View Full Version : Marine SSG guilty of mistreating subordinates.

08-25-10, 22:36
WTF is up with "Sack Tapping"???:p


08-25-10, 22:48
I am surprised the staff sgt. did not have a serious accident.

One of my relatives was in an army unit in WWII with a sadistic sgt. On the boat to France, first night out of port, the sgt. disappeared. Apparently the sgt. jumped off the ship and attempted to swim home.


08-25-10, 23:32
He sounds really immature more than anything. His antics read like something in a high school gym class.

He should be disciplined, and perhaps a reduction in rank for showing vids of men knobbing each other, but a discharge seems a bit harsh.

08-26-10, 00:49
He sounds really immature more than anything. His antics read like something in a high school gym class.

He should be disciplined, and perhaps a reduction in rank for showing vids of men knobbing each other, but a discharge seems a bit harsh.

What would happen to a corporal who punches a sgt in the balls?

08-26-10, 01:18
The law is harsh, but it is the law.

He has now cost the USMC more than they have invested in replacing him. He should be GONE.

He's probably a closeted homosexual anyway.

08-26-10, 02:23
Id have to say if they are going as far as a BCD something was going on a lot more than than the random nut check and calling someone a fag.

The mil is not some place you want to be if your feelings are easily hurt. How are you going to survive being shot at, and tried to be blown up if you can take a bit of "fun" ridicule or a nut tap now and then? Just say "no homo" after wards, and its not gay.

08-26-10, 04:32
What would happen to a corporal who punches a sgt in the balls?

Nothing if that is the culture created by the SGT for his team because at least then everyone is in on the joke.

I am willing to bet most of the lower ranking men were perfectly happy to engage in boys will be boys hijinks. Unless the higher rank was just dishing out abuse for his own amusement. That's quite a bit different. The article leaves lots of unanswered questions about the culture and conditions of the "abuses"

This is why it is important to set the right example and instill the correct standards in your men, so that all will avoid any possible behavioral gray areas.

Personally, I agree with Belmont, the military is not the right place for someone with delicate sensibilities. In the last few years, I am willing to bet a substantial amount of UCMJ effort has come about from whiny ass punks and chumps that have confused nursing from mom's tits with military service.

08-26-10, 07:44
Id have to say if they are going as far as a BCD something was going on a lot more than than the random nut check and calling someone a fag.

I'd say the fact that it went to a court martial is indicative of that. They apparently skipped right on past NJP.

He should be disciplined, and perhaps a reduction in rank for showing vids of men knobbing each other, but a discharge seems a bit harsh.

No, he should be gone. There are plenty of other places for someone who wants to engage in that kind of stuff -- like the Rangers or SquEALs. He's got no business being a Marine, much less a Staff NCO. I know that in my time if anyone, from Private to Commandant, was running around touching Marines' junk, they'd have gotten a boot or an e-tool in theirs.

Gutshot John
08-26-10, 07:49
Sounds like a closet case and/or poster child for "don't ask, don't tell."

08-26-10, 07:50
I know that in my time if anyone, from Private to Commandant, was running around touching Marines' junk, they'd have gotten a boot or an e-tool in theirs.

Hanging out with the Navy does things to people :D

08-26-10, 07:59
Hanging out with the Navy does things to people :D

You've just got to be secure in your manhood... (pun intended!)

08-26-10, 09:44
After reading this statement:

"He also played what his attorneys referred to as games of "gay chicken," in which he would put his hand on a subordinate's thigh or other body part to see what the Marine would do and to deliberately make him feel uncomfortable. He told the judge he did that with numerous subordinates while on duty and in various places on base: his office, his car, and in the barracks where junior personnel lived."

I'm inclined to believe this individual is gay and is trying to elicit gay conduct by probing what he could get away with.

08-26-10, 09:49
I'm inclined to believe this individual is gay and is trying to elicit gay conduct by probing what he could get away with.

This was my impression after reading the article. Especially considering he's carrying around gay porn on his phone to show to the marines. Sorry, I'm a big fan of locker room humor and I also believe an appropriate measure of hazing has a valid place. However, some guy grabbing my nutsack and showing me gay porn isn't hazing, it's cruising. I think he's just been taking advantage of the don't ask don't tell policy.

08-26-10, 10:09
Hanging out with the Navy does things to people :D


08-26-10, 11:57
This was my impression after reading the article. Especially considering he's carrying around gay porn on his phone to show to the marines. Sorry, I'm a big fan of locker room humor and I also believe an appropriate measure of hazing has a valid place. However, some guy grabbing my nutsack and showing me gay porn isn't hazing, it's cruising. I think he's just been taking advantage of the don't ask don't tell policy.

Exactly what I was thinking. I mess around with my Soldiers and jokingly make them feel "uncomfortable" without having to resort to anything that is sexual or homosexual in nature. There is no way I would touch any of them in this manner (especially since some of my Soldiers are females).

I also tend to think that he may have homosexual tendencies. JM2CW.

