View Full Version : MI5 says new terror threat is from Somalia

09-17-10, 09:32
British MI5, the equivalent of the FBI, has warned that although the threat of terrorism originating in Afghanistan and Pakistan has been reduced, the threat of terrorism originating from the Horn of Africa, and Somalia in particular, has increased substantially, and that is where MI5 suggests we concentrate our anti-terror efforts.

09-17-10, 09:38
How ironic, I watched "Black Hawk Down" last night, and thought the words that Eric Bana's character said at the end were slightly prophetic. "We'll be back here soon".

Sadly with the economy of many of the African nations being so poor, they are/could be ideal grounds for radical recruitment.

09-17-10, 10:18
time to re-establish Executive Outcomes.

09-17-10, 17:08
Yeap, DHS has had a particular interest in Somalian "students" for some time now.

09-17-10, 17:29
With all the ransom money they been collection that's not a surprise.

09-17-10, 21:19
I should have put this in the op.

The head of MI5 has warned it is "only a matter of time" before UK residents trained in Somalia stage an attack on British streets and the risk of terrorism was unlikely to diminish in the near future.


09-17-10, 23:19
time to re-establish Executive Outcomes.

So they can F up something else? Bunch of clowns. The last thing we need is more mercenaries.

Somalia is the horn of Africa. That makes it one of the most important geopolitical regions in the world. Look at a map and see why. That is why we and others are so interested in what is going on there. No other reason. I've been there once, in the 80's. What a hell hole in every possible way.

09-18-10, 01:49
I've spent much of my adult life working in Africa and I could tell you stories for hours about how Islam is spreading and being welcomed thru out Africa.

09-18-10, 13:38
I've spent much of my adult life working in Africa and I could tell you stories for hours about how Islam is spreading and being welcomed thru out Africa.

We may need to resort to bio warfare.

09-18-10, 17:34
Somalia is the horn of Africa. That makes it one of the most important geopolitical regions in the world. Look at a map and see why. That is why we and others are so interested in what is going on there. No other reason. I've been there once, in the 80's. What a hell hole in every possible way.

To quote the great Ellen Ripley, ". . .nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

We may need to resort to bio warfare.

It's already came to fruition with the advent of AIDS.

09-18-10, 21:08
AIDS does not work. They have 5 or 6 kids before the AIDS kicks in strong.

On the other hand, ebola is so deadly that it burns itself out before it can spread over a large geographic region.

09-20-10, 11:06
The Brits actually admitted this? Shocking.