View Full Version : SSG James Ide, KIA 29 Aug 10

08-30-10, 00:18

SSG Jimmy Ide was killed today in Afghanistan-shot in the head. He was a friend from the 64th MP CO, and we worked together for almost 4 years. Jimmy was a stellar soldier/NCO and a great Christian.

He never had a bad word to say about anyone, and he was always there for his troops and for anyone needing help.

He leaves behind a wife and two small children in Germany.

He will be sorely missed. :(

MSP "Sarge"
08-30-10, 00:37
You can rest friend and thank you for your service. I will pray for his family and friends tonight.


08-30-10, 01:54
Jimmy was a stellar soldier/NCO and a great Christian.

That says it all.

R.I.P. SSG Ide

08-30-10, 03:09
Stories like this should be a reminder to everyone that military service is filled with great risk and sacrifice.


08-30-10, 05:19
Prayers sent...

08-30-10, 06:42
RIP Brave Warrior

Prayers for his family and fellow soldiers.


Robb Jensen
08-30-10, 06:49
Prayers sent, sorry for the loss of your friend Fred.

08-30-10, 07:33
RIP SSGT IDE, thank you for your service and dedication.
Prayers for your family, sorry about your loss GermanSynergy.

Semper FI.

08-30-10, 08:34
Another prayer sent. Sounds like we are truly diminished without him.

08-30-10, 13:29
Rest in Peace, Solider. :(

08-30-10, 15:16
Rest in peace SSG Jimmy Ide. May God be with his family through this difficult time.

08-30-10, 16:09
Ditto on prayers sent - sorry for the loss man. Heroes continuing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

08-30-10, 17:32
Sorry man.

08-30-10, 20:33
Prayers sent for the fallen warrior, his family and friends.

09-03-10, 19:09
To all- thank you for your prayers and condolences.

We've just found out that the Westboro Baptist "Church" will be making an appearance at Jimmy's funeral :mad::mad::mad: , but the Patriot Guard will be as well.

It is truly an outrage that a man serves his country, dies in the line of duty and is disgraced by a bunch of low class vermin.

09-03-10, 23:19
To all- thank you for your prayers and condolences.

We've just found out that the Westboro Baptist "Church" will be making an appearance at Jimmy's funeral :mad::mad::mad: , but the Patriot Guard will be as well.

It is truly an outrage that a man serves his country, dies in the line of duty and is disgraced by a bunch of low class vermin.

Be strong if you encounter these vermin. As much as they deserve to have their heads slammed against a boulder, engaging them only gives them what they want. They relish the moment someone lays their hands on them. Unfortunately, ignoring them is the best way to deal with them.

Sorry for your loss. The great majority of America does appreciate his service and sacrifice.

09-04-10, 00:08
Outragious indeed. Fred - fwd local, date and times please.

09-04-10, 00:31
Be strong if you encounter these vermin. As much as they deserve to have their heads slammed against a boulder, engaging them only gives them what they want. They relish the moment someone lays their hands on them. Unfortunately, ignoring them is the best way to deal with them.

Sorry for your loss. The great majority of America does appreciate his service and sacrifice.

The "best" way to deal with them is by stomping mudholes in their throats.

09-04-10, 00:45
I hate to say I agree with that.....but you're right. They are truly the scum of the earth. I have more respect for the Klan and dumb ass Neo Nazi's that parade around than I do for these douches.

The "best" way to deal with them is by stomping mudholes in their throats.

09-04-10, 02:33
To all- thank you for your prayers and condolences.

We've just found out that the Westboro Baptist "Church" will be making an appearance at Jimmy's funeral :mad::mad::mad: , but the Patriot Guard will be as well.

It is truly an outrage that a man serves his country, dies in the line of duty and is disgraced by a bunch of low class vermin.

It takes more than a couple members from an inbreed family who hold a few signs and shout a couple nasty words to stomp out the love and memory that most of us have for a fallen HERO who served his country bravely and paid the ultimate cost for my family and I's freedom. My condolences to you pal and your friend will forever be a hero in my book.

09-04-10, 10:59
I hate to say I agree with that.....but you're right. They are truly the scum of the earth. I have more respect for the Klan and dumb ass Neo Nazi's that parade around than I do for these douches.

To me, the absolute worst part is that those disgusting bastards indoctrinate their innocent children and make them take part in the demonstrations. We are talking little kids here being told by their parents to spew hate at those that protect us.

Seeing the youngsters holding such signs and yelling such ugly statements with the encouragement of their parents makes me ill. Their lives are being stolen from them and they can't do a thing about it.

It's a form of child abuse. They should all lose their children, every one.