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10-03-10, 22:55
Comparing the two rallies


10-03-10, 23:21
The animation is a bit biased, http://d.yimg.com/a/p/rids/20101002/i/r2951719064.jpg?x=400&y=243&q=85&sig=BgqUM_fIx5FG1JAJ7fVrig-- clearly shows a larger crowd than the one represented in the comparison photo above.

Both rallies had one common unity, both having been organized by individuals with severely impaired cognitive functioning. :D

10-04-10, 02:05
The comparo is not taken at the same time of day. Was the liberal one later in the day to let all the welfare people sleep in and not have to get up before noon? :)

I think the biggest difference between the two events is how many organizations it took to put on the liberal one (unions, SEIU, the communist party) and the Beck one was done by herding cats.

Mr. Smiles pic ( how was sitting between Babs and Matt Damon?) doesn't prove that there were as many people at both. The reflection pool area is packed in both shots.

Did you really use the word 'retarded'? Aren't you up late on a school night?

10-04-10, 04:08
Keep following your Mormon, alcoholic, hateful demigod, who knows you might become one yourself the day you die. I'm sure that's what Glenn Beck is planning on. :sarcastic:

Yeah both sides are full of jackasses who have one goal, monetary.

Glenn Beck is garbage and his past proves it, along with his bullshit fear mongering, no difference than Nancy Pelosi or the rest of the trash.

Sorry you're so ass hurt over my comments, but get over it.

10-04-10, 12:03
Glenn Beck is garbage and his past proves it


Seriously, PROVE he's garbage and you might have a legitimate argument. The burden of proof lies on the poster, not the reader.

10-04-10, 12:16
Alrighty then...... I'm sure the Huffington Post, Daily Koz and MSNBC will be glad to have you back.

Keep following your Mormon, alcoholic, hateful demigod, who knows you might become one yourself the day you die. I'm sure that's what Glenn Beck is planning on. :sarcastic:

Yeah both sides are full of jackasses who have one goal, monetary.

Glenn Beck is garbage and his past proves it, along with his bullshit fear mongering, no difference than Nancy Pelosi or the rest of the trash.

Sorry you're so ass hurt over my comments, but get over it.

10-04-10, 12:20
The animation is a bit biased, http://d.yimg.com/a/p/rids/20101002/i/r2951719064.jpg?x=400&y=243&q=85&sig=BgqUM_fIx5FG1JAJ7fVrig-- clearly shows a larger crowd than the one represented in the comparison photo above.

It does? The one you posted shows about as many people as the animation. In front of the Lincoln memorial and both sides of the reflecting pool. Your pic does not show at high enough angle to show everywhere else that the animation shows.

10-04-10, 12:21
Keep following your Mormon, alcoholic, hateful demigod, who knows you might become one yourself the day you die. I'm sure that's what Glenn Beck is planning on. :sarcastic:

Yeah both sides are full of jackasses who have one goal, monetary.

Glenn Beck is garbage and his past proves it, along with his bullshit fear mongering, no difference than Nancy Pelosi or the rest of the trash.

Sorry you're so ass hurt over my comments, but get over it.

I am not ass hurt over your comments. Just shows me what an idiot you are. No skin off my back. Have a good day in hate-ville.

10-04-10, 18:33
I wonder if there is an after pic of the 2 rallys...... Beck said they left the mall is near perfect shape after the Restore Honor rally........ while the other rally left the mall in near perfect trash.

10-04-10, 18:45
Somehow I ended up on a bunch of political news email lists (which I never subscribed to but are interesting). They usually end up marked as spam by the system. One today had a bunch of pics from the rally but I ended up deleting it when I purged the spam folder. I will try and find the link it used for the pics. They had a few of all the garbage strewn around. And all the socialism signs

10-04-10, 18:49
Here is one thing I found on Google that shows pics from this rally. No comparison pics to the 8/28 one.




10-04-10, 19:48
Two very sad things come to mind about this.

First these people are our neighbors. They are the people we wave to every day at work or at the store. Yet we don't know how messed up in the head they really are.

Second and most disturbing to me is that many of these people and groups started out with great ideas.