08-26-10, 13:56
The great triad of military humor is scatology, fornication, and making mock of the gender-nonspecific. Take away any of the three, I seriously think the entire system could implode from the strain.

A friendly game of Bag Tag, Elephant Rape, and "Sac or Shaft?" is good for the soul if it's done with the violent playfulness of a pack of puppies, but some dumb bastards are always wanting to take things WAY too far.

Or, he was trolling. 50/50.

08-26-10, 15:39
Damn JS...I guess the other services "horse play" is way different than when I was an 11B. Homo games, I never saw it, even in aviation. If that conduct would have been displayed once, a serious ass beat down would have occurred. Showing gay porn to another 11B would have resulted in someone's death. As a young LT in the 82d Aviation Brigade, a suicide occurred. My 1SG stated: Well Sir, gay people a very clumsy. The fall off barracks roof tops, fall on a knife 3 or 4 times, hit themselves in the head with fire extinguishers, hit themselves in the back with fire axes... at that time, mid to late 80s and 90s, there was no tolerance for it. Just calling someone a homo in fun would have resulted in the name callers ass being beat.

08-26-10, 16:00
Hanging out with the Navy does things to people :D

This is funny and true. I like the way you think! I think there has got to be more going on.

08-26-10, 16:24
A friendly game of Bag Tag, Elephant Rape, and "Sac or Shaft?" is good for the soul if it's done with the violent playfulness of a pack of puppies...

WTF has been going on in the Corps since I left?! :stop:

08-26-10, 16:59
The names of the same stupid games that have been around since some of you first looked at the blueprints for "light" have changed, is all. How many varaitions of Smear the Queer or Axe Qual can you come up with? How gay in execution are either?

The douche in question was doing stuff two whole paradigm shifts away from any of the stuff I mentioned, which is just horseplay with bent names attributed to them. Calmate.

How do you read "pack of puppies" (you ever SEEN a bunch of pups wrestle and snarl at each other? Just how gay is it to you?) from me and immediately go to acting as if anybody in ANY of the branches is wholesale fisting each other in broad daylight instead of applying armbars? You vapor-locked on the wrong thing, that's how.

I swear, some of you only get exercise from flying off the handle and jumping to conclusions.

08-26-10, 18:00
Damn JS...I guess the other services "horse play" is way different than when I was an 11B. Homo games, I never saw it, even in aviation. If that conduct would have been displayed once, a serious ass beat down would have occurred. Showing gay porn to another 11B would have resulted in someone's death. As a young LT in the 82d Aviation Brigade, a suicide occurred. My 1SG stated: Well Sir, gay people a very clumsy. The fall off barracks roof tops, fall on a knife 3 or 4 times, hit themselves in the head with fire extinguishers, hit themselves in the back with fire axes... at that time, mid to late 80s and 90s, there was no tolerance for it. Just calling someone a homo in fun would have resulted in the name callers ass being beat.

Come on now. I've been around military people my whole life and accusing each other of being a homo has always been the joke that keeps on giving.

Hell, you can't make it through 15 minutes of combatives without hearing "It's not gay if you don't make eye contact"

08-26-10, 20:10
Come on now. I've been around military people my whole life and accusing each other of being a homo has always been the joke that keeps on giving.

Hell, you can't make it through 15 minutes of combatives without hearing "It's not gay if you don't make eye contact"

You are absolutely correct, but some have said it to the wrong person and got their clocks cleaned for it. Some alleged gays were killed for making a move on others in their unit. One of my LTs punched another in the mouth for the same offense, just sayin.... It entirely depends on the circumstances, the accused beliefs, background, macho sensitivity/insensitivity, how it's used, unit cohesion, morale, leadership, etc... even today, my circle of ex-military types (mostly Marines) call each other Homo, but we've been friends for years, of all branches.

The only time I can ever recall using the term on AD was among fellow officers, at parties, etc... and never in front of the troops. They did there own thing until it crossed a line, then I let my NCOs handle it. It was mostly used by my hot tempered 1SG and then only in my or the XOs presence. If it had a possibility of going nuclear, or mistreatment occurred, then I handled it before a troop complained to mommy and daddy, then they called their congressman. FYI, during my tour on AD, I've had to handle several congressional investigations from harassment to mistreatment by junior NCOs on their folks.

08-26-10, 20:53
Marine officers, Staff NCO's and NCO's are always examples to the Marines they lead. On very rare occasions, it's not a good example.

I agree with the others. He was trolling for more than sea bass off the Virginia coastline.

Yes, we played a lot of good-natured grab ass when I was an 03. But then again, the only time I ever put my hand on another Marine's thigh was when he had a femoral bleeder.

Any time a SSgt goes in front of a court-martial, they likely have it coming. Especially with that many specs and counts.

08-26-10, 21:21
I'm inclined to agree with the others that this guy was a homosexual who was barely in the closet. Who carries around gay porn on their phone?

It sucks getting investigated, I know that much :D I was a squad leader in a line company and had some, ahem, problem children.
