View Full Version : This Thing, A "Joke", Scared The Crap Out Of Me

09-08-10, 12:59
So I am minding my own business over the weekend, getting some yard work done as usual while my son is at his mom's until Sunday evening. Suddenly my younger brother, who lives just 10 minutes away, stops by. Since he is always too busy with girls and lifting to ever do so, I was surprised. He has a nice little nephew just up the road and rarely takes the time, but that's another story and he does have a good heart.

But nonetheless he seemed normal and was with and mutual friend of ours, so all seemed well. After about 10 minutes my brother asks to use the bathroom and my other buddy seemed to take interest in some minor landscaping I was doing on the side of my house. He casually talked me to the back of the yard, acting as if he just wanted to see what work I had done. I expected nothing at this point.

After about 20+ minutes total they said they had to be on their way and that was that. Seemed a bit odd, but perfectly plausible. I went back to what I was doing and they drove off.

When I was ready for a drink I walked inside, expecting the house to be empty of course. It was then that I saw this thing standing 3 feet in front of me as I walked in:


I swear that I said 15 expletives in less than 3 seconds when I saw this thing, by far the most anyone has ever scared me. To give a better perspective, here I am standing next to it. This fellow is of the highest quality and is absolutely lifelike. My brother took this picture after he and my other friend cheerfully returned to the scene of the crime so they could gloat.


He said I would appreciate it one day, but at the time I was still a bit pissed actually. He bought it at a neighbors yard sale for $50 because he said he knew I would like it, which I did so I paid him back. But he is still a bastard.

Anyway, it is cool because the eyes light up red, it's very well made and Halloween is around the corner. My son and I have named him "Pop". :)

A very memorable moment. Anyone else ever had their butt kicked in such a way?

09-08-10, 13:44
A very memorable moment. Anyone else ever had their butt kicked in such a way?

Yes I have. I was on post 2 (roving) at the American Embassy in Prague. Coming on duty at midnight I noticed that the alarm for the attic had gone off and wasn't reset. The embassy is well over 400 years old and the attic alarm was always going off because of a draft. So we change over and I head up to the attic to reset the alarm.

To get access to the attic there was a harded door with a dial combination, this opened up to a little stairwell that you went up about 10 feet into the attic.

So, I open the hardened door and I see a figure coming straight down at me. I draw the S&W model 19 and as the hammer hits the furtherest point back before moves forward and strikes a cylinder; the stuffed clothes with a bag head strikes the muzzle to the pistol. I was toast for a good 15 minutes. I couldn't think or move I was just totally wasted.

What had happened was another Marine had made the dummy, secured it to a string, ran the string over a support beam and attched it to the door from the inside (there were two entry points). He was messing with his buddy that was on post 2 from 16-00 but his buddy never went to reset the alarm.

Payback occurred the next day.

09-08-10, 16:52
To get access to the attic there was a harded door with a dial combination, this opened up to a little stairwell that you went up about 10 feet into the attic.

So, I open the hardened door and I see a figure coming straight down at me. I draw the S&W model 19 and as the hammer hits the furtherest point back before moves forward and strikes a cylinder; the stuffed clothes with a bag head strikes the muzzle to the pistol. I was toast for a good 15 minutes. I couldn't think or move I was just totally wasted.

What had happened was another Marine had made the dummy, secured it to a string, ran the string over a support beam and attched it to the door from the inside (there were two entry points). He was messing with his buddy that was on post 2 from 16-00 but his buddy never went to reset the alarm.

Payback occurred the next day.

That was a good story, sounds even better than the one that was done to me. Seems like quite a bit of thought went into it.

What was the payback, if I might ask? I think I may consider some of my own soon.

09-08-10, 17:44
All those who are close to me have been told not to "surprise" me as I cannot help it if my G19 sends a string of rounds in the direction of the surprise. At the end of the day it's not funny, some one could get seriously hurt and or some property damage.

09-08-10, 17:44
That's pretty slick the way they set you up!

Your brother loves you for sure!

09-08-10, 19:16
All those who are close to me have been told not to "surprise" me as I cannot help it if my G19 sends a string of rounds in the direction of the surprise. At the end of the day it's not funny, some one could get seriously hurt and or some property damage.

You know you always need to verify your target and it's authenticity, correct? There is no joking going on here.

Just kidding. Fortunately I only had my walkman (remember that term?), cell phone and a small yard saw on me, so Pop was spared having been shot regardless.

Oscar 319
09-08-10, 20:51
I've had a few scares courtesy of a few dead folks.....gases leaving the body can cause noises and movements that can make you jump.

I had one in particular that nearly made me piss myself.

I was holding crime scene on an obese old lady who we checked on and found dead. No pulse, cold to the touch. Nothing suspcious. We had found her by entering through a window. She was laying in her bed in her bedroom and appeared to have went peacefully.

My partner went outside to have a smoke, leaving me alone with the body. It was DEAD quiet. When alone, I always think to myself (jokingly) that dead folks don't make good conversation. While standing there with my back to her, a gust of wind had kicked up, causing the blinds to move. When this happend, the sun light came in making the shadows move. Out of the corner of my eye, I swore the old lady had sat up. It scared me to death.

It took me a moment to figure out what had just happened. I could just imagine me having to explain to my supervisor why I just dumped a mag into the poor old dead lady! Zombies! Thankfully I didn't, but it did scare the hell out of me.

09-08-10, 21:06
They had that exact costume/statue at the haunted mansion in Gatlinburg, TN. Definately a creepy guy.

09-08-10, 21:14
What was the payback, if I might ask? I think I may consider some of my own soon.

I had to keep payback as a legitimate training event. Recertification on post two for the Marine that set it up and the Marine that was supposed to be the target of the prank. They also had to go through the attic and cover all holes that air was coming through.

As for payback on you brother, this could cause an escalation, I recommend keeping it simple.

When he comes over the next time ask him to get your mail. After the second or third time put a spring loaded fake snake that will jump out when he opens the door.

That should scare the bejesus out of him.

I know you know this but I have to add this in....nothing involving firearms......I was about a half second from a JAG investigation had the hammer struck a cylinder.

I'll post about my international incident in Bangui tomorrow, it involved a loaf of bread, the French Foriegn Legion, State Department, The Central African Republic gendarmie, and an EOD team from Stuttgart..

09-08-10, 21:21
Safety- Let me guess. You thought your mother-in-law had surprised you with a drop in visit.

09-08-10, 21:46
All those who are close to me have been told not to "surprise" me as I cannot help it if my G19 sends a string of rounds in the direction of the surprise. At the end of the day it's not funny, some one could get seriously hurt and or some property damage.

It’s only funny until someone gets hurt, then it’s hilarious.

09-09-10, 03:17
Wow that is good!

So what are your plans on getting him back?

09-09-10, 04:02
heheheh OH thats good :)

the only thing we used to do was when someone is sleeping get in their face really really close
and then start breathing so they wake up with your face 6 inches away !!!

talk about being freaked out !!! just be ready to jump back cause about a second later expect to be jumped !

try it :) make sure you have huge open eyes looking at them and having a mask on makes it even better !!!!

09-09-10, 10:44
Good one

That would have gotten my attention as well.

09-09-10, 12:51
Safety- Let me guess. You thought your mother-in-law had surprised you with a drop in visit.

Actually, for a moment there I thought the grim reaper was paying a visit.

09-09-10, 12:56
Wow that is good!

So what are your plans on getting him back?

Haven't decided yet, however I'm pretty sure I will rule out the breathing in the face while sleeping suggestion above from our energetic buddy Honu. Not a good idea for this scenario.
