View Full Version : Nice synopsis of the Obama Presidency.

09-15-10, 10:15

President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached.

He is slowly - piece by painful piece - erecting a socialist dictatorship.


He has abused his office and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution


more detail: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jul/22/the-case-for-impeachment-142967590/

Alex V
09-15-10, 11:51
Interesting to say the least.

Article sounds a bit angry, but I can't say I disagree.

09-15-10, 12:53
I agree on the "angry" part, but to be honest those are all things that have been public knowledge for a while now. People are under the impression that if you propose a new law that violates and old law, it doesn't matter. I see the health care bill getting some serious flack (hopefully) about the whole "Forcing people to purchase a product to be a citizen" thing, but as much as I despise most of his policies there aren't many that are black and white wrong. They (Obama, Rahm) ride the grey in between amazingly well. Unless there is proof about the voter intimidation not being prosecuted, or proof that either of them directly engaged in selling Obama's old seat nothing will be done.

And while the bullshit buyoffs to pass the healthcare bill piss off pretty much all Americans that can think for themselves, it's not illegal either. The truth of the matter is that we couldn't impeach him right now. You're forgetting that Clinton got a pass on being caught with his pants down, undeniable proof, and people didn't impeach him. I remember them interviewing people on the news saying "The state of the economy is more important than impeaching him".

When you have a nation of sheeple, the wolves run free.

09-15-10, 14:06
Unless there is proof about the voter intimidation not being prosecuted, or proof that either of them directly engaged in selling Obama's old seat nothing will be done.

And while the bullshit buyoffs to pass the healthcare bill piss off pretty much all Americans that can think for themselves, it's not illegal either.

There is proof about voter intimidation not being prosecuted. It's on video tape and a career attorney working in the Dept. of Justice has blown the whistle. The case is moving through the system now. The whole thing is now under investigation by the IG for the DOJ.

Yes, it is illegal to offer something of value and it is illegal accept something of value for the purpose of voting a certain way. For it to be legal, all states would have to have the same deal.

09-15-10, 19:57
Clinton was impeached, just not convicted.