View Full Version : Daley calls it quits

09-07-10, 17:19
I am not sure if this is good news or not...

He was a better mayor than the guy he replaced but hopefully the next guy will be more RKBA.

09-07-10, 20:03
I think this can only be good for Illinois - it's unlikely that any replacement can accumulate sufficient political capital to strangle the whole state like Daley was doing. It may not be so great for actual Chicago residents, though - TS.

09-07-10, 20:13
I predict an indictment after he leaves office. His minions will no longer fear reprisal and will talk. Illinois will be better off with him gone.

09-07-10, 20:22
That is the best news I heard all day.

09-07-10, 21:31
Mayor Rahm Emmanuel...


09-08-10, 07:32
Mayor Rahm Emmanuel...


You know they've been bringing that up for the past year or so, I wonder if he will go for it or not. I mean he's Obama's handler, I can't imagine him giving up all that just to be mayor of Chicago. I mean Chicago is a pretty "interesting" place now, I wonder what will happen with a new mayor in office. We can all hope that it'll be someone a little more friendly towards gun owners, but for some reason I doubt that. . .

Will we be seeing another campaign based on "change" perhaps?

09-08-10, 09:14
You know they've been bringing that up for the past year or so, I wonder if he will go for it or not. I mean he's Obama's handler, I can't imagine him giving up all that just to be mayor of Chicago. I mean Chicago is a pretty "interesting" place now, I wonder what will happen with a new mayor in office. We can all hope that it'll be someone a little more friendly towards gun owners, but for some reason I doubt that. . .

Will we be seeing another campaign based on "change" perhaps?
With the downward spiral of this administrations approval rating I think Rahm will be looking for a job.

09-08-10, 10:16
If they elected a beagle it would do a better job...

09-08-10, 10:36
With the downward spiral of this administrations approval rating I think Rahm will be looking for a job.

Daley's current local approval rating was 37%, he knew it was over. Goodbye to that idiot.

The implication seems to be that Emanuel is essentially a shoe-in, but I don't get why all things considered. They say he needs to get away from the administration anyhow as it sinks, but in many ways he is the administration. How would he immediately be absolved of any blame just because he runs for Mayor?

09-08-10, 11:11
Daley's current local approval rating was 37%, he knew it was over. Goodbye to that idiot.

The implication seems to be that Emanuel is essentially a shoe-in, but I don't get why all things considered. They say he needs to get away from the administration anyhow as it sinks, but in many ways he is the administration. How would he immediately be absolved of any blame just because he runs for Mayor?

That's a very valid point. In the begining of this administration I remember hearing a lot about how Rahm was "the man behind the curtain" kind of thing. That's not something you want to take credit for now though . . .

But he's a local boy that has made it big in politics, so I doubt there will be any major contenders if he does run for Mayor. It's Chicago here people, one of the most corrupt cities in the US. (And I say that living near Detroit, haha)

Bubba FAL
09-08-10, 21:10
Good riddance to Daley.

As to a potential successor, maybe Oprah's considering a run? She's quitting her tv gig, so she'll have plenty of time on her hands. Probably beat Rahm in a fair fight. (What am I saying?! Chicago politics and "fair" do not belong in the same sentence.)

09-09-10, 00:00
Just like "Brave Sir Robin"; when things start getting hot he runs away!!

Even if rahm does become mayor. At least he won't be able to do further damage in DC.

09-09-10, 07:30
Well it looks like they're holding tryouts to join the losing team;

With most of official Washington and Chicago abuzz with what seems to be White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's inevitable run for mayor of his home town, the focus has also inevitably turned to who will replace Rahm. Some in Washington have even asked, can the scrappy, formidable former congressman really be replaced?

Read more: http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/09/08/warner-says-no-thanks-rahm-job#ixzz0z2E8iFcI


09-09-10, 16:40
I forgot about this;


In the middle of the night, Maor Daley sent bulldozers into Meigs field to tear up the runway. It left general aviation aircraft stranded there.

There was a fight between those who wanted to keep the air field open, and those who wanted to develop the property.

I guess that is how they get things done in Chicago.

Good riddance. Although, I don't see his successor being any different.

09-12-10, 16:47
Illinois politics, both Republican and Democrat have been corrupt for some time. Forever really. But state politics usually is anywhere you go. The last republican governor of Illinois still sits in federal prison.
Emanuel has always wanted to be the mayor of Chicago so theres that.
It's amusing to see all the wishful thinking that the Obama administration is doing so poorly. Any administration or political party would be in this economy and he's not doing that badly. If there were an election tomorrow I have no doubt he would handily beat anyone the Republicans could come up with.
Rumor is that all of the Blagojevich birds are coming home to roost and Daley is getting out while he can. Plus his wife is dying of cancer.
Most people from Illinois who are paying any kind of attention know there is very little difference between Republicans and Democrats.

09-13-10, 09:05
Illinois politics, both Republican and Democrat have been corrupt for some time. Forever really. But state politics usually is anywhere you go. The last republican governor of Illinois still sits in federal prison.
Emanuel has always wanted to be the mayor of Chicago so theres that.
It's amusing to see all the wishful thinking that the Obama administration is doing so poorly. Any administration or political party would be in this economy and he's not doing that badly. If there were an election tomorrow I have no doubt he would handily beat anyone the Republicans could come up with.
Rumor is that all of the Blagojevich birds are coming home to roost and Daley is getting out while he can. Plus his wife is dying of cancer.
Most people from Illinois who are paying any kind of attention know there is very little difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Sad but true. I had a very interesting conversation with a guy from Chicago. When I brought up Daley, he said "In Chicago, every politician is crooked'er than shit. It's just which one has done less"

I thought that was pretty comical, and sad at the same time.

09-13-10, 09:25
while I think that daley gone is a good thing, i got to wonder if his replacement might be worse....

09-13-10, 09:29
I wonder if he will go for it or not. I mean he's Obama's handler, I can't imagine him giving up all that just to be mayor of Chicago.

IIRC on average a Presidential Chief of Staff only lasts two years. That job is a thankless meat grinder and with all the B.S. that has gone on behind the scenes in DC I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he walked away from that job. Running Chicago would be a really cushy job for him. It remains to be seen if he would make even a marginal mayor but that would be the people of Chicago's problem.