View Full Version : Looters - Why CA is $20b in the red

08-23-10, 07:56



PS - Who is John Galt?

08-23-10, 08:17
And this sure isn't helping:


$578 million for a public school?

08-23-10, 08:32
$578M school to teach 4200 students? :rolleyes:

graduation rates will not be affected

08-23-10, 09:03
What's all the fuss about? If there are budgetary shortfalls, just raise taxes, that'll fix everything.

08-23-10, 09:39
that is f*cking criminal.

08-23-10, 09:48
that is f*cking criminal.

Get back to work so you can pay more taxes so this guy can get a raise.

08-23-10, 09:53
Okay, I'm confused. Just because Vernon was a Lawyer that was appointed to the position of City manager. Does that really entitle him to be able to bill the city for his time as a lawyer?

I was self employed as a computer/networking consultant before I obtained my current job as a system/network/server administrator. Does that mean I can bill my employer separately for any kind of consulting work?

I mean really. Besides the ethical dilemma. How legal is that?

08-23-10, 14:17
What's all the fuss about? If there are budgetary shortfalls, just raise taxes, that'll fix everything.

Don't forget the plans to "get" those evil rich folks! :rolleyes:

08-23-10, 14:45
Government at all levels is clearly addicted to spending, and topping each previous year's spending levels. Even with the economy in the shitter since 2008 these ****ers keep spending even MORE.

Even in my city they are building a 22,500,000 high school football stadium. Pop here is 45k which works out to $500 per every man, woman, and child in the city. For what? So a couple HS teams can play a game? Then it has a seating capacity of over 10k.There is a stadium 2-3 miles down the road for the next district over, and that was 30,000,000. I was wondering why our property taxes went up this year even though the property value went down by 5k.

Why in the hell does a high school team composed of teenagers need such expensive stadiums to play in? Then people wonder why their taxes are so high, and why government is always in the red. They spend money, tons of it, left and right, on the most stupid shit.


08-23-10, 14:58
Government at all levels is clearly addicted to spending, and topping each previous year's spending levels. Even with the economy in the shitter since 2008 these ****ers keep spending even MORE.

Even in my city they are building a 22,500,000 high school football stadium. Pop here is 45k which works out to $500 per every man, woman, and child in the city. For what? So a couple HS teams can play a game? Then it has a seating capacity of over 10k.There is a stadium 2-3 miles down the road for the next district over, and that was 30,000,000. I was wondering why our property taxes went up this year even though the property value went down by 5k.

Why in the hell does a high school team composed of teenagers need such expensive stadiums to play in? Then people wonder why their taxes are so high, and why government is always in the red. They spend money, tons of it, left and right, on the most stupid shit.


That's f***ing nuts. My college (University of Central Florida in Orlando, third largest university campus in the nation) just built an on-campus stadium a couple of years ago for roughly the same cost (in terms of order of magnitude, somewhere between $40-55M); and that's for a Division 1-A, er, FBS program (albeit not a major power by any stretch). Capacity is a hair under 50k.

08-23-10, 14:59
its easy when they aren't spending their own money

08-23-10, 15:15
I love it that this was exposed, because now I have a fantastic answer to the geniuses that say "Unless we raise taxes we'll have to cut things like fire and police services, and let out criminals from prison"....:rolleyes:

08-23-10, 15:36
CA is in serious need of fraud waste and abuse laws.

08-23-10, 16:36
Why in the hell does a high school team composed of teenagers need such expensive stadiums to play in? Then people wonder why their taxes are so high, and why government is always in the red. They spend money, tons of it, left and right, on the most stupid shit.
Now, now, you forget how important HS football is here in Texas.
I hope you understand I am being sarcastic. Are you guys trying to outspend Westlake? LOL

08-23-10, 16:47
That's f***ing nuts. My college (University of Central Florida in Orlando, third largest university campus in the nation) just built an on-campus stadium a couple of years ago for roughly the same cost (in terms of order of magnitude, somewhere between $40-55M); and that's for a Division 1-A, er, FBS program (albeit not a major power by any stretch). Capacity is a hair under 50k.

Yeah but college teams are usually a money maker for the school. Ticket sales, merchandise, concessions, etc. For a HS team? That is a money pit. At $500 per resident, and my family of four...that means my family's "share" of the cost of this single stadium is $2000. Oh and our district has ANOTHER stadium they just built last year, too. I can't find the cost on that one. I do know the school district is by far the biggest share of our property taxes.

But almost all of our government's (local, state, and feds) spending is absolutely out of control. They spend staggering amounts of money on absolutely ridiculous "projects" left and right then wonder why they are in the red at the end of the year. Then hold their spending over our heads like if we don't pay more taxes the FF's, police, and teachers are going to have to be laid off. Cut out the stupid spending, you'd be able to pay the people who matter, and give the people a tax brake while they are at it. They have completely destroyed what the basic function of government is, and now are drunk on spending money on anything they can while threatening people basic services will be cut off if they dont pay more...pisses me the **** off.

08-23-10, 17:02
I love it that this was exposed, because now I have a fantastic answer to the geniuses that say "Unless we raise taxes we'll have to cut things like fire and police services, and let out criminals from prison"....:rolleyes:

Politicians who say that are engaging in extortion as blatant as the mob guy who says you got a nice place there, and he'd hate to see anything happen to it.

08-23-10, 17:04
Yeah but college teams are usually a money maker for the school. Ticket sales, merchandise, concessions, etc. For a HS team? That is a money pit.

