View Full Version : Im selling my Nissan

09-10-10, 14:29
Not really but I was in the middle of enjoying the Saints whip some viking hiney, when this commercial comes on...


I know most car companies have a "green" car but this was commercial was so blatant I wanted to throw my beer at the tv. I can't stand when they try to ram this down our throats like its undisputed fact.

Now I have the urge to get a Ford F-250 diesel, park it in front of Nissan's headquarters, put it in neutral, lay a brick on the gas pedal and leave.

09-10-10, 15:08
I currently drive a Mazda 6, which I purchased for the good gas milage. My next vehicle will be a F150 supercrew with the largest engine I can find, just so that I can pull up next to a hybrid/hippy, rev up the engine to get their attention and pour a gallon of gas on the road between us. . .

That's my plan anyways. The whole "Global Warming" thing is the biggest scam in the world.

This (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_eruptions_of_Eyjafjallaj%C3%B6kull) caused more greenhouse gasses to be released into the atmosphere that the last 20 years of combustion engines. (Not a real stat, but you get the point)

09-10-10, 15:08

Tie it to a tree, to make sure it is under a good load, so it will pump tons of black smoke out.

I saw it, too. Tree huggers...


09-10-10, 15:13
The comments under the video are ridiculous. While I agree that polar bears are very cool animals (pun intended:D) and dare I say cute; they're cute in an "I'm about to rip your face off" kinda way. Don't think I want to be hugging one any time soon

09-10-10, 15:41
The deal is there is so much Oil they don't know what too do with it all. They wanted us to start saving it back in the 70s. How much did I save NOTHING. Buy that little electric car. That can't get out of it's own way. Last week I stopped at a rest area off of rte 75. A guy had a smart car. Talk about small. 3 cly Mitsubishi motor. He said it got 45 mpg. The new mustang 6 cly gets 31 with 300+ hp. The smart will do 94 top[ end. After he left. All of us guys that where there said the same thing. hate too be in a frontal crash in that smart car.

09-10-10, 16:12

No tree hugger in his right mind would buy it with that Larue sticker you've got on the rear bumper. ;)


09-10-10, 17:05

No tree hugger in his right mind would buy it with that Larue sticker you've got on the rear bumper. ;)


Ha you're right. Well I guess the only logical way to properly dispose of it would be to...

A. Fill the entire car with those plastic six pack rings and drive it off a cliff into the pacific.


B. Crash it through a smelly hippie commune

09-10-10, 17:12
I just bought an expedition and it gets horrible gas mileage. Lucky for me I live in a county that dosent require emissions testing or I would likely have to spend more money on it :D and its A4WD and 4WD

09-10-10, 18:26
Almost squooshed a Prius with my Excursion this evening. Jackass pulled out infront of me, but my adult side won the argument and I used the brakes :sad:

09-10-10, 19:37
I have said it before and I will say it again.

I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green.

Yeah we are all tired of the libtards who blame us for everything and want us all to go back to living in caves.

However the climate is a problem. While driving a more fuel efficient car isn't going to fix everything, why the hate for even trying?

Now don't get me wrong. I drive a 270HP 3.6 Liter Car that gets low gas mileage. But I didn't buy it just to give the finger to the world as a whole.


Cute Commercial but yeah a bit blatant.

09-10-10, 19:57
I have said it before and I will say it again.

I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green.

Yeah we are all tired of the libtards who blame us for everything and want us all to go back to living in caves.

However the climate is a problem. While driving a more fuel efficient car isn't going to fix everything, why the hate for even trying?

Now don't get me wrong. I drive a 270HP 3.6 Liter Car that gets low gas mileage. But I didn't buy it just to give the finger to the world as a whole.


Cute Commercial but yeah a bit blatant.

Why? Because these people think if we go green we are going to have a meaningful impact on the environment....like this commerical...if you buy some "green" car the polar bears will thank you.

I hate this shit being thrown in my face everywhere I got, and Im made to feel bad (attempted) unless I buy into all the crap. Even stayed at a hotel, and they had little cards in the room about green this and green that.

