View Full Version : Diaper Bags and Strollers

08-30-10, 20:03
Yeah, yeah, I know. We're getting the nursery set up, etc. and my wife just bought herself a Coach diaper bag. No fu**in' way I'm carrying it. Have seen several range bags with compartments that look like they may be just the thing. I know we have several newer dads here(SWAT, decoded, bkb-38 kids:D) so any input on what you are using/have used/have done greatly appreciated. I laugh(in a good way) when I see some poor guy carrying a flowered bag, etc. and just don't want to do it.

Any tips on strollers appreciated as well. Like the ones with pneumatic wheels since they could go over rougher areas but they don't collapse into a "small" size like the hard wheeled ones.

08-30-10, 20:20
Eagle Industries makes a diaper bag that you'd be proud to carry.


08-30-10, 20:24
The various Maxpedition bags make cooler looking daddy diaper bags, and usually have some carry-friendly features.

08-30-10, 21:04
They are more expensive than the $12 butterfly strollers at Wal-Mart, but the Maclaren is hands down the best and most robust stroller there is (for the 6 month plus crowd). We bought a last- years model closeout on Amazon.com of the VOLO model for like $60 about 4 years ago and it has been to Japan multiple times, Florida a few times, Las Vegas multiple times, plus a ton of use around our area, and we are on our second kid with it. When we travel to Japan for example, we not only have the kid in it, but we have computer cases and bags hanging on the handles, the bottom under seat storage completely full, and sometimes our older son standing on the front and it keeps going.

My sister has a different model Maclaren and it has been all over Europe and was used for I think 3 of her kids and it keeps on going. Over cobblestones in France with the older kid standing on the front.

We have the simple VOLO model with the mesh material (and no sun screen). I would skip the fancier models with the non mesh materials...

Here is my daughter when she was less than 1 years old in the Maclaren (she is the second kid to use it)


We also had a fancy convertible Graco stroller. We used it and it was fine. But the Maclaren is so much handier and easier that when kid #2 came the Graco stayed in storage.

For a diaper bag, we just use the free ones the formula companies give you at the hospital. They work fine. The latest batch we got were black so they don't look bad, and when you are carrying a kid around, who cares if it looks like you are carrying a diaper bag...

I also got a Maya Wrap sling and I did most of the carrying of both our kids from the time they left the hospital to when they were close to 2 years old when we left the house. Mom got them back to feed (breast feeding) etc but I did all the carrying outside the home for the most part. Your kids have a different relationship with you than they otherwise would when you have them close to your body, carrying them from birth on whenever you are out and about.

I have no interest in this company except as a satisfied user: http://www.mayawrap.com/

Here are two pics of the kid in the sling. This is our son when he was about 6-8 months old plus or minus. The first one shows how he wanted to push the cart too. The second is when we were in Japan when he was about 7-8 months old.



08-30-10, 22:26
Yeah, yeah, I know. We're getting the nursery set up, etc. and my wife just bought herself a Coach diaper bag. No fu**in' way I'm carrying it. Have seen several range bags with compartments that look like they may be just the thing.

This post gets a 10 out of 10 for originality and funniness. I had to read it twice to make sure it was sincere, and I think it is. :)

As someone who proudly sported a diaper bag for years I am not busting on you. Just real funny stuff, to me at least. Almost classic.

08-30-10, 22:40

Hands down the best "dad" gift I've gotten.

08-30-10, 23:05
When my son was born, I used an Eagle/SKD chest rig in the hospital room to carry all sorts of infant-centric equipment. Got some weird looks, but hey, it worked, and as a new dad, it was nice to have all the wipes, diapers, etc handy when the little guy started painting the walls with processed breastmilk. I also used an Eagle range bag as a diaper bag, until my wife got tired of hauling it around and went to a smaller piece of kit. I remember mentioning this to some Eagle folks at the time, and surprise, Eagle mysteriously comes out with a dedicated (and, admittedly, well thought out) tactical diaper bag.

