View Full Version : Schweet...True Grit remake by Coen Brothers

Gutshot John
08-21-10, 10:38
Some will claim blasphemy but Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn gets my vote.

If you're going to remake a classic, the Coen Brothers are the ones to do it.


08-21-10, 10:57
Dude Coen Brothers, Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn, Matt Damon as a Texas Ranger, Barry Pepper, and Josh Brolin as the drifter they are chasing . . .

I think it will be excellent!


08-21-10, 11:10
The Big Lebowski channels The Duke... yeah, that might even drag me back to the multiplex.

08-21-10, 12:21
I’m a fiend for Westerns so this will be much anticipated. . .

08-21-10, 15:40
No substitute for JW. I'll save my money.

08-21-10, 18:25
Coen brothers have said they do not intend this as a remake of the movie True Grit but as their version of the book it is based on or something to that effect. I think it should be pretty good.

I see that Blood Meridian is being made into a movie, hope it is good. I am not familiar with the writer/director.


08-21-10, 18:56
Coen brothers have said they do not intend this as a remake of the movie True Grit but as their version of the book it is based on or something to that effect. I think it should be pretty good.

Good to know.

08-22-10, 05:43
There's no substitute for JW (or Tom Selleck or Sam Elliott for that matter) but I still look forward to this release. I grew up watching westerns and I absolutely LOVE a good western! How many of us learned from westerns that you better know how to shoot straight if you don't want to live on your knees? :)

08-22-10, 10:08
This Matt Damon?




08-22-10, 11:50
I'm gonna take a controversial stance and say that True Grit was done right the first time. It still comes down to them being unable to come up with their own concept for a western.

Anybody remember that South Park episode about "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull?"

08-22-10, 15:54
I think it will be tough to improve on the original with John Wayne. However I'm a sucker for a good western. I'll probably put it on my "to see" list.

08-23-10, 01:19
I'll wait for the DVD to come out. I really hope they don't screw this up, I like that movie. After watching Crazy Heart, I think Bridges could pull it off, if he plays it straight.

08-23-10, 06:09
I see that Blood Meridian is being made into a movie, hope it is good. I am not familiar with the writer/director.


I just hope they find the right Judge Holden.

10-18-10, 22:56
Saw the trailer for True Grit today before Jackass 3. The trailer was worth having to sit through Jackass.

10-19-10, 00:49
I'm gonna take a controversial stance and say that True Grit was done right the first time. It still comes down to them being unable to come up with their own concept for a western.

Anybody remember that South Park episode about "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull?"


Holly wood has run out of ideas, period.

10-19-10, 13:03

Holly wood has run out of ideas, period.

Oh so true; and how sad it is to watch all these remakes and how they rape the originals. At least this isn't a remake, just a different interpretation of the book. Still I'll wait for it on DVD.

On the Crystal Skull note; it was pathetic to watch, not a true Indiana Jones movie at all; just a B-action flick with a big budget and a rediculous excuse for a plot.

10-19-10, 13:54
Coen Brothers suck. They only made one single decent film and that was Miller's Crossing. And even that was just your basic period gangster film.

Everything else was either boring as hell or a rehash of some previous work. The only thing all the films have in common beyond that is they all think they are brilliant films.

10-19-10, 15:04
Thread drift here but growing up with Raiders, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade the last Indy film was just the most disappointing film of all time in lieu of the hype. Lucas and Spielberg should have let Indiana and his father ride off into the sunset arguing about the dog's name and be done with it. Rant finished now. As you were.


10-19-10, 17:10
Coen Brothers suck. They only made one single decent film and that was Miller's Crossing. And even that was just your basic period gangster film.

Everything else was either boring as hell or a rehash of some previous work. The only thing all the films have in common beyond that is they all think they are brilliant films.

I'm gonna have to dissagree with you there. I loved Fargo and No Country For Old Men. I'm a huge fan of folk and blue grass so I really enjoyed O Brother, Where Art Thou too.

Thread drift here but growing up with Raiders, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade the last Indy film was just the most disappointing film of all time in lieu of the hype. Lucas and Spielberg should have let Indiana and his father ride off into the sunset arguing about the dog's name and be done with it. Rant finished now. As you were.


This is a prime example of why some directors like Quentin Tarantino say that there comes a time in every directors career will they need to stop making films.

As for Hollywood running out of ideas, there some pretty good movies that have come out lately The American, The Town, Inception to name a few. I think the big budget studios are the ones that keep rehashing the same old shit. Example, A-Team it blew IMO.

10-19-10, 17:10
Never saw the original and to be quite honest, I find a lot of old movies unbearable to watch, but the new one looks awesome. I dont see how you can cast The Dude and Matt Damon and have a bad movie.

10-19-10, 20:07
I just hope they find the right Judge Holden.

Gotta be Rutger Hauer.

10-20-10, 01:38
Never saw the original and to be quite honest, I find a lot of old movies unbearable to watch, but the new one looks awesome. I dont see how you can cast The Dude and Matt Damon and have a bad movie.


