View Full Version : Soft a$$ 20 somethings today....

10-17-10, 14:56
My friend is trying to get on this show as a trainer. She's the hot one in the beginning, Carmen... She asked me to vote for her (which I did) but what struck me about the vid is the guy in it.

I just gotta say, if Tristan, represents today's men, I feel sorry for you gals. I honestly thought he was going to cry after his workout with trainer Dave. I'm his voice starts to crack after that very easy workout with trainer Dave... BTW, just being near Carmen will raise a mans testosterone (I can vouch for that...) and from the looks of it, Tristan really needs some....sorry, couldn't help myself.


Watching this, I was thinking "geez, is this the state of what passes for a man these days?" He might be a really nice guy, but damn, I hope that's not representative of most male 20 somethings today....:rolleyes:

10-17-10, 15:13
Since we are making general sweeping negative statements what kind of woman would go on a "reality show" and have her boobies hanging half way out?

10-17-10, 15:30
Since we are making general sweeping negative statements what kind of woman would go on a "reality show" and have her boobies hanging half way out?

The good kind? Carmen can show what ever she wants as far as I'm concerned. ;)

10-17-10, 15:55
The good kind? Carmen can show what ever she wants as far as I'm concerned. ;)

I guess we have different standards than.

10-17-10, 16:06
I guess we have different standards than.

Damn right. Carmen is a sweet heart, a good person, and damn good looking, and not a half bad trainer to boot. If she wants to show off the killer body of hers, it's all good :thank_you2:

And for those who want to see more of Carmen: http://carmengarcia.com/

10-17-10, 16:25
I work in a nightclub with 50+ girls who are as good looking as your friend or better looking, and the majority of them date pansies like that. Lucky some of the guys know how to put gas in their car, let alone change a tire. But they sure do spend more on clothing than I do on weapons and ammo.

10-17-10, 16:26
While I generally enjoy reading Will's posts, I tire of these "what's wrong with today's kids" posts on forums.

Those darn twenty-somethings!


10-17-10, 16:30
Absolutely true LL, I'm just relating to what I work with. And alot of them aren't even twenty-somethings.

10-17-10, 16:33
While I generally enjoy reading Will's posts, I tire of these "what's wrong with today's kids" posts on forums.

Hey now, you know I don't mean those 20 somethings. You know the 20 somethings I'm talking about, the kids that are of the current "entitled generation" who wouldn't know an M4 from MP3 and probably forget there are even people in theater in other countries.

10-17-10, 16:37
I work in a nightclub with 50+ girls who are as good looking as your friend or better looking, and the majority of them date pansies like that. Lucky some of the guys know how to put gas in their car, let alone change a tire. But they sure do spend more on clothing than I do on weapons and ammo.

Yup, that's what I'm talkin' about! I'm not a mans man, or tough macho guy by any stretch, that's for sure, but damn! Those types seem to make up a large % of the male population these days, and that does not bode well.

And where's my VIP pass to your club?!

10-17-10, 17:40
Those darn twenty-somethings!

Sadly, we're the minority.

10-17-10, 18:22
While I generally enjoy reading Will's posts, I tire of these "what's wrong with today's kids" posts on forums.

Those darn twenty-somethings!


If only the majority of 20yr olds were like the guys in pic. The general populace of college age males is just about worthless IMHO.


10-17-10, 18:34
Eh, the dude didn't strike me like he was an athlete at any point in his life or was used to any strenuous activity. I'm not going to lie most of us urban suburban 20-something guys have had relatively easy lives compared to previous generations and if all the fat-assed, unmotivated, disorder diagnosed kids I see running around nowadays is any indication it's not going to get any better any time soon.

10-17-10, 18:58
With younger guys, it's the wiring that's screwed up.

About half the young women seem to be hideously out of shape these days, really grotesque looking. You used to have to take care of yourself to get a decent guy, but I guess welfare checks don't have a load index requirement.

10-17-10, 19:34
i think you made this thread to brag about your "friend" :D

seeing someone across the way at the gym doesn't make her your friend! ;)

10-17-10, 20:07
honestly I wouldnt say that your friend Carmen is the hottest thing since sliced bread.

She doesnt get my vote.

10-17-10, 21:19

10-17-10, 23:16
Agreed Will. The last gal I dated for a few years would only date LEOs and Military types. She always viewed regular guys as pansies and not knowing how to be a real man. I often thought the same thing, present company excluded of course, as well as those who have served. She read some articles called "The Feminization of Men", "The Feminization of the American male from top to toe" and "Bitched" which confirmed her belief's. I read them and got a pretty good laugh, but were surprisingly true.

