View Full Version : AAR from a recent attack in Afghanistan. Heavy American lossses. Taliban emboldened.

10-04-10, 06:03
Here is a conversation/AAR I had with a good friend that is deployed. I omitted his name for obvious reasons. Learn from it what you will, especially anyone that is reading this from Afghanistan.

Notice you didn't hear about this on the news.

To everyone deployed. Be careful, and keep your head down.

I killed some bad guys the other day. A little of both small arms and death from above. It was a bad day. An Ambush. We had some casualties

It was a little more coordinated than usual. They hit us in 2 spots, simultaneously. ****ers are getting ballsy. After we engaged them with some Apaches’ with 30 mm and a hell fire they kept on so we dropped a 500 pounder from a B1 and they still kept on

They shot up our Apache pretty good and made them lose comms. We were walking along a road towards the back of the patrol, just 4 of us, when some dude decided to start to light up one of our MRAPs with PKM fire. So we ran back and as we were running an RPG goes flying and bounced off one of the MRAP, lands on the ground and is on fire.

While this is happening some ****er jumps out from behind a wall and starts to shoot at us with an AK, about 30 meters away. We had a SAW with us and 3 M4s so we lit into him

These dudes are getting ballsy for some reason; first time we had seen that. We took 10 casualties. We got into contact 6 times just trying to make it out of that ****ing village

It was crazy. I’ve never seen the enemy act like that before. Normally when the HELOs check in they run away. But these dudes stayed and fought. Christ, the pilots were afraid. They even told us over the radio. I guess i would be too if I were getting a 50. cal shot at me in the sky. This went on for about an hour.

One dude had an RPG hit a berm right on the other side from where he was taking cover. Hit by his head. Rattled him pretty good. It was the worst day for a lot of dudes this deployment. I have no idea how many dead bad guys there were. We blew up a tower and they found pieces

To tell the truth, I don’t know why they broke contact. They will just stop, and it’s over

**** COIN! The ROE hasn’t changed at all. So much that goes on that you won’t hear bout. I even have video of a guy ****ing a goat taken with NV

I am off to the gym. I will be back later.

10-04-10, 06:24
It is good to hear your man is ok. It sounds like they had a tough fight and kicked some tail. Best wishes to those wounded.

10-04-10, 07:35
I have seen that video.

Alex V
10-04-10, 08:01
Glad to hear he is okay. Its a shame about what we hear and what we don't hear on th news...

I have seen that video.

what the f....

10-04-10, 08:16
My nephew is in 'stan... Multiple contacts, firefights, had his truck blown up with IED twice, dead and wounded buddies... He may not see it, but I see it, it is messing with his head... He is becoming another person... a colder person. Hates the politics of the military in the way they choose to fight... Some things done that are left unsaid and unreported...

It is a sad situation... and I am not enough in the know to say what they should be doing (chairborne ranger)... My gut wants to unleash all the technology and fury we have to wipe those ignorant, backwards, goat frackers off the planet, but I also know that there are good people among them trapped by ideology and islamic chains... War is hell... no doubt!

I only hope we either fight to win, unleash the carnage of war, or get out before more die, as I do not see "cooperating" with clans and tribes as working...


10-04-10, 08:17
what the f....

It’s not like a porno or anything like that it is just two guys off in the distance trying to get a goat to cooperate. It’s very funny.

10-04-10, 11:16
It’s not like a porno or anything like that it is just two guys off in the distance trying to get a goat to cooperate. It’s very funny.

Funny, and not rare, which is the real sad part. Goat love is more popular than soccer.

Got a perfectly good wife with functioning mommy parts? Naaaah. Where the 12 year old boys and goats at...

Nice, right...

10-04-10, 11:34
The ONLY ROE necessary... :mad:


10-04-10, 12:22
Sorry to hear about the casualties, but glad your friend is ok. I wish them a speedy and full recovery.

The American media is dominated by left wing, seditious elements that will not report what is going on because the Left owns this war now. Their bias is so overwhelming that they resemble Pravda in 1937.

Reporting about daily negative occurances (like they did during 2003-2008 in Iraq) doesn't serve their agenda.

Alex V
10-04-10, 15:28
It’s not like a porno or anything like that it is just two guys off in the distance trying to get a goat to cooperate. It’s very funny.

Oh no, I understand that this was not a Digital Playground Production... Just a "WTF" to someone trying to plow a goat...

I imagine there locals and not our boys? If they are locals, couldn't they just rape a local girl? After all, she is the one who will get stoned and not them. Poor goat!

It does sound funny... but WTF for real.

10-04-10, 15:59
Oh no, I understand that this was not a Digital Playground Production... Just a "WTF" to someone trying to plow a goat...

I imagine there locals and not our boys? If they are locals, couldn't they just rape a local girl? After all, she is the one who will get stoned and not them. Poor goat!

It does sound funny... but WTF for real.
Actually, they pay dearly and she with her life if this happens in a Wahabbists community. They could even be killed. One thing about these tribes is that vengence is practiced and perhaps the only reason one would not kill the rapists is because his family will have a bounty on you. Primative. Probably effective, too. But it's time to move on and upwards.

10-04-10, 16:08
If they are locals, couldn't they just rape a local girl? After all, she is the one who will get stoned and not them. Poor goat!

Really bad taste, man. :rolleyes:

10-04-10, 16:39
I have seen that video.

sad to say... same here

10-04-10, 17:06
Reporting about daily negative occurances (like they did during 2003-2008 in Iraq) doesn't serve their agenda.

Of course it does. Discredit the war as much as possible is the name of the game.

I'm surprised they haven't covered it yet if 10 soldiers were killed. They usually fail to report the Taliban ass whippings we hand out but If an American farts in the general direction of an Afghani civilian and they smell it they'll write a story about the abuse the civilians are suffering.

Ask yourself when was the last time you saw a Taliban/Al Qaeda death count flashed on the screen.

Not that its not important and shouldn't be recognized but every time they flash the American death toll on TV and show bombs going off, the public inches closer to just wanting to be told that its over. This is why I hate tons of media coverage in war because all it does is negatively affect public opinion and this affects decision making. The average civilian is incapable of dealing with death and the dynamics of war, which is precisely the reason they are sitting in their comfy recliners watching the TV with a glass of wine, while the Sheepdogs are out in the field knee deep in blood. We are fortunate enough to have a military who is comprised of people who are more than happy to suit up and smash heads on our behalf. So let them. I can't stand seeing our justifiable cause get derailed because the average human can't process reality. No, war isn't the prettiest thing but dammit, it's necessary sometimes.