Or the Army's new "green ammo" that doesn't use lead. The military's primary purpose is to kill people, blow stuff up, and destroy other countries when needed. Yet now we gotta have "green ammo", Obama wants green fighter jets, ect. I don't like this shit being foisted on our military, into my daily life, ect.

The climate is a problem, really? Says who? The UN and a bunch of scientists that get paid to research global warming by people who are pushing for global warming? This is one of the biggest scams in human history, and its blatant. The UN is looking to push GW so they can get rich western nations to funnel wealth into poor 3rd world nations. Its like global communism. Take from those who have, give to those who don't, and equal everyone out no matter what their contribution to the world. Remember last year at Copenhagen? All that was meant to do was get western nations word they would send money to the 3rd world.

Global warming is also being used by some people in our own country to communize the US, give the gov more control over us. At the same time they want to take money from us, and send it out of the country. As I said its a scam being put on us to ultimately communize the west, and enrich the poor of the world.

And shit like this commercial is meant to guilt people into that. I know its from a private company but thats largely the same methods being used all over the place to get people to buy into this scam. Make people feel bad if they don't go green and like there is something wrong with them if they don't buy into it.

09-10-10, 20:46
I have said it before and I will say it again.

I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green.

Yeah we are all tired of the libtards who blame us for everything and want us all to go back to living in caves.

However the climate is a problem. While driving a more fuel efficient car isn't going to fix everything, why the hate for even trying?

Now don't get me wrong. I drive a 270HP 3.6 Liter Car that gets low gas mileage. But I didn't buy it just to give the finger to the world as a whole.


Cute Commercial but yeah a bit blatant.

The climate is a danger, true. It is not global warming we need to fear, it is cooling. Guess what we are heading towards?

Also the "green" vehicles lifetime pollution makes my 9 mpg 1983 U1200 look like a saint. The chemicals used to make all of the hightech "green" materials are freaking NASTY!

09-10-10, 21:26
Makes me want to buy a Nissan LEAF just so I can shoot the first Polar Bear to come around. :jester::moil:

09-10-10, 22:15
Its bad, but not as bad as Audi's Green Police Superbowl commercial.


09-10-10, 22:22
I have said it before and I will say it again.

I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green.

Yeah we are all tired of the libtards who blame us for everything and want us all to go back to living in caves.

However the climate is a problem. While driving a more fuel efficient car isn't going to fix everything, why the hate for even trying?

Now don't get me wrong. I drive a 270HP 3.6 Liter Car that gets low gas mileage. But I didn't buy it just to give the finger to the world as a whole.


Cute Commercial but yeah a bit blatant.

I care not if stupid hippies and liberals want to give their money to all the green causes they want and buy into Algore's scams. Their money, their choice.

I get downright ****ing angry when they try to put a gun to my head and take MY MONEY and give it to the ****ing greenies and Algore. The majority of "green initiatives" are designed to take my goddamn money, that I worked hard to earn. THAT is where my hatred of the green movement comes from.

That is what makes me want to squish hippies with my Silverado.

09-11-10, 03:17
Where does Nissan get it's nickel, or even it's petroleum based plastics :P

Can't forget that good old coal chimneys that we need to power this cars, or the coal chimneys we need to build our "clean energy" solar and wind power.

But hey let's all pretend that the energy to run and create such products come from nowhere and let's protest mountains in the south being destroyed because of dirty corporate greed :D

09-11-10, 10:47
i think it was a "how its made" series where i watched them build the battery cars back when the idea was to just run cars on batteries. the problem there was more polution to create these cars than say a ford excursion that gets 10mpg creates in its lifetime, including all those goes into producing said excursion. thats taking into account the litium for the batteries being shipped to china, then the batteries being shipped to the usa, and then those batteries being shipped around the world for installation. then theres the disposal of said batteries once they go poop. oh and the emmisions from generation to operate the labatories, charge the cars ect. basically not all that green when you get down to the logistics. but i'm paraphrasing.

09-11-10, 14:34
What kills batteries? hot weather and COLD!!!! Plus the bama motors volt. You need super too run the gas motor. Like that will save you money. Hate like heck too try too jump start one of those electic toy cars. Thats A BIG IF you can. When all those Batts die. Plus the 14-16 hours you need too charge them.