Since then, I've started carrying a Maxpedition Jumbo EDC versipack as a 'tactical diaper bag'. It holds several diapers, a pack of wipes, sun screen, some snacks, Kleenex, a sizable water bottle, and a spare mag or two. It could hold the pistol as well, but I prefer to keep it in an IWB rig rather than in a bag that could be snatched, forgotten, etc.

08-30-10, 23:09
i don't really have a whole lot to do with the kids, at least not at that age. our newest is 3 1/2 months old, and i still haven't ever even changed his diaper. i never did change a single one of our first born's diapers, and the only reason i changed a few of No. 2's was because i got stuck with him at church a few times. i change No. 3's diapers in conjunction with getting ready for bed time, but he'll be out of diapers in the next couple months. i leave the poopy ones for mama, though. **** that shit.

so the only advice i can offer is: don't take the baby anywhere, and you won't have to take the diaper bag anywhere. :laugh:

however.. if i did find myself stuck with the kids, i'd probably take an MRE out of my HAWG and stuff some diapers in there. whatever you get, you probably won't need 80% of the shit your wife tends to pack around, so a camelbak sized backpack would probably be perfect. stuff some mags into that bitch, so it doesn't seem like such a waste.

08-30-10, 23:17
Oh you will be suckered Into carrying the Bag .I know! My Ex wife did that happen to be with a Blues clues Bag :suicide2: But I was Like Oh well I am a Dad,and I always got big smiles from the Ladies :lol:

08-30-10, 23:27
messenger bag ? head to REI and pick one out :)

08-30-10, 23:36
For a diaper bag, we just use the free ones the formula companies give you at the hospital. They work fine. The latest batch we got were black so they don't look bad, and when you are carrying a kid around, who cares if it looks like you are carrying a diaper bag...

We used the one from Enfamil. It was black and inside it had a separate compartment...for my Glock26.

08-31-10, 00:51
My wife stole my range bag for the first couple months of our first born . .. . seriously. She is the combat boot wearing kinda mommy & just wasn't having one of those girly bags. In order to get my range bag back, I had to find an upgrade to sell the wife. Unfortunately, what I got her doesn't seem to be available online anymore. Found it at Babies R Us, some features that I like are: an insulated, zippered pocket on the end for keeping a bottle warm, large outside pocket for changing pads a great place to stow a pistol BTW. Two inner compartments, one with a ton of pockets for keeping things organized (diapers laid out like magazines in a range bag with mag pockets, bibs and spoons in a completely different pockets than the buttpaste . . . the other with six pockets inside the main compartment for handsanitizer, sunscreen, and all that kinda stuff. . . main compartnemt large enough to hold one of those great doodads that holds three premeasured quantities of formula in a tupperware type thing . . . two more bottles, and still a bit more room. Seemed a little oversized and then kid #2 arrived. Now it is just right. Baby Innovations is what the tiny metal tag says, otherwise there is no overt branding & I'm not sure if that is a brand name or a model. A trip to Babies R Us and some luck kept me from having to buy another range bag. . . though honestly, the extra features over a decent range bag are just nice, not essential.

08-31-10, 10:23
Eagle Industries makes a diaper bag that you'd be proud to carry. http://www.opticsplanet.net/eagle-industries-combat-diaper-range-bag.html

The various Maxpedition bags make cooler looking daddy diaper bags, and usually have some carry-friendly features.

however.. if i did find myself stuck with the kids, i'd probably take an MRE out of my HAWG and stuff some diapers in there. whatever you get, you probably won't need 80% of the shit your wife tends to pack around, so a camelbak sized backpack would probably be perfect. stuff some mags into that bitch, so it doesn't seem like such a waste.

The great thing about having small kids is that not only will you not be out of place carrying a bag, you're expected to have one. What a great opportunity to carry some extra goodies.

When we had need of a diaper bag, we each had our own set up to our liking. I used a variety of bags, an Eagle E&E, a Camelbak HAWG, a Jumbo Versipak, and assorted others. I'm particularly fond of the HAWG. Try to limit the mil look, choose common colors, and pack smart.

Then again, if you swallow your pride and carry a purpose built diaper bag with flowers, Dora, or Spongebob you'll be dismissed almost immediately, despite what might be inside. Most of those bags have well thought out and logical organization, they just lack serious build quality having an expected service life of 2-3 years.

