View Full Version : Drug Cartels Hard At Work, As the Feds Sue Arizona

09-16-10, 13:24
We all know that the federal government is doing jack about illegal immigration or the drug cartels. We get lots of lip service, but little action. Then to top it off, Harry Reid slips in immigration "amnesty" into a defense spending bill. When is it going to end? When is enough going to be enough?

Watch this video. Not only are they afraid to leave their home, but it gets burglarized with firearms and other items stolen.


09-16-10, 14:54
Too sad.
Enough was enough a long time ago; the real question is:

When are we going to stop opining about it and do something?

We all know from history that governments listen to one thing and one thing only; direct action...

Enough was enough 100 years ago; now we are at the end of the rope holding on to nano fibers for dear life...

09-16-10, 15:20
It's called social engineering. The wizards behind the curtain could give a rat's ass what we the people want/need/deserve. The United States must be brought down to everyone else’s level for their objectives to come to fruition.

One of the plans implemented to expedite the process is mass illegal immigration to burden the tax base, health care, and the judicial systems.

09-16-10, 15:23
Any one else feel like the "Government noose" is getting tighter exponentially these days?

I sure do...:(

09-16-10, 15:31
Reid is just trying to garner some more Mexican votes because quite a few polls show he is losing.

At this point he has to do some drastic shit to either win or it will sink him for good...kinda like a hail marry.