09-13-10, 04:40
I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green.

However the climate is a problem. While driving a more fuel efficient car isn't going to fix everything, why the hate for even trying?

I don't get the aversion to being more energy efficient either.

Yes we all hate libtards, but how is it good to good by any standard to pollute where we live?

I think as a nation it is in our interest to reduce the amount of pollution we crank out. I would certainly love to be gasoline free just so we can tell all the Arab oil barons to go to hell.

It shouldn't be forced. I don't think the feds should manipulate the market, but the LEAF is a nice alternative to petrol cars.

Personally, I'd like to see more diesels. I'd buy a diesel car over an electric or hybrid if I were choosing to "go green" with my ride.

09-13-10, 08:05
I'll agree 100% of the time, I prefer clean air. But electric cars won't do it. Neither will current solar or other clean energy sources.

The only real alternatives are hydro and nuclear.

Electric cars will just put more strain on an aging grid. And the building of an electric car creates a massive amount of pollution.

How many of they clean energy solutions are built using clean energy? I've yet to see a factory that creates solar panels, run off of solar panels.

09-13-10, 08:15
I don't get the aversion to being more energy efficient either.

Yes we all hate libtards, but how is it good to good by any standard to pollute where we live?

I think as a nation it is in our interest to reduce the amount of pollution we crank out. I would certainly love to be gasoline free just so we can tell all the Arab oil barons to go to hell.

It shouldn't be forced. I don't think the feds should manipulate the market, but the LEAF is a nice alternative to petrol cars.

Personally, I'd like to see more diesels. I'd buy a diesel car over an electric or hybrid if I were choosing to "go green" with my ride.

The problem is that there is always a trade-off. Particularly in the diesel sector, the EPA has passed some very aggressive emissions regulations over the last six or seven years. The result: already clean emissions are now cleaner still. But vehicles that used to get 20 mpg are now getting 14 mpg. So did we really clean anything? Emissions are cleaner, but now vehicles have to burn more fuel for the same amount of work, resulting in more emissions. What kind of disconnect is that?

Don't even get me started on ELF, who firebombs a Hummer dealership, and in doing so, creates more pollution in one fire than those 30 or 40 Hummers would have created in their entire working lifetimes.

There's nothing wrong with "going green" and we all need to be good stewards with what we have been blessed with. But I don't need the communists demonizing me because the world's climate has been changing for thousands of years and I'm not wholly buying into the global warming debacle.

09-13-10, 08:25
Or it could be a simple thing as saving money. I get 42-44 mpg in my 4 door non-hybrid automatic civic in the city. Homey don't hug trees.

09-13-10, 09:55
Well with the .gov raising the average fleet mpg, you'll see several auto manufacturers go to some all electronic vehicles, just so they can keep the trucks/SUV's that cannot make the new standard.

Another thing that I don't understand is how companies can buy "EV credits" from each other. Example; Tesla selling some "EV credits" to several companies. So now they will get that extra breathing room because on paper they have less fleet emissions. In my opinion it kind of defeats the purpose.

09-13-10, 11:24
Holly crap I miss-read deleted lol.

09-13-10, 11:30
I remember reading somewhere that given the price difference and gas prices, you would have to drive something like 225K miles on a hybrid to break even with the cost of the other car.

I am pretty sure this number isn't as extreme anymore since hybrids have come down in cost.

And none of us here believe that any one of these is a catch all solution. But smaller solutions add up to bigger ones over time.

And I agree. Build the F*cking nuke plants.

09-13-10, 11:35
I remember reading somewhere that given the price difference and gas prices, you would have to drive something like 225K miles on a hybrid to break even with the cost of the other car.

I am pretty sure this number isn't as extreme anymore since hybrids have come down in cost.

And none of us here believe that any one of these is a catch all solution. But smaller solutions add up to bigger ones over time.

And I agree. Build the F*cking nuke plants.

You don't begin to see the advantage of driving a hybrid for 7-10 years depending on model. The premium you pay is for snob factor more than saving the world.

