View Full Version : Cantor: Beware of the Obama tax increases

09-02-10, 22:12

09-02-10, 22:16
Need more money for social spending. See Obama's "Iraq speech". Basically came out and said that the trillion dollars spent on Iraq (2003-2010) could have been spent on social(ist) projects instead.

09-02-10, 22:22
Need more money for social spending. See Obama's "Iraq speech". Basically came out and said that the trillion dollars spent on Iraq (2003-2010) could have been spent on social(ist) projects instead.

Which is funny because he's already spent more money in the past 18 months that we spent for all of the Iraq war.

09-02-10, 22:29
Which is funny because he's already spent more money in the past 18 months that we spent for all of the Iraq war.

With interest both the Stimulus and Obamacare will cost more than Iraq and Afghanistan to 2015.

We also spent close to a trillion a year on SS.

Medicare/Medicaid is another trillion in both Fed and SS spending.

Next time you hear a liberal complain about the Iraq War cost explain to them how little it actually is in the grand scheme of things. Not only does the Fed spend HUNDREDS of billions a year on Medicare/Mediciaid but so do the states. Iraq pales in comparison to the social spending in the US. In fact we spend more a year on "social" spending than we did for WW2 even with inflation adjusted dollars.

09-02-10, 23:27
What happens when the money runs out?:confused:

09-02-10, 23:42
What happens when the money runs out?:confused:

Uh I thought the money ran out 13 trillion ago, and since Obama took office the paper money supply has at least doubled.

As of yesterday: $13,426,803,373,412.02

Oh yeah for some perspective....when Obama took office (1st full day): $10,625,053,544,309.79

09-03-10, 00:09
The Iraq war was seven years or so long and cost $750B

Afghanistan is approx. $350B

Obama has spent far more than that in just over a year.

Personally, Obama would be better served by just not talking about Iraq at all. He doesnt seem to understand it, didnt want to fight it, and it isnt "his" war

09-03-10, 06:41
He's basically abandoned Iraq and look for him to cut a deal with the Taliban - perhaps as his October surprise.

Anyway, I don't know what's worse - Democrats or Republicans like Cantor, who would sell your soul to the devil for 5 minutes of TV time.


09-03-10, 07:53
Which is funny because he's already spent more money in the past 18 months that we spent for all of the Iraq war.

And unemployment went up and the economy is still crap.

09-03-10, 08:17
What happens when the money runs out?:confused:

warm up the presses

09-03-10, 08:30
They are already monetizing debt. That train (printing) has left Inflation Station.


09-03-10, 10:39
Obviously Obama has taken a graduate course in Marxist economic policies and studied hard to learn that the way to have a successful economy is to take an asset from person A and give it to person B.

09-03-10, 10:54
Obviously Obama has taken a graduate course in Marxist economic policies and studied hard to learn that the way to have a successful economy is to take an asset from person A and give it to person B.

Are you surprised? During his campaign he repeatedly stated he was for "redistribution of wealth" and yet he was elected. I can see low to no income people voting for him but there were a metric shit ton of middle/upper-middle/upper class that voted for him as well. What the @^&$ were they thinking?

09-03-10, 11:30
Are you surprised? During his campaign he repeatedly stated he was for "redistribution of wealth" and yet he was elected. I can see low to no income people voting for him but there were a metric shit ton of middle/upper-middle/upper class that voted for him as well. What the @^&$ were they thinking?
Obama to Joe the plumber - share the wealth.

09-03-10, 12:05
What happens when the money runs out?:confused:

Print more money and increase the national debt.

09-03-10, 12:51
Are you surprised? During his campaign he repeatedly stated he was for "redistribution of wealth" and yet he was elected. I can see low to no income people voting for him but there were a metric shit ton of middle/upper-middle/upper class that voted for him as well. What the @^&$ were they thinking?

I don't recall a lot of thinking going on during the 2008 campaign. I recall a lot of people swooning over Obama's skills as an orator (skills I never once perceived) or describing the tingle that ran up their leg when the man gave a speech. I recall a lot of goofy campaign signs like the one where Obama is looking down his nose like Il Duce himself above the word: HOPE written in big letters....a sign so ridiculous even a hardcore member of the Maoist cadre would have been forced to chuckle at the arrogance of it.

I recall the fervor displayed when Obama came through my area...and none of it was related to his policies. It reminded me more of what you would see if you announced that a celebrity was going to make an unexpected appearance. Seeing the people line up for transport to the venue (I wouldn't go near the place personally as the USSS on scene was not in a pleasant mood) I didn't hear much talk about substantive policy, but more a general sense of excitement that you would expect from a group of people going to see a faith healer or something.

I recall sitting in a class behind a group of teen-something mush-heads who were gathered around a laptop.

"God, that's sexy. Just look at that!"

Now being the loveable curmudgeon that I am, I expected to see them ogling some sort of girlie pic...or, realizing that this was an institution of higher learning, possibly a picture of some foppish male pop star. It turned out to be a big picture of Obama looking down his nose like Il Duce again.

"Imagine THAT as our president! That's so awesome!"

Now clearly these teenage mush-heads were much better educated than I, and in possession of more wisdom and experience in the world to boot, so perhaps in my bitter clinginess I missed out on traces of the conversation about the deep implications of then candidate Obama's proposed policies before I walked into class. I suppose it's also possible by inveterate racism prevented me from picking up on the substantive policy discussions happening among the throngs lined up to go see Obama (complete with all their Obama logo apparel) like little kids waiting on the bus to take them to Disney World.

I'm almost positive that none of those people...all of them smarter, better educated, and overall better people than me in every conceivable way...could have been subject to the "Dontcha wanna be a Pepper too!" effect. I mean, I know they talked about the "electricity" in the room when he visited and generally spoke in terms that sounded eerily familiar to descriptions of mass spirit possession events among Boxers in China...but these people were all so adamant about their superiority that I have to conclude that my observations are merely the product of a nefarious blend of racism, greed, nativism, anti-intellectualism, superstition, hatred of the poor, and being a redneck.

Therefore my theory that those people voted for Obama with all of the deliberate consideration a sorority girl doing kegstands displays in selection of a sexual partner...with all the attendant next-morning consequences of such a tryst...couldn't possibly be correct.

09-03-10, 13:06
What happens when the money runs out?:confused:

Easy, they just print more of it!! :suicide2: