View Full Version : Time to start paying more attention to local elections...profanity warning...

09-16-10, 13:37
Remember my thread about the 22 million dollar high school football stadium they just built, and the almost equally as expensive one they just built 2-3 years ago?

The school board just voted to raise our property taxes by about 50-60 bucks a year because if they don't they will have to dip into their 5 million dollar "emergency fund".

How about you dumb ****s stop spending 22 million dollars a pop for a ****ing high school football stadium, and then you won't have to raise taxes will you? That emergency fund could be 10 million, and you could have lowered our taxes by a significant margin all at the same time. Then they blame it on the economy because sales tax revenue is down. Well no shit. People don't have the money to spend anymore so just rob it from us on taxes if we own property, and if we can't afford to pay that the gov comes and seizes our home right out from under us.

This shit pisses me off. Its only a 50 dollar a year increase but its the thought process that led to this situation to begin with. They are drunk on a spending high, and can't stop. So instead of doing the "smart" thing, and cutting spending on fun things like 22 million dollar football stadiums (2 in 3 years) they just increase the burden on people...most of whom don't have kids in these schools, and sure as **** have ZERO interest in seeing a HS football game.

Time to start attending some meetings, and seeing who exactly is being elected to these positions. We don't have an income tax in TX so our property taxes are where the money comes from as well as sales taxes. My home is worth 149k according to the last evaluation, and we pay around 3500/yr in property taxes. The biggest chunk, by far, is already the local school district.

Oh I just read the city council also voted for a property tax increase. At least 3 of the council members had the smarts to recommend a pay freeze on 3 positions, and cited its more important to grow the economy than raising taxes.

This is how they do this shit. Just a half a percent or a quarter of a percent a year....but add up all the taxes we pay, and after a few years you have 10-15% more of your income going into taxes than you did before. Just like sales taxes, when first started, were usually only a few percentage points. Now its common to have 8-10% taxes. The Fed income tax was supposed to be temporary, and only a about 10%. Now we are arguing about if the rich should be taxed at 35% or 40%.

What is all this money going to? Dumb ass "civil servant" jobs that shouldn't exist in the first place, 22 million dollar high school football stadiums in a town of 45k people, they are tearing out perfectly good street lights, and replacing them so they can install traffic cameras at every intersection. Those aren't cheap. They built a road 2 years ago, and just tore it out to rebuild it slightly differently (I think thats a "Recovery Act" project).

I swear its a full time job just to keep track of all these cocksuckers trying to take more and more money based on moronic decisions. You have city council, judges, school board, county this and county that, state reps and senators, national reps and senators + a bunch of other idiots in there in the mix you probably don't even know exist.

This is what happens when government grows so large no one person can keep track of who or what is going on. One ****er wants this and another ****er wants that. You don't find out about it until after the fact, and thats only because at some point another ****er decided we all need free city newspapers that tell us this ****er and that ****er voted to increase our taxes because a bunch of ****ers want a 22 million dollar football stadium. Theres probably a ****er out there that wants the goal posts gold plated, too. "For the kids" you know. They gotta have a place to go throw a ball around that resembles a professional stadium because every little rosy cheeked kid out there is going to be a pro one day, and little Suzy is going to cure cancer. But because all the little rosy cheeked kids are going to be pro's, and need a professional stadium now we don't have money for maintenance unless we raise taxes or dip into our emergency fund. Well maybe you dumb ****ers should have thought beyond tomorrow, and realized if we spend 22 million on a stadium maybe next year we might not have enough money to run things we already spent tens of millions on. Oh no that would take too much thought, and its for the kids remember. But then if I actually wanted to go see the kids throw a ball around Id get charged for that, too. I paid to build the stupid ass stadium in the first place, and still have to pay to go see a game.

Then yesterday a little girl knocks on my door asking to spend money on her fundraiser for her school choir because they need music supplies. Well little girl why don't you go to the school board meeting with me, and Ill ask why they are spending 22 million on a football stadium they don't have the money for unless they raise taxes, and she can ask them, why, even if they are going to build a huge stadium, why it couldn't be 21 million, and use the extra 1 million to fund programs like her choir instead of forcing little girls to walk around to strangers houses asking for donations.


William B.
09-16-10, 13:48
We had a similar situation in my county during the gubernatorial election last year. Residents in our county voted in favor of building a 20+ million dollar baseball stadium even though the county was already in debt. It's amazing how many people consider debt to be such a natural thing.

My wife and I are kind of nerdy when it comes to politics, so going to county board meetings and such to see what goes on would probably be a good date for us :cool:

09-16-10, 14:31
It is *VERY* common in this part of Texas to have your property taxes go up by 7-15% a year. I looked at mine (just got this house last year), and they have gone up 45% in the last 5 years. Absolute insanity.

Assuming I put $0 into my house maintenance wise, I once calculated the break-even point versus renting at somewhere around 21 years of home ownership. I'd have less living space, and arguably less freedom in an apartment, but I could do it just fine.

09-16-10, 21:01
don't worry your great grandkids can pay for it. what with their teleporters and nuclear fusion and cure for cancer... lucky little bastards....