09-13-10, 11:41
Of course, cars like the VW Polo TDI (that's a diesel) that get 60+ MPG don't get imported into the US because the "US Market has special requirements"... (and by "special requirements" I am not talking about gov rules and regs -- I am talking about how these companies think that US consumers are all mindnumbed robots who buy only certain kinds of cars)

I am all for less pollution and for saving energy etc. But again, I echo the comments about "communist" wealth distribution people telling us we have to save the planet through their "green" methods. Screw them!

I'd get a VW Polo TDI in a heartbeat if it were available here and I bet they would sell a gazillion of them. If the SMART car, Honda FIT, Ford Fiesta, etc all sell well, why can't stupid companies like VW who have good cars that get a billion miles per gallon see that and let us have them.

09-13-10, 12:45
Of course, cars like the VW Polo TDI (that's a diesel) that get 60+ MPG don't get imported into the US because the "US Market has special requirements"... (and by "special requirements" I am not talking about gov rules and regs -- I am talking about how these companies think that US consumers are all mindnumbed robots who buy only certain kinds of cars)

I am all for less pollution and for saving energy etc. But again, I echo the comments about "communist" wealth distribution people telling us we have to save the planet through their "green" methods. Screw them!

I'd get a VW Polo TDI in a heartbeat if it were available here and I bet they would sell a gazillion of them. If the SMART car, Honda FIT, Ford Fiesta, etc all sell well, why can't stupid companies like VW who have good cars that get a billion miles per gallon see that and let us have them.

My dad has a Fit, and it only gets 35MPG on the HWY. Why would I drive such a weak ass car when my 350Z gets 29MPG, and has a lot further range on a tank of gas because the Fit's is so tiny? You have to beat the shit out of that Fit to get anywhere with it because its so under powered. I can cruise in my car in 6th gear, and it still has decent passing power on the freeway. The range on my car is almost double the fit. I get around 450 HWY miles in my car per tank. The Fit is 200 something.

Which reminds me of another thing. Why is it that what seems like half the Prius drivers out there drive on the freeway at 55MPH? Saving gas? Ive seen them cause huge delays and near accidents because people are trying to get around them...esp the big trucks who cruise at 65-70MPH and don't like having to slow down. I want to do a pit maneuver on these idiots.

Oh and I hope these Prius drivers are happy when their warranty goes out, and their mechanic charges 2-3X normal labor rates to work on them. My wifes dad is a mechanic, and all the shops in the area have or are going to have to pay thousands out of pocket to get their people trained up on how to work on them, and their labor rates are going to be astronomical because its dangerous to work with those electrical systems.

I also wonder how our power grid is going to handle the future increased load. I know here this summer our state peak electric use was around 85-90% of the available juice in the system. No way we can power a ton of electric cars without a lot more power coming in, and dems don't want nuc plants.

09-13-10, 12:57
I am all for less pollution and for saving energy etc. But again, I echo the comments about "communist" wealth distribution people telling us we have to save the planet through their "green" methods. Screw them!

My feelings exactly. I have no problem with recycling, saving energy yada yada but what ticks me off is the law makers trying to pass sweeping legislation in the name of something that has yet to be proven that will tax americans and send more jobs overseas so they can get a pay day.

Small example, the parish I live in (county for every other state besides LA) is on the verge of making it mandatory for all new homes to be built with "Low E" windows. So if you put a regular window in your new home you would be breaking the law. This is utter bull even though the windows work great. There is a minuscule amount of heat transfer which in turn lowers your cooling costs. I would probably buy these regardless. The problem is it shouldn't be mandatory. I should be able to have window frames with no windows in them if I damn well please and run as much electricity through my house that I am financially capable of sustaining. But you know, the koala bears aren't mating during their normal season and a certain species of plankton in the North Mediterranean Sea aren't the numbers they used to be so we must pass logical and sensible green laws.

All of this is perpetuated by ridiculous commercials like the ones Nissan and Audi put out. Their game plan must be the traditional "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough, it becomes truth"tactic. Its working.

09-13-10, 14:02
I have said it before and I will say it again.

I don't understand the huge negative reaction to anything green...

It's not the "what", it's the "how". As in how are we going to pay for such efforts? I do what I can to be "green" but I don't do it in such a way that (a) I make up lies to convince everyone else to do the same; (b) Be hypocritical about it; and (c) I do it in such a way that it will not be any kind of a burden to anyone else.

