View Full Version : Eight Years for Entering North Korea Illegally

08-24-10, 06:06

Carter is sent by Obama to bring him home - I wonder if any reporter will ask Obama about our border and why people are allowed to cross it illegally?


08-24-10, 07:05
Any chance we can exchange Carter for this Gomes guy?

08-24-10, 07:41
The guy should get a sentence enhancement for felony stupidity. No sympathy here.

08-24-10, 08:03
Recently watched another documentary about North Korea, this in which a guard who defected told of people who are born into "work camps" due to a relatives actions years ago and never spend a single day of their live outside the walls of the prisons. This is done to innocents to instill fear into the general populace and keep them in line, of course.

He also told of starving children in the prisons fighting over a kernel of corn that they took form a piece of cow dung, I kid you not. My mind struggles to think of a sadder existence anywhere in the world.

08-24-10, 09:48
To me there's just no good enough reason to leave the good ole USA personally. You're at the mercy of tyrants in most countries of the world. I have no interest or desire to ever leave these shores, vacation or otherwise. Most other nations are socialist/communist or varying degrees of tyranny where you have no rights at all.

08-24-10, 11:49
To me there's just no good enough reason to leave the good ole USA personally. You're at the mercy of tyrants in most countries of the world. I have no interest or desire to ever leave these shores, vacation or otherwise. Most other nations are socialist/communist or varying degrees of tyranny where you have no rights at all.

As a general rule, travel overseas is safe and uneventful, and can be truly awesome. Folks that get into trouble usually are usually in places they shouldn't be (like North Korea), with people they shouldn't be with, doing things they shouldn't be doing, and combinations thereof. Alcohol is often a factor.

Like much else in life, preparation, discipline, and upright conduct will keep you out of trouble for the most part. There are indeed truly innocent victims of things, people, and circumstances, but they're the exception rather than the rule.

08-24-10, 12:05
As a general rule, travel overseas is safe and uneventful, and can be truly awesome. Folks that get into trouble usually are usually in places they shouldn't be (like North Korea), with people they shouldn't be with, doing things they shouldn't be doing, and combinations thereof. Alcohol is often a factor.

I couldn't agree more. A large portion of my life has been ex-pat and while I'm certainly very happy that at the end of the day I'm an American, I'm always astonished at how many people hold the same views as arizonaranchman. As to rights...I think you'll find that in many countries(at least outside of Europe,) $50 gains you more "rights" than you have here.

Frankly there are just as many(if not more) crappy and dangerous places in the US as there are in most countries. I experienced damn near as much culture shock visiting Pittsburgh as I did living in Ecuador, Venezuela, or Brazil.

ETA:Not saying Pittsburgh is crappy or dangerous. Definitely different though.

08-24-10, 12:13
To me there's just no good enough reason to leave the good ole USA personally. You're at the mercy of tyrants in most countries of the world. I have no interest or desire to ever leave these shores, vacation or otherwise. Most other nations are socialist/communist or varying degrees of tyranny where you have no rights at all.

Actually there are better places in the world to live.


USA doesn't show up until #31 Honolulu, and #37 Boston (I find that one hard to believe) I would think they could find better places in the US that would offer a better quality of life than Boston. But I don't know I have never been there.

08-24-10, 12:23
I would think they could find better places in the US that would offer a better quality of life than Boston. But I don't know I have never been there.

Well...a job is pretty centric to my ability to enjoy a quality life. The list kind of ignores that.

08-24-10, 12:30
Well...a job is pretty centric to my ability to enjoy a quality life. The list kind of ignores that.

That is true, but to be honest with you the job market here in the US is pretty scarce at the moment. I have been looking overseas for jobs and have found a lot more promising opportunities abroad than I have found domestically. In the last month I have had six interviews via video conference overseas, and can't even get an eye to eye locally.

08-24-10, 12:34
That is true, but to be honest with you the job market here in the US is pretty scarce at the moment. I have been looking overseas for jobs and have found a lot more promising opportunities abroad than I have found domestically. In the last month I have had six interviews via video conference overseas, and can't even get an eye to eye locally.

So, say one was to "look" overseas for a job. Is there a list of pro-firearms countries similar to the US (relatively speaking)?

08-24-10, 12:38
So, say one was to "look" overseas for a job. Is there a list of pro-firearms countries similar to the US (relatively speaking)?

haha.. you can go anywhere in the world and have more gun rights than California.. LOL j/k

anyway there are several European countries that have lax gun control. I believe a few even allow conceal carry. Oh and you don't need a tax stamp to have a sound suppressor {gasp}.

08-24-10, 12:44
That is true, but to be honest with you the job market here in the US is pretty scarce at the moment. I have been looking overseas for jobs and have found a lot more promising opportunities abroad than I have found domestically. In the last month I have had six interviews via video conference overseas, and can't even get an eye to eye locally.

No doubt. I was referring to the American cities on that list.

As for gun rights...do what the rest of us that have lived overseas do. Take your safe to a relative's house. Because while you may find countries that have "acceptable" laws...you probably don't want to deal with the headache.

Speaking purely of the oil industry...working overseas dominates anything domestic if you care about benefits, salary, vacation time, and pretty much everything else. Provided you learn how to move painlessly, and accept the fact that your children will wind up with a superior education(if you're comparing to public schools here,) and don't get wrapped up in silly stuff like the ability to find trashy instant food, you'll love it as long as you're young enough to have the energy.

08-24-10, 12:44
anyway there are several European countries that have lax gun control. I believe a few even allow conceal carry. Oh and you don't need a tax stamp to have a sound suppressor {gasp}.

The only problem I see with Europe is the EU. With half of the countries headed towards (or already in) economic turmoil and a common currency already in play, how long before they dissolve their individual sovereignties and re-assemble as a socialist continent-nation? Look at the "other" half of Europe where guns are banned and you can't even kill someone in self-defense, even if they're trying to kill you. It may seem paranoid, but the writing's on the wall.

I'd feel much safer in a more isolated country without the feeling of a "collective" mentality and a good sense of individuals' rights; somewhere like New Zealand (not that I know much about NZ, but I've heard good reports and they have a lot of gun owners).

08-24-10, 15:18
Not a chance, my good man. The media (for the most part) is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, and they do as they're told....


Carter is sent by Obama to bring him home - I wonder if any reporter will ask Obama about our border and why people are allowed to cross it illegally?