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10-13-10, 06:40
OK this was painful funny to watch :)


saw it here first so either link

10-13-10, 07:42
"DeMint started the recession."

"I'm the best candidate dat defines where we at."

Brilliant.... :rolleyes:

10-13-10, 08:45
I guess the Dems are really hurting for qualified candidates.

10-13-10, 08:59
Bubba is running for office. I love it! :sarcastic:

Maybe Barney Frank can be his Forest Gump.

10-13-10, 09:09
We had a few discussions about this guy back in the primary. He is either the greatest example of anti incumbency in the country, or the biggest hoax yet played in politics.

His opponent however is an idiot so he may actually stand a chance of winning.

10-13-10, 09:24
I guess the Dems are really hurting for qualified candidates.

Nah... they just chose someone most Democrats could relate to.

10-13-10, 12:15
Wow, that video really helped hit home how ****ed we are.

10-13-10, 12:25
Wow, that video really helped hit home how ****ed we are.

Indeed.That video was so awkward, at first I thought it was a prank (or possibly an early Mad TV skit...), I had to watch it twice. It just reaffirms how effing stupid people really are these days; they look to idiots like these for answers/leadership. God help us all!

How pathetic...

10-13-10, 12:48
OK this was painful funny to watch :)

I think it was just painful. He somehow keeps getting worse in interviews instead of better.

Yet even so, O'Donnell takes the time to endorse him at the end. Simply unbelievable.

10-13-10, 13:48

"I'm the best candidate dat defines where we at."

Ha! Ha! He is probably right.

10-13-10, 14:12
Here's a rap video made for him:


(Safe for work)

10-13-10, 14:45
Wow, that video really helped hit home how ****ed we are.

couldnt have said it better :) and the fact people like this are on NBC :) shows where they are at

10-13-10, 15:21
Indeed.That video was so awkward, at first I thought it was a prank (or possibly an early Mad TV skit...), I had to watch it twice. It just reaffirms how effing stupid people really are these days; they look to idiots like these for answers/leadership. God help us all!

How pathetic...

OMG could you image if SNL did a skit of him this weekend, he probably would win.

10-13-10, 15:28
Alvin Green, bless is heart, is exactly what the political process is supposed to be about

He truly is of the people, and it aint pretty, but at least he truly went through the process without party money and crony-ism

Hell, if anything, I want more Alvin Greens. Can he be any worse than McCain and Pelosi?

10-13-10, 17:13
Alvin Green, bless is heart, is exactly what the political process is supposed to be about

He truly is of the people, and it aint pretty, but at least he truly went through the process without party money and crony-ism

Hell, if anything, I want more Alvin Greens. Can he be any worse than McCain and Pelosi?

I agree completely. I thought I was the only one that felt this way. My co-workers looked at me like I was a complete idiot when I tried explaining my reasoning that he is well-meaning and that is 100x better than anything we have in Congress currently.

The joke in my first post aside, Liberal or Conservative - this man is EXACTLY the type of change we need to Washington.

10-13-10, 17:18
And this is why we need more money for education... cause some people just aren't getting enough of it. And maybe public speaking as an addition to english 101

10-13-10, 17:28
Alvin Green, bless is heart, is exactly what the political process is supposed to be about

He truly is of the people, and it aint pretty, but at least he truly went through the process without party money and crony-ism

Hell, if anything, I want more Alvin Greens. Can he be any worse than McCain and Pelosi?

I still think we're ****ed, but you make a great point. He is of the people! I agree with your assessment but what it says about "the people", is way more terrifying to me then him as an individual.

I guess this is what we get when we don't care as a nation enough to educate people, and offer them opportunities where their brains are actually be challenged on a daily basis.

This video has been popping into my head throughout the day and I can't help but think over and over again about the movie Idiocracy.

10-13-10, 17:39
I guess this is what we get when we don't care as a nation enough to educate people, and offer them opportunities where their brains are actually be challenged on a daily basis.

Arguments like the above are neo-progressive and extremely dangerous. The second we start requiring people to be "educated" to run for office is the second that our system will completely ran by those already in power, turning the little Democracy that we have into an elitist licensing club.

Requiring an "education" to run for office then opens the door to many more slippery-slope arguments:
- How much education is enough? High school? College? Masters? PhD?
- Should these schools/colleges be certified to teach Congressional candidates?
- Who gets to decide what curriculum can be taught at said schools?
- Should they teach other forms of government in the name of respect and diversification (and the obvious liberal response would be "yes")

And on and on...

