View Full Version : Pizza Hut employee 2 bad guys 0

Amp Mangum
09-28-10, 17:55


09-28-10, 18:16
Now that's what I call "good shooting." Of course the PD states that they're unsure if charges will be filed against the man for saving his co-worker's and his own life.

Semper Paratus
09-28-10, 20:14
I love a happy ending. Too bad #3 was able to scoot before he got his lead injection.

09-28-10, 20:42
In the video they said that there was evidence that the third was shot, and the employee may be ex-law enforcement. I bet Dauntrae and Gregory didn't see that coming.

09-28-10, 20:49
When they're forcing you into a cooler or a back room nothing good is going to come of it. He'll probably be fired by Pizza Hut but I see no reason for charges to be pressed on him.

09-28-10, 21:29
In the video they said that there was evidence that the third was shot, and the employee may be ex-law enforcement. I bet Dauntrae and Gregory didn't see that coming.

If one of the stories floating around out there is true, they spotted the concealed weapon through the guy's shirt and demanded that he lift up his shirt. He did...and apparently pulled the pistol and laid into them before they could do much about it.

09-28-10, 21:52
This is the kind of mindset I just don't understand. From a comment on the first story:

Posted by: The Voice on Sep 28, 2010 at 09:46 PM

Seems like all of you gun toting rednecks take some kind of sadistic gratification in this.

09-28-10, 22:32
Good shooting and excellent outcome! :cool:

09-29-10, 01:46
When they're forcing you into a cooler or a back room nothing good is going to come of it.

Absolutely. The standard "empty the cash register and fork it over" situation is at least statistically likely to not end up with you dead if you capitulate, the second they start herding you somewhere else instead of splitting with the cash, you're out of options.

09-29-10, 08:28
If one of the stories floating around out there is true, they spotted the concealed weapon through the guy's shirt and demanded that he lift up his shirt. He did...and apparently pulled the pistol and laid into them before they could do much about it.

Negative. And the third BG was likely hit so, still waiting to hear if he turns up in a ditch somewhere. It's possible the good guy went 3-for-3. The good guy hasn't yet been cleared by the DA's office so, I'll say no more.

09-29-10, 11:07
In the stories comments there was someone that said that Pizza Hut serves beer, so in NC he could be charged for carrying in an establishment that also serves alcohol.

I was just in awe that Pizza serves beer. . . All these years, I could have had beer with my pizza!

But seriously, good shoot. The guy reacted pretty well all things considered.

09-29-10, 11:14
It is mind boggeling that they even mention "they are not sure if they are going to press charges..."; pressing charges against someone for defedning themselves and saving multiple lives; so ludicrous.

09-29-10, 11:29

Figures. That's why I'm always a little reluctant to put too much stock in press stories about shootings. It's like they hire people to write them specifically looking for their ability to completely mess up important details.

It is mind boggeling that they even mention "they are not sure if they are going to press charges..."; pressing charges against someone for defedning themselves and saving multiple lives; so ludicrous.

Well, in fairness they do have to go through an investigation to find out whether or not pulling the trigger was warranted and they can't exactly spill all the juicy details while the investigation is ongoing...nor do the cops doing the investigating make the final call. In most states I believe the ultimate call is made by the prosecutor's office. So even if the cops on scene found a couple of dead felons who are on surveillance video trying to pull off an armed robbery and they are 100% sure it was a good shoot, the whole "authorities have not decided if they are going to press charges" line is going to show up in stories written before the final call has been made.

In the stories comments there was someone that said that Pizza Hut serves beer, so in NC he could be charged for carrying in an establishment that also serves alcohol.

To charge him for that would be, in my opinion, bullshit. Of course, someone on another site said that this individual is an ex-police officer because of some rather severe circumstances so there may be some ulterior motive for charging him on that kind of technical point.

09-29-10, 11:38
It is mind boggeling that they even mention "they are not sure if they are going to press charges..."; pressing charges against someone for defedning themselves and saving multiple lives; so ludicrous.

Sadly, breaking a law to save a life (even your own) is still breaking the law.

If the state of North Carolina passed legislation that people cannot CCW in a establishment that serves alcohol, it shouldn't be done. If the people of the state agree with the legislation, it stays a law. If they don't, they'll amend it or remove it. Until the people of the state decide, he did still break the law.

Do I agree with it? No. Do I carry where I LEGALLY cannot? No. Should he be charged with a crime? I don't think so. (unless there's some political BS like speculated above, I can't imagine them trying to charge him)

And there have been plenty of times that I wish I could take my firearm places, but I don't. But I also have written my representatives and expressed my opinion. And I vote accordingly. That's called a democracy. Vote your views.

09-29-10, 11:52
Sadly, breaking a law to save a life (even your own) is still breaking the law.

That doesn't make it wrong, however.

