View Full Version : Obama is not up to the job of being president.

10-01-10, 15:07
Not a surprise to most, but interesting that Dem insiders are admitting it.

Oh yeah, the article also says Obama despises Biden.

That sounds like you are calling Obama stupid to me. No – I am not going to call him stupid. He just doesn’t strike me as particularly smart.

Read more: http://newsflavor.com/opinions/white-house-insider-on-obama-the-president-is-losing-it/#ixzz118iUuazK


Obama is not up to the job of being president.


10-01-10, 15:46
An anonymous source cited by an anonymous blogger on an open source website. And this is credible news?

I realize there are some who make a past time out of bashing President Obama at every opportunity and I surely don't wish to be accused of depriving them of what is apparently such a gratifying source of entertainment.

But surely these same folks can find more substantive material on which to base their displeasure with the current administration.

This is just pickin' shit with the chickens.

10-01-10, 15:58
And this is credible news?

I didn't even realize there was a news story connected to this statement before I clicked on the thread, tbh. I thought it was just a statement of the obvious based on empirical evidence.

10-01-10, 16:17
An anonymous source cited by an anonymous blogger on an open source website. And this is credible news?

I realize there are some who make a past time out of bashing President Obama at every opportunity and I surely don't wish to be accused of depriving them of what is apparently such a gratifying source of entertainment.

But surely these same folks can find more substantive material on which to base their displeasure with the current administration.

This is just pickin' shit with the chickens.


10-01-10, 16:24
Obama is a little pissant man with a big mouth and a head full of communistic ideology.

Oops Im talking about him like a dog....is he going to go whine in front of the entire nation about boo hoo me someone said something bad about me?

The dude has 3 out of the 4 major news networks in his pocket, and is front of the camera 3-5 days a week yet he can't communicate a simple message. All he has is far left ideology talking points.

10-01-10, 16:42
I have always had a nagging felling since he won the election that he would end up resigning before his first term was up. I think he loved the idea of being the president but had no clue what it was really like and the last two years has been a hard dose of reality for him.

10-01-10, 18:13
I have always had a nagging felling since he won the election that he would end up resigning before his first term was up. I think he loved the idea of being the president but had no clue what it was really like and the last two years has been a hard dose of reality for him.

yea I had this feeling 3 years ago also. He wouldnt have any idea how it would be like when he was barely even a Senator

10-01-10, 18:22
Anyone notice how little he has aged? Unlike previous presidents? Ones who worked hard trying to better the country; Obama just plays golf and goes on vacation.


10-01-10, 18:25
I have always had a nagging felling since he won the election that he would end up resigning before his first term was up. I think he loved the idea of being the president but had no clue what it was really like and the last two years has been a hard dose of reality for him.

That would be so nice but I don't think he, pelosi and reid have the slightest idea what reality is. Pelosi, the dragon lady, a classic example of jezebel, is a total nut bag. Her ramblings could be quite humorous if things were not so serious. I think they are all completely self deceived, or to the contrary know exactly what they are doing, purposely bringing down western civilization as we know it. I lean to the later perception. I do agree with belmont's observation 'a little pissant man' so true.

10-01-10, 18:26
"Obama is not up to the job of being president."


10-01-10, 18:30
I didn't even realize there was a news story connected to this statement before I clicked on the thread, tbh. I thought it was just a statement of the obvious based on empirical evidence.

Very nice work.

10-03-10, 16:01
Oh yeah, the article also says Obama despises Biden.

huh.. so barry and i have something in common :o

10-04-10, 00:03
Not news even if it was from a reliable source. It should have been obvious to everyone with a pulse that the man wasnt up to running the country during the democraptic (no, that wasnt a typo) primaries. Lets face it, obama won this election for two reasons. First, because people voted for him because the idea of a black man being president was so magical for them even though they had no clue about or interest in his politics, and people were tired of bush, and the republicans by extension.

10-04-10, 13:47
I have always had a nagging felling since he won the election that he would end up resigning before his first term was up. I think he loved the idea of being the president but had no clue what it was really like and the last two years has been a hard dose of reality for him.

He didn't. The sorry part about the 2008 Presidential Election is the only one of the 4 candidates for President and VP; Sarah Palin was the only one with any relevant Governmental Executive experience.

The reality is obama was only elected because his father's gene's was stronger than his mother's. If his skin color had been white they never would have even considered him for a cabinet position much less POTUS. This is what happens when the LCD of our society is mobilized (read: paid) to vote for someone all because they believe the bovine excrement that he was allowed to spout about during his extended campaign.

As far as the thread title, I don't need anyone to cite an actual source for me to believe that it is true. JM2CW.

10-04-10, 14:24
Couldn't have said this better...


10-04-10, 17:55
Couldn't have said this better...

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/2377/obamacaddy.jpgThats hilarious! :D