View Full Version : Bye-bye cd's & dvd's at Best Buy

09-16-10, 09:12
Bad news for me since I work in the CD/DVD replicating industry but perhaps good news for those of you looking for deals as as Best Buy slashes their inventory of these items. Basically Best Buy is clearing out space used for cd's and dvd's to make room for other items


09-16-10, 09:17
The only reason I go to Best Buy is to buy DVD's..... Guess I'll use Amazon exclusively...

09-16-10, 09:25

I've still got two gift cards from last Christmas that I haven't spent there. My inner geek likes to go to BB just to walk around but I rarely seem to buy anything there.

09-16-10, 09:27

I've still got two gift cards from last Christmas that I haven't spent there. My inner geek likes to go to BB just to walk around but I rarely seem to buy anything there.

My guess is that BB goes the way of Circuit City...

09-16-10, 09:42
I dont see them going the way of CC. They are getting rid of inventory that doesn't move. Less overhead and money being wasted.

09-16-10, 10:10
Circuit City went tits up due to management. They failed in two key areas. First they had a corporate culture of fear. They'd send out an email saying "You will be terminated if you _______". Then they'd change the procedure and you'd get an email asking "Why are you still doing it the old way. Didn't you get the memo we (didn't) send out? By the way you'll be fired if you don't do it the new way." "Install this item even if the customer doesn't have a place for it 'cause it's an accessory and it's a high profit item. Just roll it up and tuck it behind the TV. If you don't, then you'll be fired." And yes I can document all the above.
Secondly, they were always chasing the competition. Best Buy does something, CC would follow. BB did away with commissioned sales staff, CC did away with commissioned sales staff. BB did Geek Squad, CC did Firedog. You can't be a leader in anything when all you do is follow.

Alex V
09-16-10, 10:50
Circuit City went tits up due to management. They failed in two key areas. First they had a corporate culture of fear. They'd send out an email saying "You will be terminated if you _______". Then they'd change the procedure and you'd get an email asking "Why are you still doing it the old way. Didn't you get the memo we (didn't) send out? By the way you'll be fired if you don't do it the new way." "Install this item even if the customer doesn't have a place for it 'cause it's an accessory and it's a high profit item. Just roll it up and tuck it behind the TV. If you don't, then you'll be fired." And yes I can document all the above.
Secondly, they were always chasing the competition. Best Buy does something, CC would follow. BB did away with commissioned sales staff, CC did away with commissioned sales staff. BB did Geek Squad, CC did Firedog. You can't be a leader in anything when all you do is follow.

This is true.

I worked for best buy for 5+ years while in school and after. Starting when the store opened in my town in 2002. BBY may not be the best place to work [though I had a blast] but corparate sure as hell knows how to stay profitable. THey did away with their commisioned staff in the 80's, Cicruit Shity did not do the same until 2006 or so.

We had a CC across the highway from us. Some supervisors who did not like how they were treated at BBY left and went to CC, they were all promptly fired after CC learned all the ways they used to mabe Best Buy run.

I don't see BBY going anywhere anytime soon. They are the largest electronics store in the country. Second in appliances only to Sears and so on.

Over the time I worked there the store changed 3 or 4 GM's and countless other managers, but we always turned a proffit. They would move departments around all the time. Make computers bigger, make appliances smaller, then back again and so on. They fallow trends. When I started MP3 players has (2) 4' displayes in the middle of computers, by the time I left they had their own department with (2) 20' isles. Hell, when I started they still sold blank VHS tapes lol. Doubt you will find those there now but they dont have a problem getting people in the door. The guys in Minnesota know what they are doing.

I have not bought a CD in over 10 years, I am sure many are similar. Plus, who buys DVD anymore? Blu-Ray baby! I don't think I bought a DVD in over a year.

09-16-10, 10:57
I remember when I went to BB and asked for VCR tape movies for my grandma's VCR. The guy looked at me like I asked for whale oil for my lamps.

09-16-10, 11:05
There is something other then Fry's and Amazon?

09-16-10, 12:53
I remember when I went to BB and asked for VCR tape movies for my grandma's VCR. The guy looked at me like I asked for whale oil for my lamps.

I've got a buddy that still uses 8 track tapes and I'm not giving mine up..;) I use them for echoplex tape replacement.

09-16-10, 12:54
Well Fry's still aint over the US and HHGregg is just expanding. So I dont see BB going anywhere.

09-16-10, 14:43
I can see getting rid of CDs. They already had piss-poor selection. But I don't think the DVD has hit that point yet where it needs to be done away with. I bet more DVDs sell now than Blue-Ray. I don't have a BR player and don't plan on it for a while. Upscaled DVDs work fine for me for usually 25-50% less. Especially in hard economic times. Lower priced DVDs would seem to be the way to go during the holidays.

But what do I know. I hardly ever step into BB or any of those places. The salespeople are usually dumb and they never have what I need. I needed a parallel printer cable for my aunt a few weeks ago. BB did not have anything except high priced USB-Parallel converters.

Luckily the Office Depot or whatever it was next store had it. She was leaving for Alaska the next day and I had to get all her stuff to her.

09-16-10, 15:16
Looks like I will be some good deals on movies and music, that is the only reason I ever shop their anyway. Amazon is the best place to find most anything unless you have a Fry's local to your area of operaton.

09-16-10, 16:37
Wait, people buy stuff that can be mounted on or fired from a gun?

09-16-10, 16:42
It's only a matter of time before all digital entertainment goes on demand.

09-16-10, 16:48
I hope BB goes out of business.

09-16-10, 20:24
Hard to sell a blu-ray player when DVD's are so cheap.

09-16-10, 20:27
Its hard to sell DVD's when you are priced 25-75% higher than your competitor (online).......

Im amazed at the prices BB sells things at. They are good for the uninformed shopper would doesnt know he is paying significantly higher prices than online. Just like ammo. The local store has ammo that is 19.99 in their store I can get for 10.95 online, and not pay sales tax.

09-16-10, 20:51
Its hard to sell DVD's when you are priced 25-75% higher than your competitor (online).......

Im amazed at the prices BB sells things at. They are good for the uninformed shopper would doesnt know he is paying significantly higher prices than online. Just like ammo. The local store has ammo that is 19.99 in their store I can get for 10.95 online, and not pay sales tax.

True, but I watch their weekly ad and always make my purchases after I know a certain DVD/CD that I want is on sale.

09-16-10, 20:53
Hard to sell a blu-ray player when DVD's are so cheap.

Most of my friends are running blu-ray, primarily through their PS3

09-16-10, 20:56
Most of my friends are running blu-ray, primarily through their PS3

For the older age brackets where video games are far less common, they still shop at Best Buy. The ones around here are filled with the age range where they still go to the store for lots of things. Those same people would not buy a PS3. They would buy what BB had and I think phasing them out is a good step and I would be curious to see if it impacts blu-ray player sales.

09-16-10, 20:59
I think Walmart moves the most DVDs and CDs.