10-18-10, 01:06
Hey now, you know I don't mean those 20 somethings. You know the 20 somethings I'm talking about, the kids that are of the current "entitled generation" who wouldn't know an M4 from MP3 and probably forget there are even people in theater in other countries.

This is nothing new, every generation questions the succeeding generation. I'm sure your parents see your generation as a bunch of pussies and cry babies. And their parents saw their generation in a similar light.

Alex V
10-18-10, 08:00
wow... so thats how you feel hu guys?

Maybe in a couple of years when Im 30 your opinions will change...



10-18-10, 09:30
We're exactly what your generations made us. What's that mean?:p

Alex V
10-18-10, 09:52
We're exactly what your generations made us. What's that mean?:p

Oh Snap!

10-18-10, 09:57
honestly I wouldnt say that your friend Carmen is the hottest thing since sliced bread.

She doesnt get my vote.

Gosh, that was informative and worth reading.

10-18-10, 11:02
This is nothing new, every generation questions the succeeding generation. I'm sure your parents see your generation as a bunch of pussies and cry babies. And their parents saw their generation in a similar light.

And they are often correct in their assessment. My mother was tougher then most men today, way tougher then that goofy kid and the ilk. She was tough as nails. Her mother, even more so. In my view, the prior generations were indeed tougher, had more grit, and had more experience with adversity, etc.

10-18-10, 11:12
We're exactly what your generations made us. What's that mean?:p

It means many parents of the current generation of kids failed to do their damn job, that's what it means. Parenting has become more a part time hobby then a full time job for many over the past decades, and it's only gotten worse. No, it does not apply to everyone, just many, too many.

My brothers kids are good kids (because he and the wife are hands on parents) and I know some good kids, but most are in sad shape when it comes to self reliance, dealing with adversity, and not having the view the world revolves around them, and will stay in their car and call for help if they get a flat tire. :sarcastic:

10-18-10, 11:39
No worries Will, I stopped identifying with most young people when it became apparent that male skinny jeans were fashionable.

10-18-10, 11:48
In my view, the prior generations were indeed tougher, had more grit, and had more experience with adversity, etc.

And the more experience with adversity makes them tougher.
I believe the current crop will do just fine, as life tends to make you tougher, harder.
And there might very well be a lot of toughening up for all of us just down the road.

10-18-10, 12:16
And they are often correct in their assessment. My mother was tougher then most men today, way tougher then that goofy kid and the ilk. She was tough as nails. Her mother, even more so. In my view, the prior generations were indeed tougher, had more grit, and had more experience with adversity, etc.

People experience extreme hardship today and have in the past, heck I went to grade school a few decades ago with kids who where homeless. Pretty sure even most growing up during the depression had a roof over their head of some type, but today poverty is growing. So if adversity is a measure of a true man, than most poor kids growing up today will become super men.

I don't believe this to be true however, having an "adverse" childhood myself, and knowing others, some became bitter and criminals others just don't reflect much on it and it hasn't shaped their lives. It's the individual not the circumstances that they come from that make people who they are.

You can have two brothers grow up in the same house with the same parenting and the same circumstances and they can still become polar opposites.

10-18-10, 12:44
We're exactly what your generations made us. What's that mean?:p

Well put. Reminds me of the officers in the military that would bitch about the current generation of NCOs. My question was always "well, what officer signed off on their promotion paperwork, sir?"

10-18-10, 18:59
While I too hate the" back in my day" rant, Will has a point.

And when you have a guy with the last name of "Paisley" busting your balls, you know youve sunk pretty low.


10-18-10, 20:33
I guess we have different standards than.

I actually thought she was dressed pretty conservatively, given the situation. Pretty much standard gym wear.

10-18-10, 21:45
People experience extreme hardship today and have in the past, heck I went to grade school a few decades ago with kids who where homeless. Pretty sure even most growing up during the depression had a roof over their head of some type, but today poverty is growing. So if adversity is a measure of a true man, than most poor kids growing up today will become super men.

I don't believe this to be true however, having an "adverse" childhood myself, and knowing others, some became bitter and criminals others just don't reflect much on it and it hasn't shaped their lives. It's the individual not the circumstances that they come from that make people who they are.

You can have two brothers grow up in the same house with the same parenting and the same circumstances and they can still become polar opposites.

Poverty is not growing. The definition of poverty is expanding to include those who would be defined as "filthy rich" during previous generations.

Today, poverty in America is a choice, more than ever. GAO did a study just a few years back that created a pretty clear picture of what so-called "poverty" in America consisted of, and it put American "poor" in the top 2% of standard of living in the freaking world.