Case in point, I actually looked into getting a Honda Civic Hybrid 6 years ago at the suggestion of a "pro-green" co-worker. After doing my research, I determined that the overall cost of buying a Hybrid was not only financially feasible (it would have cost me $8k to replace the battery after 80k miles) the gas mileage of my Civic EX (I currently get 30-42 MPG) was comparable to the Hybrid.

When I bought my Civic, my co-worker expressed his "disappointment" (like I cared) at my decision and pointed out that i was hurting the environment. I then had to point out that he was doing much worse against Mother Nature by driving his Ford Diesel Dully truck for more than a hundred miles a day versus my 40-mile commute in my Civic.

The decision to "go green" is a personal choice just like the decision not to own a firearm. As long as you don't force me to make the same asinine decision, we'll get along. JM2CW.

09-13-10, 14:22
My dad has a Fit, and it only gets 35MPG on the HWY. Why would I drive such a weak ass car when my 350Z gets 29MPG, and has a lot further range on a tank of gas because the Fit's is so tiny? You have to beat the shit out of that Fit to get anywhere with it because its so under powered. I can cruise in my car in 6th gear, and it still has decent passing power on the freeway. The range on my car is almost double the fit. I get around 450 HWY miles in my car per tank. The Fit is 200 something.

My dad has a Fit. He really likes it. I think he gets better than 35mpg on the highway. But his Accord does almost as well.

My Passat 2.0T gets 33-38 on the highway with pure highway driving. Only about 25-26 in the city though, but the Fit only gets around 30 in the city. I don't really care for it.

But then I had to get some body work done on the Passat recently. Recommended body place does mostly European/German cars and is a Ferrari certified place as well. Guy who runs it has a Lotus of some sort, a Trans Am, a Mustang, a Ford F250, and a Fit. Says he loves the Fit and is in the process of or just got a new one to replace the first one. :confused:

But if I could get a VW Polo TDI at 60+ MPG (and no hybrid motor or batteries to go bad) I would. Great for the wife or whatever to drive to work. Just one person does not need a big thirsty car to go to work. (If you do it -- more power to you -- I am speaking for us only). I am all for saving money on fuel.

09-13-10, 14:37
"Going green" would be a natural market move if it was cost effective. The problem is that it is not at the moment. As long as we can afford to put gas into vehicles that get 10mpg, we will.

One problem I foresee with the EV/hybrids (aside from high initial cost, high repair costs, and high parts costs), is that they don't provide the distance that a lot of American's prefer. A true EV maxes out at 200 miles. Most hybrids go 50 miles or less before a small gas engine kick in and charge the battery. But with such small gas tanks, a hybrid with a range extending engine will usually only go 400 miles.

I have a Mazda 6 with a 4cyl engine, I get 450 miles per tank(about 28mpg), and I drive fast. Oh, and I can actually pass people. .

09-13-10, 14:46
One problem I foresee with the EV/hybrids (aside from high initial cost, high repair costs, and high parts costs), is that they don't provide the distance that a lot of American's prefer. A true EV maxes out at 200 miles. Most hybrids go 50 miles or less before a small gas engine kick in and charge the battery. But with such small gas tanks, a hybrid with a range extending engine will usually only go 400 miles.

I have a Mazda 6 with a 4cyl engine, I get 450 miles per tank(about 28mpg), and I drive fast. Oh, and I can actually pass people. .

Yeah, our 4cyl 2.0T Passat will go 600 or more miles on a full tank if I run it down (35 mpg / 18 gal tank) on the highway. City it is 450 miles range on a full tank...

That is a problem with the hybrids and EVs. Especially out here in the West where you actually, often have a ways to drive. I would assume parts of Texas are similar.

09-13-10, 15:28
My dad has a Fit. He really likes it. I think he gets better than 35mpg on the highway. But his Accord does almost as well.

My Passat 2.0T gets 33-38 on the highway with pure highway driving. Only about 25-26 in the city though, but the Fit only gets around 30 in the city. I don't really care for it.