08-31-10, 10:50
we have a uppa baby ! very good setup I have had a lot of strollers and this is one of my favs and if #2 comes along :) their is this rear kick board that the bigger kid can jump on and you can still push it along !
our 6 year old fits on the kick board no problem just goole uppa baby

also McLaren or how ever its spelled :) for our umbrella stroller that lives in the back of the FJ for daily quick run into the store outings and such

we also have a Chariot !!! this thing is amazing and for a day at the zoo kinda outing its very very nice

just like guns depends on what you are doing :) anything with wheels I love though

I might also look at the bobs and such for a good all around mix of the uppa baby and the chariot ? chariots are sold at REI and when on %20 off bring the price down

08-31-10, 12:08
Eagle Industries makes a diaper bag that you'd be proud to carry.


That looks pretty slick but I don't see it listed on Eagle's site.

Another website for reviews on baby stuff, and house stuff in general, we've been looking at is: http://www.consumersearch.com/ We're expecting a little guy in late October.

08-31-10, 12:15
A friend of mine picked this up when he had his kid.

08-31-10, 12:17
Just a thought: Don't spend a ton of money on stuff before the kid comes. Get a few basic necessities and then wait and see what your needs really are. Too many people purchase all sorts of baby crap and then never use it. I know we did...

08-31-10, 12:20
Just a thought: Don't spend a ton of money on stuff before the kid comes.

Try telling the wife that! :lol: Thanks for the mayawrap link, she's seen other ladies with them and didn't know where to get one, she likes the look of them.

08-31-10, 12:28
Thanks for the mayawrap link, she's seen other ladies with them and didn't know where to get one, she likes the look of them.

Dude, the link was for you :-) She carried the baby the first 9 months. You can take the burden off and do the next 9 months... Your kids will love you for it.

They are very comfortable and are better for carrying the kid than most other body carriers and they can be used from basically newborn up to 2-3 years old (35 lbs). They can be rigged to work on the back for older kids, etc.

I have the "original". It has been replaced with the "lightly padded" version, which did not exist when I got mine over 7 years ago. (We got 2, one for the wife and one for me, but the wife rarely used it as I was carrying the kid everywhere and she gave hers to her sister when we visited when the kid was 7 months old). The pics of the "lightly padded" look the same as the original so should be useable in all the same ways.

08-31-10, 12:35
indeed... and it's not just before the kids come along. i've seen no less than three different high chairs in the kitchen in the last month, two different bouncy chairs in the bathroom, and she cycles through other stuff faster that i'd want to keep up.

Thanks for the mayawrap link, she's seen other ladies with them and didn't know where to get one, she likes the look of them.

http://www.mobywrap.com/ ... wife say's theyre more comfortable for longer periods in them. she says these are good too, for different applications- http://www.sleepywrap.com/ .. but i didn't really press for additional info.

and now she says no baby carrier search is complete without looking at the Ergo.. http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/

and i really cant believe we're even taking this conversation this far... i guess thats what happens when you take a day off and sit around with the wife.

08-31-10, 12:48
indeed... and it's not just before the kids come along. i've seen no less than three different high chairs in the kitchen in the last month, two different bouncy chairs in the bathroom, and she cycles through other stuff faster that i'd want to keep up.

http://www.mobywrap.com/ ... wife say's theyre more comfortable for longer periods in them.

My sister has one of these mobywrap things and likes it. Don't know if it is as versatile but my sister swears by it.

she says these are good too, for different applications- http://www.sleepywrap.com/ .. but i didn't really press for additional info.

and now she says no baby carrier search is complete without looking at the Ergo.. http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/

The carriers like the ergo (have not tried that one) are not as versatile, nor in the long run, as comfortable as the simpler wrap style things. That is what people I know who have tried both carrier style and wrap style tell me. I don't have personal experience.

08-31-10, 12:51
Thanks for all the suggestions and I definitely want to be a big part but I'm Captain Clueless when it comes to little ones... live and learn I guess.

