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Dirk Williams
09-23-10, 10:38
Just finished reading Bryan Litz's new book for the second time.

"Applied Ballistics For Long Range Shooting"

If your serious about getting it right, if you want the knowledge and an in depth look at what's really going on, this book will bring it all together for you.

BC as an example is just a number ive been plugging into my computer. G1 G7 to me were simple numbers and I had no idea of the importance of the difference in numbers.

Sure if could find the G7 Id use it, but this book explains the "How" and "Why". At range it's the difference between a first round hit or not, That's important to me.

Stuff like " Danger Space". Never heard of this before, I understand the concept but can't really explain it.

The book goes on and on. It's not a difficult read, but Ive had to read most of it twice to understand the intent and practical application.

If you only read one book on Ballistics this is the book you need to read. The book is well written and a wonderful resource for shooters who want to shoot and understand the dynamic of the bullets flight and stratgic impact.

D Williams