsion in HS because I forgot to clean my truck out of ammo and my shooting gear (no guns). I used to shoot ATA competition trap every weekend, and I usually thouroughly cleaned my truck out. I generally shot 500rds a weekend, and often went to a small informal trap club about 15 minutes from my house on Thursdays.

School officials didn't want to believe me (or my mom) that I was not about to shoot up the school, and was a competitive shooter. They searched all my belongings looking for a "hit list" in the vice principals words. It was actually a blessing in disguise though. My mom yanked me out of there before they could do anything, and put me in a home study program in another district where I went once a week. I also took JC classes in the summer, and went back to this school where it happened for my senior year. I didn't have to take very many classes because I had gotten so far ahead in the home study and JC classes counted for a lot. But yeah a lot of people including most of our schools think a kid being interested in guns, hunting, competitive shooting, etc is something nefarious.

08-18-10, 14:23
The ADL is a dangerous, anti American group that needs to be watched.

08-18-10, 16:03
ADL and the SPLC assign an incredibly low threshold for the label "extremist." Their own bias and paranoia is obvious in much of the lit they produce. What good work they do in their tracking and educational efforts is sullied by the direct and indirect advancement of their own leftist agenda.

08-18-10, 16:58
They searched all my belongings looking for a "hit list" in the vice principals words.

Geez, how f'ing stupid is that? Do they think all gun nuts are such dullards so as to have to put their "targets" on a list? And like we're all that close to making such a list? "Oh, darn, I forgot to cap the vice principal. Guess I'd better go back and so I can check him off my list." Unbelievable!

I didn't have to take very many classes because I had gotten so far ahead in the home study and JC classes counted for a lot.

No offense, but it's not real hard to out-pace public schools. Good on you that you benefited from the experience.

But yeah a lot of people including most of our schools think a kid being interested in guns, hunting, competitive shooting, etc is something nefarious.

Just tells you how good of a job the media and the anti-gunners are doing in the brain washing of America.

08-18-10, 17:11
One of the few bright spots for the ADL is that they are speaking out against the Ground Zero mosque.

Ed L.
08-18-10, 17:45
I am pretty sure that the ADL is on the record for being antigun and supporting various gun control measures.

Them keeping tabs on any firearms related groups has the credibility of the KKK keeping an eye on NAACP.

08-18-10, 19:38
I'd like to see seditious left wing groups being monitored......

08-18-10, 19:43
I'd like to see seditious left wing groups being monitored......

They talk about the Democrats on the news every night.

08-18-10, 20:25
I wonder how many of these guys parents and grandparents were thrown in ovens and turned into lampshades by Nazis because they were disarmed and unable to defend themselves.

I am sensing all kinds of irony here, Bubele

08-18-10, 20:44
I wonder how of these guys parents and grandparents were thrown in ovens and turned into lampshades by Nazis because they were disarmed and unable to defend themselves.

I am sensing all kinds of irony here, Bubele

Ditto. The ADL's irony meter, like most of their instrument panel, seems to be stuck on stupid.

08-18-10, 22:48
I wonder how many of these guys parents and grandparents were thrown in ovens and turned into lampshades by Nazis because they were disarmed and unable to defend themselves.

I am sensing all kinds of irony here, Bubele

The JPFO points that one out, but I do not know if they specifical bother with the ADL.

There should be some regulation regarding some private party monitoring groups like a spy agency, and is there a reason they cannot be hit with libel by Appleseed? It is like some private KGB organization or something in my opinion.

08-18-10, 22:53
This have anything to do with "Fred's" anti-UN/NWO writings he used to post in SGN?

08-19-10, 05:00
They talk about the Democrats on the news every night.



08-19-10, 06:13
The ADL's collective head must be exploding right now - Fox and Friends just did a positive story on Appleseed including shots of people (gasp) shooting rifles.


08-20-10, 17:43
so the anti-defamation league's job is to defame other organizations? how Orwellian :blink:

08-20-10, 19:40
Oooh! McCarthyism 2.0! :rolleyes:

08-22-10, 10:47
You guys don't think sites like this aren't monitored by left wing nutjobs ? Possibly even ip addresses ?

Heavy Metal
08-22-10, 11:05
If they have our IP addresses, they committed a felony to acquire them.

08-22-10, 13:32
What's a felony or two when they consider the greater good and "we" are the enemy against the state. Come now don't you know we conservatives are the new subversive culture of the US because we "No Habla" Politically Correct!