The framers of the Constitution already thought out and answered the education question by purposely not addressing it. A government which requires a education to run for it always ends up using that education system as a way to discriminate for its own good. Our system was set up to prevent that.

I'll take a high-school dropout farmer in with 20 years of common-sense, real-life experience over a Harvard graduate who sits behind a desk any day.

In my opinion, the ONLY education that should be required for running for Congress is being able to answer the meaning of the Constitution, the Amendments, and the Bill of Rights in respect to how the framers intended them to be used (not what the Supreme Court rules).

10-13-10, 20:14
He truly is of the people, and it aint pretty, but at least he truly went through the process without party money and crony-ism.

I think you may be reading too much into it, simply because this man was by definition a fluke. He ran no campaign, no one knew who he was on election day.

The assessment is that he won via a combination of being either a blind anti-incumbent vote or simply because he came before his democratic opponent alphabetically in the column.

10-13-10, 20:38
Im pretty sure my worst nightmare would be me being forced to watch a televised debate between Basil Marceaux and this guy.

10-13-10, 20:39
the guy would be manipulated so badly

I would rather not have a idiot like that out their ! sadly most of the idiots should go but would rather have a idiot with agenda and brain and at least pick the least destructive which is what we do now !

a idiot like that would be like the new little helpless boy in prison he will end up someones B---- and be used and abused

I have been saying this for years D or R any politician its like being asked do you want me to shoot the right side of your face or the left side of your face !

I think it was judge Napalitano ? spelling ? but he said its one party the big gov part these days and its made up of R and D people !!!!

10-13-10, 21:16
I knew I should have ran for office! LOL

I do not think he is of the people if he is just now getting out there to be honest. I am assuming nobody knows him because he ran no campaign up until this point. I could be mistaken, but that is not of the people, that is lucky.

10-13-10, 21:20
I knew I should have ran for office! LOL

I do not think he is of the people if he is just now getting out there to be honest. I am assuming nobody knows him because he ran no campaign up until this point. I could be mistaken, but that is not of the people, that is lucky.

Could you please explain how beating someone who had (comparatively speaking) a 24/7 ad campaign and news coverage is "luck"?

10-13-10, 21:24
Either an educated crook or a guy who's IQ is just short of Forest Gump. Hmmm, I'd take the crook. At least they would be predictable.

10-13-10, 21:27
Could you please explain how beating someone who had (comparatively speaking) a 24/7 ad campaign and news coverage is "luck"?

Now way in hell he is merely lucky and this is just a fluke. The odds of actually pulling off a nomination with no money, no job, and no name recognition is pretty unlikely in todays electronic culture.

10-13-10, 21:30
You think he could be a "puppet" for the Republican Party? It sure would be nice...maybe!

10-13-10, 22:05
Could you please explain how beating someone who had (comparatively speaking) a 24/7 ad campaign and news coverage is "luck"?

It absolutely was luck. My last post clarified the general consensus as to the reason for the bizarre result. You may disagree, but you won't find a shred of evidence proving that more than 3 people even knew he was running prior to election day.

10-13-10, 22:10
You think he could be a "puppet" for the Republican Party? It sure would be nice...maybe!

Even if that were true, there is just no way he should have been able to beat Vic Rawl. Greene has zero formal campaign funds, so it isn't like the GOP is rolling him in any substantive way if he is a plant.

I know Greene is regarded as a clown and a joke, but I won't knock the guy. I actually find his uphill battle inspiring on some level.

If only more people were willing to rise out of the ranks, and try and steer the country in a different direction. Compare that to most of the nation that would rather bitch, get fat, and watch TV

10-13-10, 22:15
Yeah, I don't see the guy with bling and a Hummer so you know he is broke as hell. But his heart is in the right place, I just don't think his head is all there. He really needs to get a campaign manager and speech writer. It would help his image.

10-13-10, 22:17
It absolutely was luck. My last post clarified the general consensus as to the reason for the bizarre result. You may disagree, but you won't find a shred of evidence proving that more than 3 people even knew he was running prior to election day.

Then how is his win more "luck" any more than anyone else winning?

Here's the problem with that argument: Virtually all of the other Democrats were running campaigns, many 24/7, and they were in no way "invisible." Therefore, anyone who had even the slightest interest in politics probably knew his opponent(s)' names and had a greater chance of voting for them over him.