08-31-10, 12:52
My sister has one of these mobywrap things and likes it. Don't know if it is as versatile but my sister swears by it.

The carriers like the ergo (have not tried that one) are not as versatile, nor in the long run, as comfortable as the simpler wrap style things. That is what people I know who have tried both carrier style and wrap style tell me. I don't have personal experience.

she says the Ergo is for 6mos-2years, after they're too heavy for the wraps.. and come in man-friendly colors.

08-31-10, 12:56
she says the Ergo is for 6mos-2years, after they're too heavy for the wraps..

I used my Maya Warp up to around 2 or so. It is good to 35 pounds. You just wrap it differently to turn it into a seat...

and come in man-friendly colors.

Always a plus! I was thinking that these wrap products should really come in some camo patterns and dark solid colors (sage, FDE, Black, OD, etc)... I think they would find an "untapped" market. A lot of guys are trying to be more hands on helping with the kids but get turned off by the colors and decorations on baby gear (witness this thread).

08-31-10, 16:23
Irish- Are you a new dad or expecting? My wife's due date is at the end of Oct. so time is getting short. Will be the first. Excited.

Streicher's has a Range Ready bag that looks promising as a diaper carrier/hold all. TomahawkG PM'd me with a possibility from LA Policegear with the Maxpedition Jumbo K.I.S.S. bag. Anyone using a Jeep stroller? They look like they would be good over uneven terrain and for running.

Car seats are a whole other issue.

ChadBag-Your daughter is precious in the stroller pic. Must take after the mother.:)

bkb-Don't you have a platoon at home now?:D

SWAT-I'm practicing the compliance buttslap already.

08-31-10, 16:26
Irish- Are you a new dad or expecting? My wife's due date is at the end of Oct. so time is getting short.

Same time frame, she's due 10/26 and it'll be our first too. :dirol:

08-31-10, 16:48
Anyone using a Jeep stroller? They look like they would be good over uneven terrain and for running.

texted the wife:

bkb0000: didnt you have a jeep stroller? what didnt you like about it?
+wife1: (1/2) Yup .. A Jeep double .. It was IMPOSSIBLE to maneuver when kids were sitting it and was huge and bulky and heavy. I had a single Jeep forever ago which I
+wife1: (2/2) liked except for that it tipped over easily and was big and heavy.

bkb-Don't you have a platoon at home now?:D

workin on No. 5 right now... all boys, so far... (thank the Good Lord)

i've read that for every boy you have past boy 3, your odds of having another boy increase by about 6%, by averages. so by that, we should be looking at about a 62% chance of having boy number 5. i have 4 brothers myself, and mostly uncles... us Beckerich boys make boys, for some reason.

congrats to both you expecting guys... kids change your life, usually for the better.

08-31-10, 16:59
bkb- So are you enjoying "working on" kid #5? Thanks for the Jeep stroller info. Hopefully I can have a son one day, but if it doesn't happen then it wasn't meant to be. My friends with daughters love it.

08-31-10, 17:14
just happens to be one of my favorite things to "work on." :laugh:

girls are great.. i'd actually love to have a little princess/daddy's girl. but someday, Princess gets boobs and boyfriends and bad ideas and ****ed up attitudes. :suicide:

i feel for you guys..

09-01-10, 09:45
Hospitals loaded us up with free samples & they even came in small black one-strap across-the-chest bags. Those are now our "emergency" bags we keep in the car & they hold 3 or 4 diapers, a small sample pack of wipes, a sample of diaper creme & snaks & formula (just enough to get by if you forget your main bag at home).

We used to live in a 2nd floor condo. We chose the "City Mini" stroller. It folds with one hand (just pull the carying handle & it becomes luggage). We now have about a 2 to 1 stroller to kid ratio. People keep giving us their old strollers. We'll recyle ours too.

Because our area (DC) is SO dangerous for driving, we bought the best car seats made: Brittax. Not cheap, but oh well. They are also the easiest to install - and after the 1st time your kids puke all over the seat, car you, etc. , you will really appreciate the ease of removal/reinstall of the Brittax. Craigslist had new ones at low prices in our area.