View Full Version : Check out this mama Wolf spider...

09-05-10, 00:20
Just found this beast in the back yard crawling on my hose...





09-05-10, 00:22
I like spiders and rarely kill them.

I use to let them run around the house till I got married. They freak the wife out though, so I gently escort spiders outside where they continue their business.

09-05-10, 00:34
I am kinda partial to banana spiders of NTA on Oki, or those nice little camel spiders we used to put in peoples racks in the "box"

09-05-10, 00:58
I would have needed a new hose...

09-05-10, 01:01
Sir, is this going to be a stand-up fight, or another bug hunt?


09-05-10, 01:15
I had one about that big too, the other night. First saw her on my front porch landing. Later in the evening she was climbing up the corner... She was like 3-4 inches across.


09-05-10, 01:29
As a general rule, all insects I encounter die upon first detection.

09-05-10, 01:29
I like spiders and rarely kill them.

I use to let them run around the house till I got married. They freak the wife out though, so I gently escort spiders outside where they continue their business.


Except for brown recluse, they have to die.

09-05-10, 04:15
As a general rule, all insects I encounter die upon first detection.

my rule and then I go around the whole yard and spray every corner twice ! and then about 40 feet out in every direction !

we have found a few more scorpions in the house and with little ones !!! scared they get stung

09-05-10, 04:28
Air freshener and a lighter are the only things missing in the photos.

09-05-10, 06:44
Same here on letting them live. But I agree, recluses and widows gotta go. My wife doesn't mind most spiders, but will call me to "terminate with extreme prejudice" either of the two above mentioned. And cockroaches. She hates cockroaches.

09-05-10, 06:45
As a general rule, all insects I encounter die upon first detection.

Yes sir, this is a rule I can appreciate.

09-05-10, 09:58
As a general rule, all insects I encounter die upon first detection.

All insects inside my home die immediately (with some rare exceptions, such as praying mantises, etc). All arachnids anywhere die immediately. To me, having more than 4 legs is a target indicator.

09-05-10, 10:00
It's cool to come across the mothers carrying the young. If needed, I will gently escort them to a safer place so they don't bet run over by a mower, car, or weed whacked. I also will relocate black widows; they are generally quite docile. Did come across a huge bit** a while ago that I had to take out. I do automatically kill brown recluses, though. They like to come inside, unlike widows, and the bite effects are just so damn nasty.

09-05-10, 10:47
30 years ago I woke up to a wolf spider on my foot in a cabin in southern Ohio.. I eradicated it immediately. Insects don't get a fair shake in our abode.

A bit off topic, any you guys have a bed bug problem in your area? We don't in our house but our town and neighboring town is over run with them. They don't report on it much but it's a big deal here. You see furniture, carpet on the curbs quite often. Then the scavengers pick up the furniture to keep the problem growing. Not to mention all the garage sales doing their part. Since these towns have become sanctuary towns for illegals, it's not surprising it's and issue. I read a report that 10% NYC residents have bed bug issues and up to 50% have had experiences with them. That kind of tells me it's more than a 10% problem. Too bad they banned ddt, it could have saved a lot of lives from malaria.

09-05-10, 12:54

Do your part!

09-05-10, 14:18
All insects inside my home die immediately (with some rare exceptions, such as praying mantises, etc). All arachnids anywhere die immediately. To me, having more than 4 legs is a target indicator.

We don't have Praying Mantis, if we did I'd let them live. Pretty much the sole exception.

09-05-10, 15:14
04 JUL 2009

09-05-10, 15:51
Just found this beast in the back yard crawling on my hose...





Id end up having the use the hose after the bowel movement from encountering a spider like that!

Thank gid I aint seen one of them here in NOVA.

09-05-10, 17:19
SteyrAUG, Sir, I admire the cut of your jib!

Santoro Household General Order #1 RE: Spiders.....

09-05-10, 19:31
SteyrAUG, Sir, I admire the cut of your jib!

Santoro Household General Order #1 RE: Spiders.....

I was going to post this very image.

It pretty much sums up what I consider an appropriate response every time I find a spider in my house.