That leaves us with one of three answers. Either:
1) ALL of the Democrat nominees had horrible campaigns and no one stood out, in which case it wasn't luck but simply massive failure on behalf of the Democrat party.
2) People were simply voting for someone who was the farthest from an incumbent possible, in which case his nomination was exactly what the people wanted.
3) Or the Democrat voters are so uneducated and non-caring, out of touch with politics that they just didn't care who they voted for, in which case they got a candidate just like them.

In any of the above cases, it's not luck; it's simply a series of events that led to a candidate being elected that represented the people (either directly or indirectly, regardless). As VB said, "of the people."

10-13-10, 22:23
...it's not luck; it's simply a series of events that led to a candidate being elected that represented the people (either directly or indirectly, regardless).

This is like trying to say he wasn't lucky, but he was fortunate.

10-13-10, 22:29
This is like trying to say he wasn't lucky, but he was fortunate.

How? Are you saying that 59% of the voters didn't know who they were voting for? Seriously? You do know that even if they voted for him simply to vote against the incumbent, that's not luck, right?

10-13-10, 23:20
we are hosed these days thats all I know :)

10-13-10, 23:57
And this is why we need more money for education... cause some people just aren't getting enough of it. And maybe public speaking as an addition to english 101

That's been tried and will always fail. Just throwing money at problems always end in failure. If I do remember correctly Bush's "no child left behind" bill has been a catastrophe where more money in our history was just thrown at the problems in the education system. In my state they are punishing charter schools that were actually making some progress in a child's ability to increase their test scores etc. Most will be run out of business in the end with their tax exemptions being revoked. Follow the money and the teachers unions and you will see the root of the problems across the country.

10-14-10, 01:34
This video has been popping into my head throughout the day and I can't help but think over and over again about the movie Idiocracy.

Totally. The fact he won a primary is terrifying, TBH. He must have electrolytes.

10-14-10, 02:06
as "unique" as this guy might be, Id be willing to bet that hes better than 2/3 of the jackasses in politics now. The ability to speak well publicly does not equal intelligence, or common sense. The inability to speak well publicly doesnt not equal the lack of intelligence or common sense.

10-14-10, 02:28
I said why he was lucky. He ran no campaign. How did any voter in the primary know to vote for him? They would not know to vote for him. I am sure the other individuals did their best to be known about before the primary vote.

I also want to add. I have no idea what the man's stances are politically. He may be the type of individual that in many respects is what is needed. Then again he could be the worst possible individual for such a position. I have not looked into that aspect of it. I joked about me running because if that can be done without campaigning . . . well then now is the time for anybody to throw their hat into the ring.

10-14-10, 02:58
from the office :)

wheres my stapler

10-14-10, 04:40
Only in America, well on our way to becoming a third world country:sarcastic:

Army Chief
10-14-10, 06:06
I'm not alarmed by what a candidate like this represents in our political process, but I am disappointed by what it says about the electorate.

As VB has stated, outsiders and dark horses should absolutely have an opportunity to participate in the process, but the gentleman in question likely wouldn't make the cut for an assistant manager position at a fast food establishment, and he could very well be on a trajectory toward the United States Senate.

The last thing we need is another reason to ridicule our lawmakers, and unfortunately, I fear that this would come off as a running gag the entire time Mr. Greene was in Washington. Sooner or later, our disdain for unworthy officials is going to translate into open disrespect for the institution (if that isn't happening already), and I find that a very dangerous place to be for a Republic such as ours.


10-14-10, 07:54
as "unique" as this guy might be, Id be willing to bet that hes better than 2/3 of the jackasses in politics now. The ability to speak well publicly does not equal intelligence, or common sense. The inability to speak well publicly doesnt not equal the lack of intelligence or common sense.

While public speaking doesn’t equal intelligence, someone running for office needs to be able to articulate their position.

10-14-10, 08:55
I'm not alarmed by what a candidate like this represents in our political process, but I am disappointed by what it says about the electorate.

As VB has stated, outsiders and dark horses should absolutely have an opportunity to participate in the process, but the gentleman in question likely wouldn't make the cut for an assistant manager position at a fast food establishment, and he could very well be on a trajectory toward the United States Senate.

The last thing we need is another reason to ridicule our lawmakers, and unfortunately, I fear that this would come off as a running gag the entire time Mr. Greene was in Washington. Sooner or later, our disdain for unworthy officials is going to translate into open disrespect for the institution (if that isn't happening already), and I find that a very dangerous place to be for a Republic such as ours.


I couldn't agree more.

I make a conscious effort during every election cycle to set aside the time necessary to educate myself about the candidates, initiatives, mill levies, etc., which will appear on my ballot.

