View Full Version : My BIL is headed to Afghanistan in a week

09-19-10, 22:57
My brother in law is a major in an Army Reserve unit in CT (mil int). He in fact lives in Utah and is a professor of history at BYU (Yale Alum etc etc etc).

He is going to be a SF historian for 6 months in Afghanistan. Traveling around to different FOB etc and interviewing folks and stuff like that in order to contribute to the official history of the war in Afghanistan. He went on active duty at the end of August or very first few days in Sept and was in Georgia at Ft Benning and is now in Florida getting ready for deployment.

His name is Major Cho... in case any of you over in Afghanistan run into him.

Thanks for you service all.

09-20-10, 04:12
I'll keep a weather eye open for him.

09-20-10, 18:36
I think that would be a truly fascinating job.

Best of luck to him on his mission. We'll be sure and keep him in our prayers, like all the other folks protecting us there.

09-20-10, 20:00
Good luck to him. BTW, I recommend REDACing his name on your post for PERSEC.