If the state of North Carolina passed legislation that people cannot CCW in a establishment that serves alcohol, it shouldn't be done.

Incorrect. Whether something is "illegal" or not doesn't mean it shouldn't be done; it simply means it's illegal to do so. You can run across the border to save an abandoned, Mexican baby who's about to be attacked by a pack of coyotes. It's illegal to do, but it's morally the right thing. According to you, you're more interested in the laws than morality.

If the people of the state agree with the legislation, it stays a law. If they don't, they'll amend it or remove it. Until the people of the state decide, he did still break the law.

FALSE. Where do you get this notion that if the PEOPLE agree, then somehow it will become law? Ignoring the fact that you somehow think this is a Democracy (it IS NOT - read below), plenty of lawmakers pass laws to get in bed with higher authorities, such as the Obama administration demanding anti-texting while driving laws and over half the states comply. No where did they poll the populace to pass those laws. Yet to repeal the laws, you need full bipartisan cooperation (moreso than to pass the law), which almost NEVER happens. The people were not asked if they wanted the law, and the people cannot directly repeal the law once passed.

And there have been plenty of times that I wish I could take my firearm places, but I don't. But I also have written my representatives and expressed my opinion. And I vote accordingly. That's called a democracy. Vote your views.

No, it's NOT a Democracy, it's a Republic. Read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, EVERY single one of the state's constitutions, and your history books. NOWHERE does the term "democracy" appear. The framers of the Constitution blatantly addressed this and purposely left every allusion to a democracy out of our founding documents.

"Good men must not obey the laws too well."

This is probably the single, truest quote every American should remember in this day and age. America's laws are good only as long as those who are making the laws are good. When evil becomes law, good becomes illegal. Yes, we should do our best to live peaceably with all men, in accordance with the laws, but there are times that it is better to do the right thing and break the law than to sit aside and abide by rules governed by greed, favoritism and injustice.

09-29-10, 12:03
Sadly, breaking a law to save a life (even your own) is still breaking the law.

If the state of North Carolina passed legislation that people cannot CCW in a establishment that serves alcohol, it shouldn't be done. If the people of the state agree with the legislation, it stays a law. If they don't, they'll amend it or remove it. Until the people of the state decide, he did still break the law.

Do I agree with it? No. Do I carry where I LEGALLY cannot? No. Should he be charged with a crime? I don't think so. (unless there's some political BS like speculated above, I can't imagine them trying to charge him)

And there have been plenty of times that I wish I could take my firearm places, but I don't. But I also have written my representatives and expressed my opinion. And I vote accordingly. That's called a democracy. Vote your views.

Considering CCW laws are in direct violation of 2A rights, it is pretty effing dumb (And irresponsible as a society) to punish someone who is carrying concealed (Practicing constitutional rights), being responsible, saving a life even. It would be much different if a guy was concealing a gun and was always being a dip shit about it, waving it around, showing it off, etc. It is different when someone shows responsibility and restraint and utilizes the weapon for good not evil. Laws that are unconstitutional should not be followed nor enforced. Those that follow and enforce these unconstitutional laws are just as reaponsible for the infringement of our rights as the ones writing them into existence.

By teh way this is a Republic, not a democracy, nor should it be a democracy.

09-29-10, 12:05
The greatest thing about this country is that we can express our own views without fear. I misspoke about the democracy/republic thing, sorry.

I believe that breaking the law is wrong.
If there is a law that says; "Do not yell "Fire" in a crowded venue", and I break the law, I am criminally responsible.

If there is a law that says; "No carrying in bars" and I carry in a bar, I am breaking the law. It's pretty cut and dried.

We were not discussing morality, we were discussing legality. LEGALLY he broke the law. Do I think he should be punished for it? Again, No I do not.

But despite our opinions, there are laws for a reason.

Adj. 1. illegal - prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules;

09-29-10, 12:06
America's laws are good only as long as those who are making the laws are good. When evil becomes law, good becomes illegal. Yes, we should do our best to live peaceably with all men, in accordance with the laws, but there are times that it is better to do the right thing and break the law than to sit aside and abide by rules governed by greed, favoritism and injustice.

Hell Yeah!

09-29-10, 12:16
That Pizza Hut was Carry Out Only so there was no alchohol served there. He doesn't have to worry about ANY charges in this incident and I'm doubtful that he"ll have to worry about any civil court issues as well.

Good shooting on his part......he showed a lot more restraint than I would have in terms of the time he waited before acting.

09-29-10, 12:21
That Pizza Hut was Carry Out Only so there was no alchohol served there. He doesn't have to worry about ANY charges in this incident and I'm doubtful that he"ll have to worry about any civil court issues as well.

Good shooting on his part......he showed a lot more restraint than I would have in terms of the time he waited before acting.

Good! I'm glad he doesn't have to worry about losing his CPL license.

I would be interested to see the video (if any) of the incident.