And I don't always get the job done to my satisfaction. When I do run across a down ticket race where I am unfamiliar with the candidates or the issue, I do not cast a vote in that race. While some may disagree with that strategy, in my opinion casting an uninformed vote based solely on caprice is worse than no vote at all.

Sadly, I know I am in the minority. Most eligible voters, when they bother to show up at all, are drawn to the polls by one or two high profile races or a specific ballot initiative which have garnered their attention. Rather than quitting while they're ahead, they muddle their way through the remainder of the ballot, voting on candidates and issues they have absolutely no knowledge of.

10-14-10, 09:14
I make a conscious effort during every election cycle to set aside the time necessary to educate myself about the candidates, initiatives, mill levies, etc., which will appear on my ballot.

And I don't always get the job done to my satisfaction. When I do run across a down ticket race where I am unfamiliar with the candidates or the issue, I do not cast a vote in that race. While some may disagree with that strategy, in my opinion casting an uninformed vote based solely on caprice is worse than no vote at all.
You are not alone - I do the same thing.

10-14-10, 09:18
as "unique" as this guy might be, Id be willing to bet that hes better than 2/3 of the jackasses in politics now. The ability to speak well publicly does not equal intelligence, or common sense. The inability to speak well publicly doesnt not equal the lack of intelligence or common sense.

While I would certainly agree that's true, with this individual I don't get the impression that he's a very smart guy that chews up and spits out the English language when put in front of an audience. I get the impression that he has some sort of real mental handicap.

Jefferson, for instance, was a miserable public speaker but clearly a brilliant man. I don't see much in what I know of this individual to believe he's an inarticulate genius.

10-14-10, 09:32
Totally. The fact he won a primary is terrifying, TBH. He must have electrolytes.

"Water, you mean like from the toilet; but bromdo's got electrolytes..."

Idiocracy is such a good portrayal of where we are heading, I love that movie; Mike Judge is awesome.

10-14-10, 09:34
I really don't understand how people are claiming he's unintelligent. Not answering the questions on a news show isn't uncommon. In fact, many candidates are advised not to because of trick questions that, when answered, open up other questions that must be answered to save face, which can ultimately destroy a chance in the elections. Now, he obviously took that rule to the extreme, but that doesn't mean he's stupid, it simply means that he follows commands directly and doesn't deviate. Not at all surprising seeing as he was supposedly in the military for 13 years.

I think he lacks tact and experience, and he seems to have little experience with public speaking, but that's all this video shows. To draw the conclusion that he's unintelligent, mentally handicapped, or simply stupid is about as abstract as me claiming that Obama has a sub-70 IQ because he refused to answer non-approved questions during his campaign. The only obvious difference (at this point anyway) is that Greene is obviously terrified of public speaking.

Now, he really might be mentally handicapped or have a horrible IQ, but to assume so because of his record so far is nothing but opinion. Let's stick to what we know and less speculation, I'd really like to see how this plays out.

10-14-10, 09:35
This guy's intelligence is more like "Beef Supreme's" instead of Luke Wilson's character Joe Bauers.

PS Skyyr if you watch not only his facial expressions and gestures while he is asked questions or answering, it shows strong signs of impaired judgment or handicap. I only say this from having volunteered with the mentally handicapped for a few years. I could be wrong, but this is what my Spidey sense is telling me.

10-14-10, 09:59
PS Skyyr if you watch not only his facial expressions and gestures while he is asked questions or answering, it shows strong signs of impaired judgment or handicap. I only say this from having volunteered with the mentally handicapped for a few years. I could be wrong, but this is what my Spidey sense is telling me.

I'll take your word for it. My initial assumption is/was that he's terrified of public speaking and has no experience in hiding said emotions, combined with being overwhelmed that he actually won the nomination.

I'm really interested in seeing what happens with this.

10-14-10, 10:05
He could be feigning ignorance and lack of intelligence to lull us and his opponents into a false sense of security that he isn't a threat. When in fact he may make Pelosi look like a teddy bear once in office!

10-14-10, 11:30
I really don't understand how people are claiming he's unintelligent...Let's stick to what we know and less speculation, I'd really like to see how this plays out.

Good heavens you must be kidding us. I wouldn't even allow that otherwise likable man to walk my dogs for fear of some horrible outcome, let alone make important decisions in government.

10-14-10, 11:56
Good heavens you must be kidding us. I wouldn't even allow that otherwise likable man to walk my dogs for fear of some horrible outcome, let alone make important decisions in government.