11-23-10, 09:58

11-23-10, 11:06
Nothing will beat the original but it looks decent. Jeff bridges and Josh Brolin I like but Matt Damon can kiss my ass. Never been a fan of his movies and his politics made it easier to ignore him.

11-23-10, 12:52
No substitute for JW. I'll save my money.

Yep. If they make a sequel to "Miller's Crossing," I'm THERE.

As for the Duke; anything else, is something LESS.


11-23-10, 12:55
I dont see how you can cast The Dude and Matt Damon and have a bad movie.

Matt Damon. :rolleyes:

This was his GREATEST role. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWTzyU5MFgM


12-22-10, 09:24
Saw it at midnight last night. Excellent. Matt Damon was even good. Bridges is a badass as Cogburn, although the trailers made the movie out to be darker than it really ended up being.

Gutshot John
12-22-10, 16:20
I'm checking it out tonight.

I'm glad to know someone loved it.

Gutshot John
12-23-10, 21:43
This movie was freakin awesome.

For the Duke's fans, fear not, it's an entirely different movie with only a similar plot involved. It had more in common with Deadwood or Unforgiven than it did with the original True Grit. I will say that I found it darker than the original.

Characters and acting made the movie. Jeff Bridges was awesome and completely unlikeable as Rooster Cogburn. Matt Damon was excellent despite his typical doucheiness. Barry Pepper makes an excellent cameo as a snaggle-toothed baddie. The real character was the young actress who portrays Maddie Ross who in the end leaves you with the impression that it's she with "true grit."

12-23-10, 21:48
I found it to be darker than the original as well, but did you feel that the trailers made the movie out to be darker or more violent than it ended up being?

Gutshot John
12-23-10, 21:59
I found it to be darker than the original as well, but did you feel that the trailers made the movie out to be darker or more violent than it ended up being?

Darkness seems to be a trend (and I would say a welcome one) with modern westerns. If JW were alive today he would have made a much better movie. My favorite John Wayne movie has always been "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence" and that's about as dark as he cared to be.

I only caught a couple of the trailers so I found it pretty consistent between them and the end product. I certainly wouldn't call the ending "uplifting."

12-24-10, 00:16
Saw the movie tonight and it was incredibly well done. I own the original True Grit and have watched it so many times, I have many of the lines memorized. But this movie is completely different, excellent in its own way, and a worthy addition to the "True Grit" tradition.

A few favorites:

* Rooster Cogburn's humorous one-liners about guns and shooting make the movie more fun. Example (delivered in his gruff drawl, in the courtroom): "Well if it ain't cocked and loaded it don't shoot."

* Hailee Steinfeld as Mattie just carries the movie. Some of her scenes where she negotiates with people, like the guy she buys the horse from, are worthy successors to the original scenes. The scene where she plunges into the river on her horse is awesome.

* The music score is appropriate to the time period and moving.

* The cinematography is breathtaking and definitely surpasses the original.

Low Drag
12-24-10, 07:12
Saw it last night.

It was good. Different than than the original but good.

06-15-11, 01:16
Now that it's out on DVD saw it very good flick as a photographer who loves movies for the way they are made it was a great movie well written acted and they did a great job with visuals etc...

Worth seeing in my book :)

06-15-11, 02:54
Yeap, I enjoyed it. I liked it better than the original verison. . .

That Matty Ross in the new one is much more tolerable, quit the spitfire for sure.

06-15-11, 14:13
Saw it the other day. Forgetting that it is a remake the movie itself is very good! Mattie is a tough young lady and I like her character quite a bit. The style of language used for that period is definitely different than the first True Grit. Don't know if that is how they really spoke back then. Is this better than the original? Can't really say. They both are very good movies in thier own right

06-15-11, 16:13
Not really a remake per say, more of a true to the novel adaption.

Forgetting that it is a remake the movie itself is very good!

Coen brothers have said they do not intend this as a remake of the movie True Grit but as their version of the book it is based on or something to that effect.

The ending to the Cohen brother's verison I believe is true to the novel and I really like it. The scene where Matty is an adult looking for Rooster.

06-15-11, 16:22
The original book is written in first person with Matty being the POV character. It used the formal voice that is Matty's. They partially did the same in the movie- that is, sometimes the dialogue of the movie was stiff & formal, sometimes it wasn't. Made the movie a bit jarring for me.

I felt the original movie, as an overall piece, was more seamless and polished. The only part of the original movie that didn't fit with the rest was the theme song. I have always felt it was a bit lame.

The new movie isn't really darker, although it does lack the wry sense of humor The Duke injected into his roles. It is grittier and starker, which is fitting as it's closer to the book. That's because Matty had a very stark point of view.

The original movie did a better job of telling it's story. Even as a stand-alone, the re-make has a few "cracks" in it's production and lacks attention to detail. The change in style of dialogue is a big one.

I felt the Matty of the original had much more fire and style. The Matty of the remake left me feeling like she was a spoiled, pouty little girl in comparison, more rebellious than independent

06-15-11, 17:07
Agreed about the Glen Campbell title song, lame.

I felt the Matty of the original had much more fire and style. The Matty of the remake left me feeling like she was a spoiled, pouty little girl in comparison, more rebellious than independent

Ironic, I felt the exact opposite. :cool:

06-15-11, 21:46
Watched it this weekend.....thought it was so-so.