What has changed, besides the definition of "poor" is the poverty of spirit created by a couple generations raised by indifferent parents, or no parents at all.

I've been below the mythical poverty line for the great majority of my life, and can attest that outlook has more to do with poverty than income.

10-18-10, 21:49
My biggest beef with 20-something males today, is the shitstains who do not understand how to treat females like ladies, regardless of how they view themselves.

We are not just animals. We can rise above our base instincts.

If I hear another young male animal gripe about how women get special treatment, I swear I will beat that worthless ****er to death. I am getting tired of 8 year old little boys in adult bodies...

10-18-10, 21:58
Poverty is not growing. The definition of poverty is expanding to include those who would be defined as "filthy rich" during previous generations.

Today, poverty in America is a choice, more than ever. GAO did a study just a few years back that created a pretty clear picture of what so-called "poverty" in America consisted of, and it put American "poor" in the top 2% of standard of living in the freaking world.

What has changed, besides the definition of "poor" is the poverty of spirit created by a couple generations raised by indifferent parents, or no parents at all.

I've been below the mythical poverty line for the great majority of my life, and can attest that outlook has more to do with poverty than income.

I interact with the homeless almost nightly, and I can tell you the number has grown significantly. And we're headed towards a two classes system similar to places such as India.

The reason our poor live well, is because we have an infrastructure that those countries don't have, and a family in the south earning under $10k is extremely poor, GDP they might not be comparable to say some one living in Somalia, but cost of living is also significantly higher in this country.

How many people have $1k liquid? How many have even $500? Shit's ****ed up right now. The poor see wealth as having a mortgage and eating at red lobster.

So I stand by my claim that the poor class is growing faster than the middle & upper classes.

10-19-10, 01:31
My biggest beef with 20-something males today, is the shitstains who do not understand how to treat females like ladies, regardless of how they view themselves.

We are not just animals. We can rise above our base instincts.

If I hear another young male animal gripe about how women get special treatment, I swear I will beat that worthless ****er to death. I am getting tired of 8 year old little boys in adult bodies...

This is my major problem with them as well. As far as the rest of it, if they wanna be effeminate, thats their business, just as its my business when I tell them they are a buncha whiney pussies when they start crying about shit around me.

10-19-10, 02:40
I interact with the homeless almost nightly, and I can tell you the number has grown significantly. And we're headed towards a two classes system similar to places such as India.

Oh, bullshit. The homeless are, by and large, the result of the idiotic concept that the mentally deficient can care for themselves without proper institutional supervision. A simple sweeping them in to institutions would separate the actual homeless from the voluntary homeless.

The reason our poor live well, is because we have an infrastructure that those countries don't have, and a family in the south earning under $10k is extremely poor, GDP they might not be comparable to say some one living in Somalia, but cost of living is also significantly higher in this country.

It takes incredibly unbelievable sloth to limit yourself to $10k/year. And, frankly, your mythical 10k a year family actually nets 30+k once you add in all the assistance they receive from gov't and non-gov't sources.

How many people have $1k liquid? How many have even $500? Shit's ****ed up right now. The poor see wealth as having a mortgage and eating at red lobster.

This is the result of being an idiot, and making stupid choices, by and large. Show me someone who can do math and works hard (which is a growing minority) and I'll show you a rich person.

I know families that NET six figures who do not have $1k liquid.

I raised a family of four on 30 hours a week delivering pizza, and you know what? My so-called "poor" customers DID eat at Red Lobster. in fact, they ate restaurant food, had the latest consumer electronics, had premium cable and did drugs.

Tell you what. **** the poor. And **** the stupid psychophants who enable their bullshit.

So I stand by my claim that the poor class is growing faster than the middle & upper classes.

As an American, I don't believe in Communism and the "class system".

BTW, even when I was a part-time delivery driver raising my family, I put 10% of my income away for the "worthy poor". Those are folks who really cannot feed, clothe and house themselves.

The 90%+ of "criminal poor" in America need some good old fashioned threat of starvation, imo. They certainly don't need any more taxpayer money.

10-19-10, 02:44
My biggest beef with 20-something males today, is the shitstains who do not understand how to treat females like ladies, regardless of how they view themselves.

We are not just animals. We can rise above our base instincts.

If I hear another young male animal gripe about how women get special treatment, I swear I will beat that worthless ****er to death. I am getting tired of 8 year old little boys in adult bodies...

Special treatment like in divorces and crap? :p

Seriously that would have to depend on the chick. I ain't gonna be all nice to someone like the Octo-mom or some outspoken crazytard on campus. I have learned that sometimes kindness/too much respect is seen as a weakness to some people.