09-05-10, 21:55
Zippo+carb cleaner. :D

09-05-10, 22:18

Just kidding. :D

The only spiders that I kill are the poisonous ones (IE: Black Widow and Brown Recluse) or the ones that make the mistake of entering into my home or building their webs in my way (IE: doorway, etc.).

Other than that, I go out of my way to not harm them. Specially the Wolf Spiders - my yard used to be full of them (back when I did not keep it mowed).

09-06-10, 12:52
I was taking a shower in Baghdad when I noticed the presence of a camel spider. No lie, I ran the **** out of the stall and got in another one...:help:

Bubba FAL
09-06-10, 22:11
I give most spiders a pass, except for blacks, browns and the ones my daughter finds in her bedroom.

Miss the tarantulas in SoCal.

09-07-10, 03:54
I usually leave them alone unless they are bigger than a half dollar. The cat and my pit are not so nice to them though.

Alex V
09-07-10, 07:59
The only spiders that I kill are the poisonous ones

All spiders are venomous and therefor poisonous... some less than others, some not enough to harm humans, but all poisonous.

Either way, ever since I was a little kid, if I see a spider, I have to kill it. My GF freaks out at the very thought of a spider so needless to say, if one is in our condo, its not going to survive.

I prefer harsh housold cleaners. Scrubbing Bubbles is awesome when it makes a spider disintegrate. Can't use fire inside the home since no surface will stand up to it lol.

09-07-10, 09:23
All spiders are venomous and therefor poisonous... some less than others, some not enough to harm humans, but all poisonous.

Either way, ever since I was a little kid, if I see a spider, I have to kill it. My GF freams out at the very thought of a spider so needless to say, if one is in our condo, its not going to survive.

I prefer harsh housold cleaners. Scrubbing Bubbles is awesome when it makes a spider disintegrate. Can't use fire inside the home since no surface will stand up to it lol.

Formula 409 makes them die screaming.

09-07-10, 09:25
IMHO a bunch of ya'll need some therapy for arachnophobia.

Just sayin.

09-07-10, 11:58
I let all spiders live, they kill all the other bugs that actually bother me; I can't ever recall being bitten by a spider; tons of everything else has bitten me, but not a spider. I used to have spider wars when I was a young boy; we were poor so I had to find entertainment somewhere. I'd capture like (10) spiders and keep them separate in mason jars, and keep them hungry and then after two days put 2 of them in a jar and see the ensuing batlle; then the victor goes on to round 2 and so on until a champion is decided...

I remember the neighboorhood kids loved to come and watch, we even bet baseball cards, comics & candy on the outcome.

Looking back I should've been collecting a % of the winnings as a "house" fee...

I once had a spider hang from my ball cap directly in front of my face on a road trip back from California to Colorado; he just hung out in front of my left eye the entire way home.

Those are some awesome looking spiders fella's, nice photos.

Anyone ever seen a mass migration of spiders flying on the wind with their webbing as a "sail"?
I saw it once and it was an amazing site to observe. Literally thousands upon thousands of spiders drifting on long lines of webbing in the wind; I can't even imagine how many their really were; they basically blotted out my entire view for a few minutes; my dog and I both stopped in our tracks when we noticed and stood in awe just starring at them flying by; it was very cool to see.

09-07-10, 12:33
the wolf spiders up here don't get very big.. but we do have these very large, very fast brown spiders, which i have no yet identified. in fact, we got rained out today, i think i'll take the particularly large specimen i recently captured up to the county lab and have them ID it for me.

they're either hobo spiders or giant house spiders- from what i've read, there are only ways to rule out other spiders, but no ready way to confirm a hobo. since one is possibly responsible for some of the worst spider bites in north America and one is essentially harmless, i'd like to know.

either way- they're too big and scary to catch and release. and either way, they're an invasive species, and should be killed.

09-07-10, 13:01
Me and Hairy circa 1980


09-07-10, 17:14
bkb- The Hobo spider is one I hope to never get bit by. Thank goodness their range is limited. While we were considering moving to eastern Oregon, being in it's territory was a downside. Nasty MF's. Not sure which is worse, Hobo or Recluse.

09-07-10, 18:41
IMHO a bunch of ya'll need some therapy for arachnophobia.

Just sayin.

Nonsense. I'm not afraid of them.