06-15-11, 23:59

06-16-11, 04:51
one thing I try to do with any movie that has been out before :)
is not to get hung up on comparing to much but enjoy each for its own :)

I often find new movies much better done technically but sometimes lack in other areas but think part of it is like reading a book then watching a movie ? never is the same

also seems many movies are lame these days ? but thought this was a good flick and enjoyed the fact the language was not trying to make it tough like some film makers do ? which is stupid IMHO :)

also movies are entertainment try to leave it at that enjoy some hate some love some but the end of the show its just a movie :)

06-16-11, 05:37
[QUOTE=Honu;1024746]one thing I try to do with any movie that has been out before :)
is not to get hung up on comparing to much but enjoy each for its own :) [QUOTE]
Good policy. Works for books made into movies too. I get rather tired of the "whah, the movie isn't the same as the book" crying. No shit sherlock, it's a movie, not a book.

No Country was actually the movie that made me realize this. The movie was almost exactly like the book, and I hated it because of it. I want to see the director's interpretation of the book, not the book that already exists in my head come to life. No Country was good, but it was so close to the book that it was frankly boring. The Road, on the other hand, deviated from the book in ways that I thought were great. Same for I Am Legend.

06-16-11, 14:18
Book, original movie or remake, I don't care. I look to see how much I like it. For example, while I read the Harry Potter books before seeing the movies, I liked the movies better. Same with Lord of the Rings.

Books and movies are two different media. What works in a book may not work in a movie and vice versa. Very few movies are lifted right off the pages of the book. The best one was Maltese Falcon. Through a misunderstanding, the dialogue was lifted right from the pages of the book and used as the script. But it worked.

It's impossible to not compare the remake of True Grit to the original, but it's not just that it's found lacking in the comparison, it's found lacking as a production.

I enjoyed the remake, but like I enjoy entertaining B movies

06-16-11, 15:10
I haven't seen this, but I'm a huge fan of the Coen brothers after seeing The Ladykillers and Burn After Reading.

Netflix should have it here soon.

Gutshot John
06-16-11, 15:23
I think it's possible to judge movies separate from the book so long as the spirit of the book is intact. Dune was a classic example of an epic fail.

JW's True Grit was very different than the book. It lacked its depth, and starkness which the remake captured. Of course honest people can disagree. I very much preferred the sequel Rooster Cogburn over True Grit but in general JW usually left me flat in most of his starring roles with the exception of John Ford (Yellow Ribbon), usually he was better in supporting roles (Liberty Valence). In Rooster Cogburn Kate Hepburn was so strong she made him look better.

06-16-11, 18:59
JW's True Grit was very different than the book. It lacked its depth, and starkness which the remake captured. Of course honest people can disagree. I very much preferred the sequel Rooster Cogburn over True Grit but in general JW usually left me flat in most of his starring roles with the exception of John Ford (Yellow Ribbon), usually he was better in supporting roles (Liberty Valence). In Rooster Cogburn Kate Hepburn was so strong she made him look better.

Spot on, I never got why so many people LOVE the Duke. Praise all that is holy that Clint Eastwood came along and started making westerns.

Ever notice the Duke basically played the same character in most of his films, especially westerns? JW always were the same Levi's, the same hat, the same guns, the same damn leather vest in all his roles. People did not dress like that in the 1800's! My two favorite JW movies are not even westerns, McQ (got to love the Duke with a suppressed Mac-10) and The Green Berets.

06-17-11, 06:02
I like John Wayne westerns because he played a heroic, larger than life character and they filmed them in the wide open spaces of the west

Gutshot John
06-17-11, 14:55
Westerns usually have larger than life characters, Rooster Cogburn is certainly one of them. Josey Wales, Will Kane, Ed Munny all had that quality.

As for actually being filmed on location that was usually more because of John Ford than John Wayne and I agree the John Ford westerns are really the Duke's best work but invariably because the broader cast was excellent.

The Searchers, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, Fort Apache and especially She Wore a Yellow Ribbon are excellent but I don't know that it was the Duke that made them so.

JW was an American icon and so its hard to deny his legacy, but as an actor he was kind of mehhh. Case in point Rio/Dorado.

06-17-11, 15:18
Ever notice the Duke basically played the same character in most of his films, especially westerns?

John Wayne always played John Wayne in all his movies...that is probably what set him apart from may actors and I sorta dig that about him. Eastwood used a similar stance in many of his westerns as well & one of my favorites. But doubt JW could pull off a Walt Kawalski in Gran Torino.

No way did JW ever alter the characters he played along the lines of actors like Deniro / Hoffman / Bridges / Pacino / Duvall / Tomy lee Jones. I likedhis movies but he was no top shelf character maker.


i thought for some reason matty died from that snake bite in the book??

06-19-11, 03:03
Just finished watching it. I think it was well made and entertaining. If you're looking for more..." I can't do nuthin for ya son!" :jester:

06-19-11, 05:10
I watched it last night and really liked it. I think it’s every bit as good as the original in it’s own way.