Women are people too. And a lot of people suck.

I went into this thread ready to poke fun at Will, but I guess some of the stuff is true. Anyone can complain and ridicule but who has answers? I'm not talking about 120mm's solution of fornicating with the poor...

I blame it partially on the increasing over-reliance on technology and conveniences. Makes us softer physically and mentally too. What happens when you can get pretty much anything you want and quick? If character and determination, self confidence, etc.. are shaped by enduring difficulty and challenges, then I don't think future generations will get any better as a whole. People need physical and mental challenges/stimulation to stay in balance IMO.

10-19-10, 02:49
Part of the problem is that women don't demand a higher standard from men.

10-19-10, 10:10
Special treatment like in divorces and crap? :p

Seriously that would have to depend on the chick. I ain't gonna be all nice to someone like the Octo-mom or some outspoken crazytard on campus. I have learned that sometimes kindness/too much respect is seen as a weakness to some people.

Women are people too. And a lot of people suck.

No such thing as a conditional gentleman. I don't know what an Octo-mom is, but I'd hold the door for her and call her "ma'am" I am sure.

Men, on the other hand need to earn respect, imo. Way too many demand it without having done anything to deserve it.

10-19-10, 11:01
No worries Will, I stopped identifying with most young people when it became apparent that male skinny jeans were fashionable.

Holy shit, I want to punch every boy (they aren't men) that wears those things.

Skinny jeans are for women, and a select group of women. The rest of the population doesn't need to be seen in them, and if you have testicles, you should never wear skin tight clothing. Period. (Unless you're like a SEAL or something and it's part of your loadout)

10-19-10, 15:23
Deleted, don't need to get in to another online argument :P

10-19-10, 16:52
My biggest beef with 20-something males today, is the shitstains who do not understand how to treat females like ladies, regardless of how they view themselves.

We are not just animals. We can rise above our base instincts.

Wow, this would be the least of my concerns. What is it with your overbearing desire to be loved and respected by all women? Give it a break already. :rolleyes:

Seriously, personally I know 3 soulless, self absorbed vixens for every one male equivalent. They aren't all God's gift.

As far as Will's friend, I saw nothing whatsoever wrong with her attire. She was dressed respectably for the part. It is a gym, for Pete's sake.

10-19-10, 17:16
Deleted; it's not even worth it...

10-19-10, 18:42
Are we talking about metro-sexuals or twenty somethings???

I'm in my 30's and I see guys in their 40's and 50's wearing shit I wouldn't dare be caught dead in, i.e. Affliction, Ed Hardy, Tap Out. . .

Don't even get me started on their choice of denim. . .http://www.websmileys.com/sm/love/409.gif

Army Chief
10-19-10, 18:46
I don't particularly care what position you take on Carmen/her body, effeminate young men, the poor in this country or troublesome women, but I am interested in civility.

Props for the self-policing on this one, boys.


10-19-10, 20:18
Seriously, personally I know 3 soulless, self absorbed vixens for every one male equivalent. They aren't all God's gift.

It's the male nature to be soulless and self absorbed. I think your perspective is extremely skewed on this. I bet if you looked at it objectively, it would be closer to 3:1 in the other direction. The male sense of entitlement is huge.

Having said that, you miss my point. It's not what the other guy does, it's what you do that counts.

10-19-10, 21:05
It's the male nature to be soulless and self absorbed. I think your perspective is extremely skewed on this. I bet if you looked at it objectively, it would be closer to 3:1 in the other direction. The male sense of entitlement is huge.

Tell you what, we can meet halfway on this. There ratio is more like 2:1, with the women being the prior. :)

But I don't really think the soft-shoe man who is the subject of the video is truly indicative of the young male population as a whole anyhow. There are too many of them, but they aren't the majority just yet.

10-20-10, 00:53
It's the male nature to be soulless and self absorbed.

Sorry but this just pisses me off and I can't bite my tongue, I'm pretty sure it's not in my nature to be soulless nor self absorbed.

If your statement above reflects you that's fine. But don't lump the whole lot of us in there as being cavemen who only know how to rape and pillage by nature.

I'm pissed off by simply being born male that some how I'm just a big ol prick who needs to be domesticated, as if I'll run into a house and piss on the carpet.

What facts do you have to show that men are such assholes by nature? I can look through history and some of the greatest, and worst have been men. So I'm willing to bet a man can be good or bad as equally as a woman. Nothing differentiates a lesser evil between the sexes.

My rant is all over the place... because I'm a disgruntled man.