View Full Version : EPA going after ammunition that contains lead.

08-26-10, 08:54

With the fall hunting season fast approaching, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Lisa Jackson, who was responsible for banning bear hunting in New Jersey, is now considering a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) – a leading anti-hunting organization – to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, a law in which Congress expressly exempted ammunition. If the EPA approves the petition, the result will be a total ban on all ammunition containing lead-core components, including hunting and target-shooting rounds. The EPA must decide to accept or reject this petition by November 1, 2010, the day before the midterm elections.

I have been saying for years that they would go this route if their other approaches failed.

This was to go into the general GB thread. Want to dlete for me mods?

Alex V
08-26-10, 10:10
Desperate are they...

Not sure what to say... what are the chances this will actualy work?

08-26-10, 11:18
This is quite disturbing if true. Does the EPA really have the authority to do such a thing? It's quite obvious this has nothing absolutely nothing to do with lead.

Heavy Metal
08-26-10, 11:45
Ammo is specifically exempted from that 1976 Toxic Substance Act. EPA cannot ban it.

I don't know why they are entertaining this petition.

All they can do is propose congress amending it but there is zero chance it will pass congress.

08-26-10, 14:35
Ammo is specifically exempted from that 1976 Toxic Substance Act. EPA cannot ban it.

I don't know why they are entertaining this petition.

All they can do is propose congress amending it but there is zero chance it will pass congress.

Unless they (House and Senate) pass an Act that overturns or amends that act and obama signs it into law (and you know he will). :mad:

08-26-10, 15:30
It will never happen. Why you ask...

11% excise tax on every round of ammunition sold. Follow the $$$

Heavy Metal
08-26-10, 15:38
Unless they (House and Senate) pass an Act that overturns or amends that act and obama signs it into law (and you know he will). :mad:

A snowball has a better chance of passing thru Hell than such a bill has of passing even the current congress.

08-26-10, 16:55
Ammo is specifically exempted from that 1976 Toxic Substance Act. EPA cannot ban it.

I don't know why they are entertaining this petition.

All they can do is propose congress amending it but there is zero chance it will pass congress.

You are a rational man speaking from a rational position. The problem is that we are no longer dealing with a rational government. They are essentially doing whatever they want at this point. This is exactly the kind of thing they might do and then claim ignorance later.

Unfortunately our government is now working under the "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" principle and in most cases they aren't even bothering to ask for forgiveness anymore.

Robb Jensen
08-26-10, 18:42
EPA is unconstitutional and should be abolished right now.

Heavy Metal
08-26-10, 19:18
You are a rational man speaking from a rational position. The problem is that we are no longer dealing with a rational government. They are essentially doing whatever they want at this point. This is exactly the kind of thing they might do and then claim ignorance later.

Unfortunately our government is now working under the "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" principle and in most cases they aren't even bothering to ask for forgiveness anymore.

There are simply too many hurldes especially with the political environment truning the way it is.

Not to mention the courts would make short work of any attempt. The language in that 1976 act is pretty explicit.


08-26-10, 20:17
If you think the EPA is going at this half hearted think again as I have 1st hand knowledge at the highest level in the EPA that they are putting together studies showing that children are being routinely poisoned by the lead fragments in game meat. (not to mention the animals and environment) They know to get this passed they have to prove that "people" not just animals and the environment are endangered by it so they have been putting together multiple studies showing "children" are being harmed so as to make it as inflammatory as possible. The EPA is not just a Govt Org'n it is an elite "club" of Intellectual Eco Elitists that think they know better than the people or what ever current administration is in power for not just US but world policies. They routinely skew data to support their ulterior pet agendas and laugh about it openly. I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe about the liberal stuff going on over there.

08-26-10, 20:59
Although this might have a hard time in congress, etc - I am not going to chance it with a far left and potential lame-duck congress. I already know BHO will sign it in a pinch.

Heavy Metal - share some of the facts about lead in the ground and the truth of what it really does there. This would be good to add to the comment portion the EPA will have up.

Here is the area for comments:


08-26-10, 22:58
It will never happen. Why you ask...

11% excise tax on every round of ammunition sold. Follow the $$$

A non reactionary educated post. Thank you.

08-26-10, 23:20
Just another election year red herring to fan the hysteria and divert the masses from the legitimate concerns facing our nation (and which a feckless Congress refuses to address for fear of losing either a vote or a campaign contribution).

08-27-10, 00:01
Just another election year red herring to fan the hysteria and divert the masses from the legitimate concerns facing our nation (and which a feckless Congress refuses to address for fear of losing either a vote or a campaign contribution).

Please. Nobody's being diverted.

08-27-10, 00:03
To me crap like this "might" not get us now, but the longer it gets thrown around with out being crushed it will eventually be considered real (like it is in CA) by the sheeple and get us all later.

08-27-10, 00:37
M855A1....the new "green ammo"...

No doubt one day lead ammo will be banned. Get the right cocksucker in there, and poof you have 3 months to buy all the lead ammo for the rest of your life.

Robb Jensen
08-27-10, 07:09
Perhaps we should bring Federal charges against Mother Nature.....Pb(82) is lead OMG! :eek:


08-27-10, 08:49
What a crock of shit. It's like the Dem female chastising Gen Petraus for not having a carbon study/plan to conduct war in A-Stan.:rolleyes:

Vote republican every where you can.

08-27-10, 10:41
Another article on Drudge Report:


Heavy Metal
08-27-10, 18:51

"It's dead, Jim!"

08-27-10, 21:28
Thank goodness

08-27-10, 22:17
Thank goodness

Thank goodness the midterm elections were coming up. ;)

08-27-10, 22:47
They're still going after fishing sinkers.

08-28-10, 00:10
I bet some vulnerable Dems called Obama and screamed bloody murder over this.

08-29-10, 22:13
EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue


08-29-10, 23:20
Wow, talk about a biased headline.