Precisely my point. Your local high schools built stadiums that cost almost as much as one built by a major university. It's lunacy.

08-23-10, 17:35
The ability to use the force of government to collect money and to vote on your own salary combined with a general disinterest among the people you are collecting all those taxes from is a pretty cushy gig.

The only way it could be better for a lot of them is if they could print money.

...sort of like Congress can.

When government turned into an exercise in redistribution, it all became about who gets how big of a slice of the pie. It shouldn't surprise anyone that politicians ensure that their slice is quite large.

08-23-10, 17:39
Government at all levels is clearly addicted to spending, and topping each previous year's spending levels. Even with the economy in the shitter since 2008 these ****ers keep spending even MORE.

Even in my city they are building a 22,500,000 high school football stadium. Pop here is 45k which works out to $500 per every man, woman, and child in the city. For what? So a couple HS teams can play a game? Then it has a seating capacity of over 10k.There is a stadium 2-3 miles down the road for the next district over, and that was 30,000,000. I was wondering why our property taxes went up this year even though the property value went down by 5k.

Why in the hell does a high school team composed of teenagers need such expensive stadiums to play in? Then people wonder why their taxes are so high, and why government is always in the red. They spend money, tons of it, left and right, on the most stupid shit.


If you live in Texas......... I can almost understand it.

08-23-10, 18:58
I love it that this was exposed, because now I have a fantastic answer to the geniuses that say "Unless we raise taxes we'll have to cut things like fire and police services, and let out criminals from prison"....:rolleyes:

I say let them. Go ahead and cut services. And when it all goes to S#IT, perhaps we can be the first to pay the politicians a visit at their estates. Please, yes, call the PD, there's no one there to take your call. This country needs to let all this crap shake out and let the chips fall where they will, and stop trying to stick a finger in the dike when the whole levee is crumbling. We will emerge stronger.

08-23-10, 20:29
Yeah but college teams are usually a money maker for the school. Ticket sales, merchandise, concessions, etc. For a HS team? That is a money pit. At $500 per resident, and my family of four...that means my family's "share" of the cost of this single stadium is $2000. Oh and our district has ANOTHER stadium they just built last year, too. I can't find the cost on that one. I do know the school district is by far the biggest share of our property taxes.

yet they can't afford books and computers for the kids right? f*cking disgrace

08-23-10, 20:37
Californication is in need of an "Air Strike"!

Bubba FAL
08-23-10, 20:38
Precisely my point. Your local high schools built stadiums that cost almost as much as one built by a major university. It's lunacy.

But... "it's for the CHILDREN"! :mad:

The day the gubmint (any gubmint) can account for every cent of revenue they scam from the taxpayers is the day I vote for a tax increase. Til then, they can blow all their threats out their collective alimentary canals...

08-23-10, 20:38
yet they can't afford books and computers for the kids right? f*cking disgrace

I should scan the list of "supplies" we had to send with our kids today. 1st day of school today, and we had to buy quite a bit.

08-23-10, 21:47
yet they can't afford books and computers for the kids right? f*cking disgrace

You know who bought MY "books and computers?"

My parents.

08-23-10, 22:13
You know who bought MY "books and computers?"

My parents.

Which I would be fine with - if I didn't have to pay confiscatory tax rates and still pay for the books and computers while the "school" graduates 50% of the "students" and the ones that do graduate can't spell, do math or explain how their government works.


08-23-10, 22:25
Which I would be fine with - if I didn't have to pay confiscatory tax rates and still pay for the books and computers while the "school" graduates 50% of the "students" and the ones that do graduate can't spell, do math or explain how their government works.


I went to private schools.

08-23-10, 22:32
Precisely my point. Your local high schools built stadiums that cost almost as much as one built by a major university. It's lunacy.
Very true..My local school distirct waste's money like this as well..A few years ago This local H.S football support group made up of mostly old jocks or parents of team members decided the grass on the field was'nt good enough..They wanted astroturf..Well, the team supporters go get themselves a loan from the bank for $450,000 to pay for this..so far so good no tax money spent. But, with cost "overruns" etc, etc, they were $200,000 short...and could'nt get anymore money from the bank. Guess who comes to the rescue? The school board..with tax dollars... I live in Ohio..we have about 18k people here in town.. To make matters worse they (the support group) decides they also want to change the name of the stadium, because they feel they paid for the improvements.. So, they decide to use Woody Hayes name as part of the new name because he coached here briefly, IN THE 30's!! Every time I think about this I want to drive down there and piss on the 50yd line...As a result of spending $200,000 they did'nt have, the school board had to lay off about 7-8 of the janitorial/kitchen staff...nice. Those dumb bastards..

08-24-10, 00:57
@BubbaFAL - As soon as the electorate stopped caring about where money went this became inevitable.

Through sheer luck (mostly a string of world class teachers) I got a fantastic education out of my state's public school system, especially since most of that time was spent in dilapidated portable buildings and honest crapholes of buildings, but this is from a system which boasts a nearly 45% graduation rate on the whole and suffers mightily when standardized tests present demanding tasks suck as algebra and basic US history. I'm touched to think that they're the newest voting bloc, while I'm fairly certain my absentee ballots keep getting lost coming back from the sandbox.

Plato was right when he said that a refusal to participate in politics guaranteed that one would be governed by their inferiours, but I'm not sure how far my participation would get in the grand macroeconomic scale of things.