More Jobs? Great!
Not getting walked all over by companies? Great!
Equality for everyone? Great! (By this I mean we all get the same chance. Mess it up and you can deal with the consequences yourself also)
Dont' **** up the planet? Really great!
Etc, Etc, Etc.

But they have taken it to such extremes that no one with two or more brain cells to rub together should even listen to them for more than 5 seconds. They rely on twisting the minds of the youth and convincing them that the evil Republicans/Military/companies/whatever are the problem.

10-04-10, 20:05
Two very sad things come to mind about this.

First these people are our neighbors. They are the people we wave to every day at work or at the store. Yet we don't know how messed up in the head they really are.

Second and most disturbing to me is that many of these people and groups started out with great ideas.

More Jobs? Great!
Not getting walked all over by companies? Great!
Equality for everyone? Great! (By this I mean we all get the same chance. Mess it up and you can deal with the consequences yourself also)
Dont' **** up the planet? Really great!
Etc, Etc, Etc.

But they have taken it to such extremes that no one with two or more brain cells to rub together should even listen to them for more than 5 seconds. They rely on twisting the minds of the youth and convincing them that the evil Republicans/Military/companies/whatever are the problem.

Yup, makes a man wish he could find some They Live style sunglasses.

10-04-10, 22:21
Here is the link I had earlier today, refound thanks to Google


10-05-10, 00:17

Seriously, PROVE he's garbage and you might have a legitimate argument. The burden of proof lies on the poster, not the reader.

Wow... wow, wow..........

10-05-10, 04:14
Here is the link I had earlier today, refound thanks to Google


From the bottom of that page:

"It's times like this that I miss J. Edgar Hoover."

Pretty funny and some pretty scary images, might be more scary if I could read spanish.

10-05-10, 04:42

Seriously, PROVE he's garbage and you might have a legitimate argument. The burden of proof lies on the poster, not the reader.
I'm not here to educate some one on every failure in his past as a human being, and he does a good job of explaining how his failures make him who he is today. The drugs, the booze the shock jock shit. The man made fun of a collegues wife having a miscarriage, awesome human being. Some one I can say I truly respect :rolleyes:

I'm not a forgive and forget christian, I do judge people based on their past. This is why I'm not a huge fan of people who like to murder and rape. Even if they're no longer into doing such shit.

10-05-10, 04:48
Alrighty then...... I'm sure the Huffington Post, Daily Koz and MSNBC will be glad to have you back.
I know you love that democraticunderground.com so don't talk shit :D

In all seriousness It's obvious by your comment that all you read was Glenn Beck in my comment. Had you read it, you would have seen I commented on both sides, so why in the hell would I go read the Huffington Post or watch MSNBC, hell I haven't watched cable "news" in over 3 years. Certainly not going to start now.

Again I'm truly remorseful for how I have offended so many Beck followers, I hadn't realized how devote the church of Beck had become.

10-05-10, 05:10
Here is the link I had earlier today, refound thanks to Google


If you clean up after yourself, you might make the sanitation workers union go on strike...

10-05-10, 05:11
I'm not a forgive and forget christian...

Can we change your name to "mr frowny"? Seriously buddy, I see you have some personal skin in this discussion, and I'm not a big fan of people pulling the "It was the cocaine talking" card, but at some point you gotta let it go. He was an idiot, not a killer and rapist.

Beck makes me nervous, Beck makes Beck nervous. He knows he everyday his time in the spotlight could end by dinner time in a Dirty Sanchez or a Doctored Laura.

By the way, Beck looks brilliant for not allowing signs at the rally after you see the pics Chad linked to. They don't really add much, and it allows people to hijack your message.

Listened to Big Ed today and how the big corporations kept the bus companies from providing enought buses to transport everyone to the rally :rolleyes: At least Google maps didn't move things around to try to mislead people.

10-05-10, 05:14
Here is the link I had earlier today, refound thanks to Google


If you clean up after yourself, you might make the sanitation workers union go on strike...

White trash is more reflective than the background, so it stays cooler- reducing urban heat island and global warming. They are saving the planet and jobs.

10-05-10, 09:58
While I'm sure to get flamed by a few for posting a link to the NYT, the Sunday Magazine had an informative profile of Glenn Beck published 9/29/2010 entitled "Being Glenn Beck." Love him or hate him, it's an interesting piece.
