View Full Version : Los Angeles gets 111M in stimulus funds, and only saves/creates 55 jobs....

09-17-10, 08:48
This is why government is not, and cannot ever be the economic engine. If that money were left into the private sector there would be a lot more than 55 jobs saved or created. But no...gov had to take it from people at gun point (if nessessary), and "redistribute" it to morons like this.

"I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million," said Wendy Greuel, the city's controller. "With our local unemployment rate over 12% we need to do a better job cutting red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

Rest of it: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/16/los-angeles-official-disappointed-city-used-stimulus-funds/

09-17-10, 09:49
Unbelievable epiphany!

09-18-10, 12:26
The sad part is nobody here is surprised. We've become apathetic and numb and those aren't good qualities when faced with a government such as ours.

09-18-10, 17:05
Further down the port-a-shitter we swirl. . .

09-18-10, 17:14
if this wasn't so freakin' sad, it'd be hilarious...

The pure unbridled ill conceived and undeserved arrogance, wrapped around ignorance, if not down right stupidity, working under the guise of cleverness, that makes self ascribed "intellectuals" have the foolishness to think that they can create prosperity via control of the engines of an economy, that they hardly understand, with central planning and central redistribution schemes born out of pathetic utopian political wet dreams!!!

What a bunch do gooder totalitarian morons...if that doesn't remind me of the old country under communism, with the central planning and the constant instances of the "system" falling on its bankrupt face, time, after time, after time, until we lived with no electricity and little food, I don't know what does.

When will these "geniuses" learn that, gosh golly, despite what mommy and their left wing college professor's told them, they just aren't as smart as they think they are.

But of course, the most indoctrinated don't care about creating prosperity at all do they, they just want to engage in centrally controlled and enforced collectivism and redistribution, in the name of "equality"...and they'll stop at nothing else other than bringing all of us to the same miserable, but equal, level, when the "people" will have rights, but individuals won't, and when working hard for anyone other than the State will be seen as a bourgeois crime..

OK rant over :D.

09-18-10, 22:05
Wow... :blink:

09-18-10, 23:26
111 million dollars.

111 people could retire very comfortably on that kind of money :blink:
instead 55 are still at work. :confused: salaries must be higher out there :confused:

09-19-10, 09:25
This is why government is not, and cannot ever be the economic engine. If that money were left into the private sector there would be a lot more than 55 jobs saved or created. But no...gov had to take it from people at gun point (if nessessary), and "redistribute" it to morons like this.

And why the economy is in the tank. Liberals just don't understand that "We the people" are the engine of the economy. "We" buy and sell goods and services. The sooner the government gets out of the way, the sooner the economy will come back to life.

09-19-10, 09:37