I'm just unwilling to share my space with them. I kill pests and nuisance critters because they are a pest or nuisance. This includes most insects and a lot of reptiles.

09-08-10, 14:47
I have found that most spider explode after being hit with a 6mm airsoft bb from my MP5SD airsoft gun. :D

09-08-10, 15:17
Nonsense. I'm not afraid of them.

I'm just unwilling to share my space with them. I kill pests and nuisance critters because they are a pest or nuisance. This includes most insects and a lot of reptiles.

First, spiders are not insects.

Second, this is too bad because spiders often help keep the nuisance insect population down.

09-08-10, 17:09
First, spiders are not insects.

He didn't say they were.

Also, spiders inside the home are wandering inside where there's relatively no insect population to cut down on. Killing spiders INSIDE the home isn't going to affect either the spider or its prey's population.

09-08-10, 17:16
He didn't say they were.

au contraire

In post 7 on page 1 it looks pretty clear to me. The post above, while more ambiguous, just reinforced the notion

Also, spiders inside the home are wandering inside where there's relatively no insect population to cut down on. Killing spiders INSIDE the home isn't going to affect either the spider or its prey's population.

Again, most houses have more insects inside than you would realize. Why is the spider setting up home inside a house if there is no food there? Spiders are where the food is.

And if it is merely wandering in the house, and will go back outside where it came from, then you are reducing the spider population outside where there are insects. So killing the spider, inside the home as well, does affect the spider (obviously, it is now dead) and is one less spider to get rid of obnoxious insects.

09-08-10, 17:29
Wake up with one on your face... it changes things a little. At least it did for me. (Not a wolf, but a big BIIIIG bugger that ruined it for the rest of them)

09-08-10, 17:32
I always let granddaddy longlegs live.

I took a big, ugly looking jumping spider to school one day for show and tell while I was in elementary school and accidentally let it loose in the classroom. Hilarity ensued.

09-08-10, 17:33
au contraire

In post 7 on page 1 it looks pretty clear to me. The post above, while more ambiguous, just reinforced the notion

Tsk tsk. Jumping to conclusions.

He said, quote:

As a general rule, all insects I encounter die upon first detection.

He didn't say they were. He may have implied it, but never said that they were ;) He simply said all insects die upon detection.

09-08-10, 17:38
Tsk tsk. Jumping to conclusions.

He said, quote:

He didn't say they were. He may have implied it, but never said that they were ;) He simply said all insects die upon detection.

As a reply to a picture of a spider and a thread about spiders. The conclusion is obvious. The context is such that any other conclusion is ridiculous.

09-08-10, 17:41
I always let granddaddy longlegs live.

As an aside:

Interestingly, "daddy longlegs" are not real spiders (assuming you meant what I always grew up calling "Daddy Longlegs")... I did not know this until recently when my son was asking about them.


09-08-10, 17:43
As a reply to a picture of a spider and a thread about spiders. The conclusion is obvious. The context is such that any other conclusion is ridiculous.

Unless you assume the poster in question was simply stating a general rule, given the topic of creepy-crawlies ;) He might have an actual rule that states "All insects die." Upon logging onto a firearms forum and seeing a grotesque spider, he then is reminded of that rule and shares it with the rest of us. In that light, he's not stating it's an insect, he's simply stating his rule given the topic. Then it actually makes sense.

Of course.... (I'm reaching here) We can do the obvious and ask him what he meant.

Mr. Steyr AUG: Do you think spiders are indeed insects?


09-08-10, 17:47
Unless you assume the poster in question was simply stating a general rule, given the topic of creepy-crawlies ;) He might have an actual rule that states "All insects die." Upon logging onto a firearms forum and seeing a grotesque spider, he then is reminded of that rule and shares it with the rest of us. In that light, he's not stating it's an insect, he's simply stating his rule given the topic. Then it actually makes sense.

No it doesn't. Why someone would feel inclined to share their rules about insects in a topic that has nothing to do with insects is something that only a nitpicker would come up with.

It is probable that SteyAUG knows the difference and is merely using the wrong word. However he did it a couple of times. But lots of people do not know the differences. SteyrAUG is a smart guy and I was just reminding him of the difference since he said or implied it a few times.