I'd argue that 80% of those on this forum wouldn't fare much better on a live news broadcast, either because of sheer fright, mumbling/stumbling speech, or putting their foot in their mouth.

I'm not advocating this guy winning, but let's let the politics play out.

10-14-10, 11:58
Think of it this way. If he does win then he will no longer be unemployed. Either way he will still getting money from the taxpayers.

10-14-10, 12:53
They need an Alvin Greene vs Basil Marceaux interview.


10-14-10, 14:49
Good heavens you must be kidding us. I wouldn't even allow that otherwise likable man to walk my dogs for fear of some horrible outcome, let alone make important decisions in government.

I feel the same way about 90% of the people elected as is.

10-14-10, 17:36
Arguments like the above are neo-progressive and extremely dangerous. The second we start requiring people to be "educated" to run for office is the second that our system will completely ran by those already in power, turning the little Democracy that we have into an elitist licensing club.

Requiring an "education" to run for office then opens the door to many more slippery-slope arguments:
- How much education is enough? High school? College? Masters? PhD?
- Should these schools/colleges be certified to teach Congressional candidates?
- Who gets to decide what curriculum can be taught at said schools?
- Should they teach other forms of government in the name of respect and diversification (and the obvious liberal response would be "yes")

And on and on...

The framers of the Constitution already thought out and answered the education question by purposely not addressing it. A government which requires a education to run for it always ends up using that education system as a way to discriminate for its own good. Our system was set up to prevent that.

I'll take a high-school dropout farmer in with 20 years of common-sense, real-life experience over a Harvard graduate who sits behind a desk any day.

In my opinion, the ONLY education that should be required for running for Congress is being able to answer the meaning of the Constitution, the Amendments, and the Bill of Rights in respect to how the framers intended them to be used (not what the Supreme Court rules).

You completely misread my statement and therefore I can't address your actually points.

At no point did I say that we should "require" an education to run for congress. Where in the hell did you get that? I said it was sad that our Nation is so uneducated.

10-14-10, 22:30
OMG that was funny!

10-15-10, 19:36
Jefferson, for instance, was a miserable public speaker but clearly a brilliant man. I don't see much in what I know of this individual to believe he's an inarticulate genius.

Finally heard this "interview". Couldn't agree with you more.

10-16-10, 18:38
"Water, you mean like from the toilet; but bromdo's got electrolytes..."


"Yo, Republicans like, started the recession and stuff, plus they talk all faggy and dress all whack, so like, vote for me, or you'll never get rich. I'm Alvin Greene and I approve this message and shit, brought to you by Carl's Jr..."


10-17-10, 12:45
Mark Levin interviews him:



10-17-10, 15:24
so he was in AirForce intelligence ? YIKES

this is bubba gumps stupid brother :) heheheheh its amazing people this stupid have made it this far in life ? and the left is only going to be making more stupid people like this with the education system and hand outs etc..

10-17-10, 16:17
Mark Levin interviews him:




10-18-10, 10:08

"Yo, Republicans like, started the recession and stuff, plus they talk all faggy and dress all whack, so like, vote for me, or you'll never get rich. I'm Alvin Greene and I approve this message and shit, brought to you by Carl's Jr..."


^This is funny as hell ^ :laugh:

10-18-10, 19:47
We had a few discussions about this guy back in the primary. He is either the greatest example of anti incumbency in the country, or the biggest hoax yet played in politics.

His opponent however is an idiot so he may actually stand a chance of winning.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure Jim DeMint, Greene's Republican opponent, isn't an idiot.

11-04-10, 12:01
Here's the "concession" speech of sorts...



11-04-10, 12:29
Here's the "concession" speech of sorts...



Every one of his appearances has been simular to the video above.
He has proven himself to be a complete incompetent and still he managed to get 362,000 votes.



11-04-10, 12:29
It’s just painful to watch him. How many votes did he get anyway?

11-04-10, 12:34
and still he managed to get 362,000 votes.

Makes you wonder who's the bigger idiot. Greene or the people that voted for him?

11-04-10, 15:43
its shows to me a lot of people most likely voted for him in hopes he would get in as a joke ? and dont take the vote seriously

sadly I guess pretty much just family and a couple friends at his headquarters ???

11-09-10, 13:41


11-10-10, 09:43
its shows to me a lot of people most likely voted for him in hopes he would get in as a joke ? and dont take the vote seriously

sadly I guess pretty much just family and a couple friends at his headquarters ???

Not that. Straight party Dem voters who sure as hell aren't going to vote for the evil Republican Jim DeMint.