But then I had to get some body work done on the Passat recently. Recommended body place does mostly European/German cars and is a Ferrari certified place as well. Guy who runs it has a Lotus of some sort, a Trans Am, a Mustang, a Ford F250, and a Fit. Says he loves the Fit and is in the process of or just got a new one to replace the first one. :confused:

But if I could get a VW Polo TDI at 60+ MPG (and no hybrid motor or batteries to go bad) I would. Great for the wife or whatever to drive to work. Just one person does not need a big thirsty car to go to work. (If you do it -- more power to you -- I am speaking for us only). I am all for saving money on fuel.

Its not a bad car its just very weak compared to what Im used to. Just to pass someone it drops down 1-2 gears and you have to take it up to 1-2k rpm's of redline. I don't really like having to flog an engine just to get up to speed or drive faster than a snail.

Maybe load has something to do with the MPG in these cars but with 2 adults, 2 kids, and a couple bags we were getting 34/35MPG at freeway cruising speeds. I drove my 350Z from Austin to Seattle fully loaded down as much as it could be, and got 29. And again it has somewhere around twice as much range per fill up.

Ill take about twice as much power, twice as much range, and a much better driving experience over 6MPG or whatever it is.

But yeah the VW TDI's do get awesome gas mileage. I know in Europe they have some awesome diesels with some power, and still get really good mileage. For whatever reason they dont or can't sell them here. Actually mercedes has a diesel they put in their European cars that gets 45MPG average, and the car (E-Series) still does 0-60 in 6 seconds flat. 220HP/520TQ.

09-13-10, 15:31
And don't forget that EV's and hybrids need to spend hours on a charger before they drive again. It's not like they can swap batteries at the local "Battery store" and continue on their way. . .

I'm all for people that live in cities getting an EV if they don't drive over 200 miles in a day. Or even predict they ever will. For a lot of suburbanites EV's might be a viable option, however there is a lot of our population that would laugh at 200 miles before they have to stop for 4-7 hours to charge up. I have family over 300 miles away that I visit several times a year, and like the option to go visit them whenever I want. Even if I don't :D

And I would love it if there were more Diesels offered in the USA. I would like to see Ford bring a 6 cylinder diesel in an F150. . .

09-13-10, 19:01
The premium you pay is for snob factor more than saving the world.
I've been called a snob since I only own Colt ARs - which would change instantly if BCM would build an upper with the Troy TRX Extreme...


09-13-10, 19:41
My dad has a Fit, and it only gets 35MPG on the HWY. Why would I drive such a weak ass car when my 350Z gets 29MPG, and has a lot further range on a tank of gas because the Fit's is so tiny? You have to beat the shit out of that Fit to get anywhere with it because its so under powered. I can cruise in my car in 6th gear, and it still has decent passing power on the freeway. The range on my car is almost double the fit. I get around 450 HWY miles in my car per tank. The Fit is 200 something.

Which reminds me of another thing. Why is it that what seems like half the Prius drivers out there drive on the freeway at 55MPH? Saving gas? Ive seen them cause huge delays and near accidents because people are trying to get around them...esp the big trucks who cruise at 65-70MPH and don't like having to slow down. I want to do a pit maneuver on these idiots.

Oh and I hope these Prius drivers are happy when their warranty goes out, and their mechanic charges 2-3X normal labor rates to work on them. My wifes dad is a mechanic, and all the shops in the area have or are going to have to pay thousands out of pocket to get their people trained up on how to work on them, and their labor rates are going to be astronomical because its dangerous to work with those electrical systems.

I also wonder how our power grid is going to handle the future increased load. I know here this summer our state peak electric use was around 85-90% of the available juice in the system. No way we can power a ton of electric cars without a lot more power coming in, and dems don't want nuc plants.

Comparing the FIT to 350Z, is all kinds of silly. I doubt anyone is cross shopping them.

I bought a FIT for my wife because we needed an around the town car with lots of utility. We both ski and mountain bike, and the FIT's whooping 20.6 cu. ft. of storage stomps all over the 350's tragic 6.9 cu. ft.

The Z lacks utility which is a death wish in Utah if you want to do anything fun outdoors, especially in the winter.