View Full Version : PS3 / RLOD

08-25-10, 22:24
If you guys have a ps3 I suggest backing up files and game saves. We use our ps3 for streaming netflix and dvd, very little occasional gaming (I'm an old guy). The ps3 popped with blackouts during movies over the last few months momentarily. During game play recently the machine shut down without notice. I was able to reboot maybe 4 or 5 times from these episodes. It finally bit the dust last night with the red light of death. Turns out this is a way too too common problem and the YLOD with these machines prior to the slim. No heat problems here, it's well ventilated, clean with an ac duct in proximity. We have a new ps3 on the way, new version released last week. Just a heads up, back up.

08-26-10, 01:34
Why not just get your PS3 fixed I did that with mine when it stopped reading games and it is like new now and didn't cost me much at all.

08-26-10, 07:57
Sony charges $150 for the fix and send you back a different refurb unit. I'm planning on doing it myself and using it in another location.

08-26-10, 09:34
If you want I can send you the info of a place that fixed mine out of PA. They can send you a custom molded box to put it in so no damages ocour. And you get your original PS3 back.

08-26-10, 09:37
Sure, pm me, I'll investigate.. Thanks! I'm going to pop out the hard drive and test it, hopefully that's the issue.

Here are the errors, mine is #2

08-26-10, 09:41
I can tell you that after 4 years in Iraq, the PS3 is the most panzy ass piece of piece of crap overally sensitive electronic device I have ever used. I have killed 3 that were in well ventilated location and I cleaned them at least once a month, especially after the first one bricked.

I was super pissed when they replaced my first gen that had SACD functionality with a craptastic second gen. Even more pissed when they replaced that one with one that looked like it had already been through the war and tied to the back of a HMMWV.

I gave up after the last one died. I will probably never bother owning one again due to the reliability issues I encountered. I gave the last broken one to my next door neighbor and told him about the $150 process. Not worth my time or efffort anymore. When they come out with the PS4 I may consider it again. But for now, they've lost a customer for this gaming platform.

My original xbox360e elite is still going strong, no red rings of death, same PMI schedule that my PS3s had.

08-26-10, 09:43
Class action?

08-26-10, 09:56
That requires time and effort that I don't have. I just make sure when new people rotate in and ask me about how to spend free time and should they mail their PS3 or buy one--I let them know what my experience has been. Sony has lost at least 4 customers due to issues like mine here and I hope that I've prevented at least a few people from spending their money on something that will self destruct within a year in this environment. They simply can't take ANY dirt, heat or prolonged periods of power variance +/- 4volts according to my monster power center. I even hooked the last one to an APC Voltage rectifier and an UPS in high hopes that feeding it constant 120V with no random power outages would solve the issue, that one lasted 8 months and bricked. I turned it off when I wasn't home so I didn't have a power outage where my room hit 140 with the PS3 on. With the AC on constantly/max, my room stays a chilly 68 degrees. (unfortunately, any setting below max results in high 80s)

I can only imagine the new ones being worse with a smaller form factor/more condensed circuit board/more heat.

08-26-10, 10:10
I knew they had problems with heat but didn't have any idea of the high failure rate til this one crapped out. Seems thousands have gone through this one way or another. Mine was in ideal conditions, no dirt, very low humidity and constant 72 or so. Odd that it's so sensitive to power flux. I guess I'll leave it off when not in use, not standby. With all the lawyers mining for dollars you'd think a class action would come about.

My nephew worked at a game store for a few years, said the xboxes were the ones coming back regularly, typically right after warranty expire.

08-26-10, 10:13
I'm still on my 60gb PS3 one of the original, never had a problem. I turn it off when not in use. The slim PS3 has a smaller architecture CPU, so it actually runs cooler. MS did the same thing for the 360 slim.

failure rates real data from squaretrade:

08-26-10, 10:15
yeah, but from the pics in the AV thread, it looks like your PS3 is living in optimal conditions. :)

Anything less and these things are a nightmare!

08-26-10, 10:24
before I got the 73, it was on top of a 55" Mitsubishi projection standing up, was sandwiched by the left side of an entertainment center and bunch of blu ray cases. Heat dissipation wasnt optimal there being sandwiched, probably had it for 3 years in that spot.

08-26-10, 13:41
Wow and I thought the Xbox360 was the only one with this issue, but at least Microsoft will fix them under warranty if it occurs within three years of purchase.