View Full Version : Now what?

09-24-10, 09:45

Brand new die. 2nd piece of brass through it..

Lubed the die and brass using Hornady one shot. Where to now?


09-24-10, 10:20
Brand new die. 2nd piece of brass through it..

Lubed the die and brass using Hornady one shot. Where to now?


What kind of die is it? I had an RCBS die do this to me, so I unscrewed the primer punchy thing and put a small rod thru the top after putting the die in the freezer and tap tap tap tap tap (about 40 times) it came right out. They do also make a special tool for removing stuck cases (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Stuck+case+remover&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=9574049560243854222&ei=X8GcTKLYLJH2tgO8wtXVAQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CB8Q8wIwAQ#) but the method I used works, it just takes a while, but so does shipping that tool to your house.

Good luck.

PS... This only worked because my depriming pin was loose and I got lucky enough to spin it out of the main screw. I destroyed my depriming pin in the process, but I had extras.

09-24-10, 10:23
It's a Hornady die.

09-24-10, 10:25
You need to buy a puller. With it you'll have to drill and tap the cartridge base, put a spacer/bushing over the back end, and screw a bolt into the brass to pull it out. Easy to do and from I remember they are pretty cheap. With the tool - 5-minute job.

You could make one without a whole lot of work.


09-24-10, 10:29
NOTE WHEN USING ONE-SHOT or other spray lubes:

You need to wait a while after spraying or this happens. The carrier they use to thin the lube so that you can spray it needs to evaporate or else the lube is too thin to work.

I had the exact same thing happen to me with One Shot and a Dillon trim dies long long ago.

09-24-10, 12:00
Hornady one shot is crap, toss it out.

09-24-10, 12:46
Hornady one shot is crap, toss it out.

When used according to directions I've never had ANY issues with it....Used it on about 12,000 rounds :)

09-24-10, 12:52
I ended up drilling out the end of the case and tapping it. Used a screw and some nuts to turn it out.

I put the die back in the press and it worked fine after that. The casing had a huge indention from the die down the side. Looks like the brass was bulged out enough to wedge itself into the die.

Thanks for the help.


09-24-10, 14:00
I would like to amend my statement. I have used Hornady one shot in both the aerosol and pump. The aerosol worked fine but the pump did not. I just assumed the OP was using the pump.

09-24-10, 14:52
I would like to amend my statement. I have used Hornady one shot in both the aerosol and pump. The aerosol worked fine but the pump did not. I just assumed the OP was using the pump.

I would assume from your statement that you did not sufficiently shake the pump. At least with the Dillon lube it tends to separate when sitting and you need to give it a good shake before using to mix the alcohol carrier with the lanolin lube.

My problem I had was with the aerosol One Shot and is mostly likely a user induced problem from not waiting for the carrier to dry.

09-24-10, 15:36
I'm guessing you did not use enough lube.

Obviously I don't know that for sure, but I've used One Shot for years with no problems. A little does not go a long way.

I can recall only one stuck case in ~100k or so reloads and for sure it was due to insufficient lube. I "felt it" as soon as it started to size.

And FWIW, I won't use anything but RCBS, Redding, or Dillon dies.

09-24-10, 16:14
I shook it very well and certainly used enough. Do a Bing search using the term “stuck cases with Hornady one shot” and you will see that I’m not the only one that thinks its crap.

09-24-10, 16:21
I shook it very well and certainly used enough. Do a Bing search using the term “stuck cases with Hornady one shot” and you will see that I’m not the only one that thinks its crap.

I'll take your word for it. I don't use it myself. My comments are just based on watching other people use various spray lubes including one shot and seeing that most of the problems are related to not waiting long enough for the carrier to evaporate (or maybe not using enough lube but with the Dillon lube I use you don't need that much)

What does One Shot actually use for a lube? Is it an oily lube like the Dillon lanolin or is it more of a waxy lube?

09-24-10, 16:24
I can't say exactly for sure--it feels oily when sprayed on then waxy after it dries. It doesn't mess with the powder or primer and I tumble after loading and have 0 problems with it......

09-24-10, 16:49
I don’t know what they use but it stinks like old pond water.

09-24-10, 16:53
If it is a waxy lube then I would guess you need more complete coverage and you won't get any sticking inside your die so it would be more prone to sticking.

The oily lube (like the Dillon which is basically alcohol carrier and lanolin oil) will leave a bit behind inside your die each time so you basically end up with a thing layer inside the die which double protects you. I give a light spray to my brass with the Dillon lube and that is it. The first few I make sure are better lubed. Never had a stuck case with it.

09-24-10, 20:58
Hornady one shot is crap, toss it out.

I'll have to agree..I've had a few stuck cases when I was using Hornady one shot..switched to Dillon lube and never had another problem, Dillon lube was at the time cheaper and a litte goes a long way.. The One shot in a spray can, is expensive, and dosen't lube that many cases compared to a spray bottle of Dillon lube. The only other stuff I've found that works as well as the Dillon lube is, Imperial sizing die wax, This stuff also works really well..