View Full Version : Kill or let live? (Advice needed SteyrAUG)

09-28-10, 19:05
My wife told me to come outside and check out the side of our house. Yes, that's a 5.56 round next to it. The round is about an inch out of plane (closer to the camera) than the spider is, so it's even bigger than the picture shows.


So... what should my next course of action be?

09-28-10, 19:16
Garden Spider, I think. Harmless!

Yep. Black and Yellow Argiope. :D



09-28-10, 19:28
Keep throwing flies in the web and see how big it gets.:blink:

09-28-10, 19:47
No worries, it's not dangerous unless you're a fly....

I opened the door a couple years ago and this little fella had made a web across the storm door.


09-28-10, 20:28
So... what should my next course of action be?

how about fire, fix, flank, finish?

big insects and arachnids, what the hell is wrong with nature.

09-28-10, 20:34
what should be your next course of action?


09-28-10, 20:46
Ill raise you this...(about 50 spiders total)...:D


09-28-10, 21:02
Throw a fire cracker in there with a long fuse and watch the spider roll it up... just kidding:p it rids you of other more pesky bugs. I had one like that build a web inside the wheel of a 4640 John Deer tire recently and the web and spider were still there after I plowed the field. Strong suckers!
We have the same ones in parts of Africa that are much bigger and they are often in webs from one side of the road to the other and it can really scare the crap out of you when your riding up top and see it just before impact:eek:

09-28-10, 21:32
I've shot those before with an airsoft gun (6mm bb) and the explode pretty good. :cool:

09-28-10, 21:56
I don't care if it is only dangerous to flies. I don't care if it is useful to have around. Hell I don't care if it prints money. That Son of a bitch needs to die. Kill it. Fire. Explosives, Burn your house to the ground. Just kill it.... Please... Pretty please.

09-28-10, 22:04
I would suggest a can of Lysol or something similarly flammable and a cigarette lighter.

09-28-10, 22:07
I don't care if it is only dangerous to flies. I don't care if it is useful to have around. Hell I don't care if it prints money. That Son of a bitch needs to die. Kill it. Fire. Explosives, Burn your house to the ground. Just kill it.... Please... Pretty please.

This is just great. Might be the funniest thing I have read in awhile. :sarcastic:


Joe R.
09-28-10, 22:33
Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure...

09-28-10, 22:34
this guy should've called the swat team.


09-28-10, 23:08
I hate spiders !@!

we used to get a lot of cane spiders about 3-4 inches !!! gnarly things harmless but fast as heck and scare the piss out of ya cause they can jump across a room !!!

09-28-10, 23:12
what should be your next course of action?


What he said. I'd go with a shaped charge...two-fer of a jet and the blast should be enough.

Bubba FAL
09-28-10, 23:48
Much as I dislike spiders, I let 'em live (except for blacks & browns).

Why? Because they kill flies - I really hate flies...

09-28-10, 23:52
Much as I dislike spiders, I let 'em live (except for blacks & browns).

Why? Because they kill flies - I really hate flies...

Yup, exactly my take.

I end up killing a fair number of black widows every month.....but wolf spiders and those things, I have no problem with.

I ****ing hate flies more than any other insect...

09-29-10, 00:22
Not like arachnids are a rare or endangered species.

Even if they were, if you are in my sector and ain't contributing to the mortgage you are taking your chances.

Death to the Spider Cong.


09-29-10, 00:23
I ****ing hate flies more than any other insect...

Kill the spider, leave the web.


09-29-10, 05:25
Let it live

09-29-10, 06:03

Spiders are like Marines. When there is a sudden pest, they deal with it quick and painfully

30 cal slut
09-29-10, 06:59
I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!

30 cal slut
09-29-10, 07:07

You're some sort of big, fat, smart-bug, aren't you?

09-29-10, 07:39
Let it live.
I have to have a good reason to me to kill anything.

09-29-10, 07:50
Let it live.
I have to have a good reason to me to kill anything.

It’s big and ugly and has eight legs. That’s reason enough.

09-29-10, 09:06
...if you are in my sector and ain't contributing to the mortgage you are taking your chances.

Very funny! :lol:

09-29-10, 10:51
NA, some one beat me to it

09-29-10, 11:15
If you do decide to kill it, fire is the best means available to un-want something. I suggest a torch.


09-29-10, 16:14
Ill raise you this...(about 50 spiders total)...:D


Oh the joys of Texas! lol

I think that one moved out of my yard after she saw her mate get an ass whooping from a Weed Eater :D